We are thrilled to announce that the TAPAS project has received funding to begin development of the TAPAS Classroom, an initiative to support teaching and learning the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) using TAPAS. This exciting next phase of development has been made possible in part by a major grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities: Exploring the human endeavor (www.neh.gov) and also through the continued support of the TEI-C (http://www.tei-c.org/) and the Northeastern University Library's Digital Scholarship Group (DSG) (http://dsg.neu.edu/).
The TAPAS Classroom will extend our current project infrastructure to include features and services that will allow TAPAS users to
- Store and share teaching materials (syllabi, schemas, stylesheets, assignments, and hotsheets)
- Manage and participate in collaborative learning in both workshop and classroom contexts
- View, annotate, and evaluate student encoding in a sandbox environment
and much more!
Stay tuned for more details on the added features of the TAPAS Classroom, our development plan, and how to get involved.