Letter from Dinah Mulock Craik to Frederic Chapman, 24 March 1857.

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                <title>Letter from <persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#DMC">Dinah Mulock
                        Craik</persName> to <persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#ChapmanFrederic"
                        >Frederic Chapman</persName>, <date when="1857-03-24" precision="medium">24
                        March 1857.</date>
                <author ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#DMC">Dinah Mulock Craik</author>
                <editor ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#BourrierKaren">Karen Bourrier</editor>
                    <orgName>Dinah Mulock Craik: A Digital Archive</orgName>
                <sponsor>University of Calgary</sponsor>
                <principal>Karen Bourrier</principal>
                    <resp>Transcription <date when="2017-04-13">13 April 2017</date> by</resp>
                    <persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#AndersonHannah">Hannah Anderson</persName>
                    <resp>Proofing of transcription <date when="2017-04-19">19 April 2017</date>
                    <persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#FukushimaKailey">Kailey Fukushima</persName>
                    <resp>TEI encoding <date when="2017-04-13">13 April 2017</date> by</resp>
                    <persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#AndersonHannah">Hannah Anderson</persName>
                    <resp>Proofing of TEI encoding <date when="2017-04-19">19 April 2017</date>
                    <persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#FukushimaKailey">Kailey Fukushima</persName>
                <edition> First digital edition in TEI, date: <date when="2017-06">June 2017.</date>
                    P5. </edition>
                <authority>Dinah Mulock Craik: A Digital Archive</authority>
                <pubPlace>Calgary, Alberta, Canada</pubPlace>
                    <p>Reproduced by courtesy of the <placeName>University of California at Los
                    <licence>Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0
                        Unported License</licence>
                <title>Dinah Mulock Craik: A Digital Archive</title>
                        <institution>University of California at Los Angeles</institution>
                        <repository>Charles E. Young Research Library</repository>
                        <collection>Mulock Family Papers</collection>
                    <head>Letter from <persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#DMC">Dinah Mulock
                            Craik</persName> to <persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#ChapmanFrederic"
                            >Frederic Chapman</persName>, <date when="1857-03-24" precision="medium"
                            >24 March 1857.</date>
                            <note>Box 2, Folder 13</note>
                <p> Our aim in this edition has been to transcribe the content of the letters as
                    accurately as possible without reproducing the physical appearance of the
                    manuscript. Craik’s spelling, punctuation, underlining, superscripts,
                    abbreviations, additions and deletions are retained, except for words which are
                    hyphenated at the end of a line, which we have silently emended. Where Craik
                    uses a non-standard spelling, we have encoded both her spelling and the standard
                    Oxford English Dictionary spelling to facilitate searching. The long s is not
                    encoded. </p>
            <div type="letter">
                    <salute>Dear Sir,</salute>
                <p>I have just found in my desk the enclosed chapter – belonging to <choice>
                    </choice> 2<hi rend="superscript">nd</hi> – It must have been accidentally
                    omitted when I made up the parcel. Will you kindly replace it in the <choice>
                    </choice> of <title ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#Olive">"Olive"</title> – I know you
                    will oblige me with an answer concerning the novel – as soon as you can. – &amp;
                    I rest</p>
                <closer>Very truly yours <lb/><signed>
                        <persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#DMC">DMMulock</persName>
                <dateline><date when="--03-24">Tuesday March 24<hi rend="superscript">th</hi></date>
                    – <anchor xml:id="n1"/></dateline>
                    <p>I did not ask to see you the day I called with the <choice>
                        </choice> – <del rend="squiggles">before</del> I was in haste – &amp;
                        besides having said all I needed to say in the note – I thought it a pity to
                        encroach on your time further – </p>
            <div type="notes">
                <note target="n1" resp="CraikSiteIndex.xml#FukushimaKailey"><persName
                        ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#DMC">Dinah Craik</persName>'s second novel, <title
                        corresp="CraikSiteIndex.xml#Olive">Olive</title>, was published by <orgName
                        ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#ChapmanHall">Chapman &amp; Hall</orgName> in <date
                        when="1850">1850.</date> In proximate years, <date when="--03-24">March
                        24th</date> only falls on a <date>Tuesday</date> in <date when="1846"
                        >1846</date> and <date when="1857">1857.</date>
                    <persName ref="CraikSiteIndex.xml#DMC">Craik</persName>'s extant letters do not
                    suggest that she had written and sent out a manuscript of <title
                        corresp="CraikSiteIndex.xml#Olive">Olive</title> four years before it was
                    published. Thus, it seems most likely that she is referring to the Revised Cheap
                    edition of <title corresp="CraikSiteIndex.xml#Olive">Olive</title>, published
                    seven years after the original in <date when="1857">1857.</date> "Novels by the
                    Author of 'John Halifax, Gentleman,'" North British Review, vol. 29 (1858): 466.
                    <!--Google Books--><lb/>
Letter from Dinah Mulock Craik to Frederic Chapman, 24 March 1857. Dinah Mulock Craik Karen Bourrier Dinah Mulock Craik: A Digital Archive University of Calgary Karen Bourrier Transcription 13 April 2017 by Hannah Anderson Proofing of transcription 19 April 2017 by Kailey Fukushima TEI encoding 13 April 2017 by Hannah Anderson Proofing of TEI encoding 19 April 2017 by Kailey Fukushima First digital edition in TEI, date: June 2017. P5. Dinah Mulock Craik: A Digital Archive Calgary, Alberta, Canada 2017

Reproduced by courtesy of the University of California at Los Angeles.

Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
Dinah Mulock Craik: A Digital Archive University of California at Los Angeles Charles E. Young Research Library Mulock Family Papers 846 Letter from Dinah Mulock Craik to Frederic Chapman, 24 March 1857. Box 2, Folder 13

Our aim in this edition has been to transcribe the content of the letters as accurately as possible without reproducing the physical appearance of the manuscript. Craik’s spelling, punctuation, underlining, superscripts, abbreviations, additions and deletions are retained, except for words which are hyphenated at the end of a line, which we have silently emended. Where Craik uses a non-standard spelling, we have encoded both her spelling and the standard Oxford English Dictionary spelling to facilitate searching. The long s is not encoded.

Dear Sir,

I have just found in my desk the enclosed chapter – belonging to Vol. Volume 2nd – It must have been accidentally omitted when I made up the parcel. Will you kindly replace it in the M.S. manuscript of "Olive" – I know you will oblige me with an answer concerning the novel – as soon as you can. – & I rest

Very truly yours DMMulock Tuesday March 24th

I did not ask to see you the day I called with the M.S. manuscript before I was in haste – & besides having said all I needed to say in the note – I thought it a pity to encroach on your time further –

1 Dinah Craik's second novel, Olive, was published by Chapman & Hall in 1850. In proximate years, March 24th only falls on a Tuesday in 1846 and 1857. Craik's extant letters do not suggest that she had written and sent out a manuscript of Olive four years before it was published. Thus, it seems most likely that she is referring to the Revised Cheap edition of Olive, published seven years after the original in 1857. "Novels by the Author of 'John Halifax, Gentleman,'" North British Review, vol. 29 (1858): 466.



Letter from Dinah Mulock Craik to Frederic Chapman, 24 March 1857. Dinah Mulock Craik Karen Bourrier Dinah Mulock Craik: A Digital Archive University of Calgary Karen Bourrier Transcription 13 April 2017 by Hannah Anderson Proofing of transcription 19 April 2017 by Kailey Fukushima TEI encoding 13 April 2017 by Hannah Anderson Proofing of TEI encoding 19 April 2017 by Kailey Fukushima First digital edition in TEI, date: June 2017. P5. Dinah Mulock Craik: A Digital Archive Calgary, Alberta, Canada 2017

Reproduced by courtesy of the University of California at Los Angeles.

Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
Dinah Mulock Craik: A Digital Archive University of California at Los Angeles Charles E. Young Research Library Mulock Family Papers 846 Letter from Dinah Mulock Craik to Frederic Chapman, 24 March 1857. Box 2, Folder 13

Our aim in this edition has been to transcribe the content of the letters as accurately as possible without reproducing the physical appearance of the manuscript. Craik’s spelling, punctuation, underlining, superscripts, abbreviations, additions and deletions are retained, except for words which are hyphenated at the end of a line, which we have silently emended. Where Craik uses a non-standard spelling, we have encoded both her spelling and the standard Oxford English Dictionary spelling to facilitate searching. The long s is not encoded.

Dear Sir,

I have just found in my desk the enclosed chapter – belonging to Vol. Volume 2nd – It must have been accidentally omitted when I made up the parcel. Will you kindly replace it in the M.S. manuscript of "Olive" – I know you will oblige me with an answer concerning the novel – as soon as you can. – & I rest

Very truly yours DMMulock Tuesday March 24th

I did not ask to see you the day I called with the M.S. manuscript before I was in haste – & besides having said all I needed to say in the note – I thought it a pity to encroach on your time further –

Dinah Craik's second novel, Olive, was published by Chapman & Hall in 1850. In proximate years, March 24th only falls on a Tuesday in 1846 and 1857. Craik's extant letters do not suggest that she had written and sent out a manuscript of Olive four years before it was published. Thus, it seems most likely that she is referring to the Revised Cheap edition of Olive, published seven years after the original in 1857. "Novels by the Author of 'John Halifax, Gentleman,'" North British Review, vol. 29 (1858): 466.