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<TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0" xml:id="Marlowe_Ovid_Elegy_1_Hawkes">
Caroline Hawkes
Marlowe's Ovid, Elegy
Used A and B text
<author><persName type="hist"><forename><surname/></forename></persName></author>
<p>Printed by <persName type="hist"><forename/>
<surname/></persName>Publication Information</p>
<p>Information about the source
<!-- Working from Huntington Library (microfilm) copy available via EEBO and Boston Public Library --><idno>STC
<p>TEI P5</p>
<change who="BENN"/>
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<hi style="text-align: center; font-style: italic;">
<foreign xml:lang="la">
ELEGIA. 2. <!-- Translation: ELEGY. 2. --> <lb/>
Quod primo amore correptus, in triumphum duct <!--Translation: That, seized at first love, leads to triumph--> <lb/>
ſe a cupidine patiatur. <!-- Translation: He suffers from lust. --> <lb/>
<div type="section">
VVHat makes my bed ſeeme hard ſeeing it is ſoft? <lb/>
Or why ſlips downe the couerlet ſo oft? <lb/>
Although the nights be long, I ſleepe not tho, <lb/>
My ſides are ſore with tumbling to and fro. <lb/>
Were loue that cauſe, it's like I ſhould deſcry him, <lb/>
Or lyes he cloſe, and ſhootes where none can ſpie him. <lb/>
Twas ſo, he ſtroke me with a ſlender darr, <!-- dart in version b --> <lb/>
Tis cruell loue turmoyles my captiue heart. <lb/>
Yeelding or ſtrugling do we giue him might, <lb/>
Let's yeeld, a burthen eaſly borne is light.<lb/>
I ſaw a brandisſht fire increaſe in ſtrength,<lb/>
Which being not ſlackt, I ſaw it dye at length.<lb/>
Young Oxen newly yoakt are beaten more,<lb/>
Then Oxen which haue drawne the plough before.<lb/>
And rough Iades mouthes with ſtuborne bits are torne,<lb/>
But managde horſes heads are lightly borne.<lb/>
Vnwilling louers, loue doth more torment,<lb/>
<fw type="signature"><supplied reason="omitted-in-original">A 2v</supplied></fw><!-- Partially A Second Version Translation, * indicates this -->
<fw type="catchword" style="text-align;right;">Then</fw> <lb/>
<fw type="header" style="text-align:center; font-style: italic"><hi style="font-size=150%">OVIDS ELEGIES.</hi></fw>
Then ſuch as in their bondage feele content.<lb/>
Loe I confeſſe, I am thy captiue I,<lb/>
And hold my conquer'd hands for thee to tie. <lb/>
What need'ſt thou warre, I ſue to thee for grace,<lb/>
With armes to conquer armeleſſe men is baſe.<lb/>
Yoake <hi style="font-style:italic">Venus<persName type="lit"></persName></hi> Doues, put Mirtle on thy haire,<lb/>
<hi style="font-style:italic"><persName type="lit">Vulcan</persName></hi> will giue thee chariots rich and faire.<lb/>
Th people thee applauding thou ſhalt ſtand,<lb/>
Guiding the harmeleſſe Pigeons with thy hand.<lb/>
Young men, and women ſhalt thou lead as thrall,<lb/>
So will thy triumph ſeeme magnificall. <lb/>
I lately caught, will haue a new made wound,<lb/>
And captiue like be manacled and bound.<lb/>
Good meaning ſhame, and ſuch as ſeeke loues wracke * <!--Second Version Translation--><lb/>
Shall follow thee their hands tyed at their back.<lb/>
Thee all ſhall feare, and worſhip as a King,<lb/>
<hi style="font-style:italic"><persName type="lit">Io</persName></hi>, triumphing ſhall thy people ſing.<lb/>
Smooth ſpeaches, fear, and rage ſhall by thee ride.<lb/>
Which troupes haue alwayes bene on <hi style="font-style:italic"><persName type="lit">Cupids</persName></hi> ſide:<lb/>
Thou with theſe ſoul ſouldiers * <!-- Second Version Translation -->, conquereſt <persName type="lit">Gods</persName> and men,<lb/>
Take theſe away, where is thine honour then?<lb/>
Thy mother ſhall from heauen applaude this ſhow,<lb/>
And on their faces heapes of Roſes ſtrow.<lb/>
With beautie of thy wings thy faire haire guilded,<lb/>
Ride golden loue in chariots richly builded.<lb/>
Vnleſſe I erre, full many ſhalt thou burne,<lb/>
And giue wounds infinite at euery turne.<lb/>
In ſpite of thee forth will thine arrows flye, <lb/>
A ſcortching flame burnes all the ſtanders by.<lb/>
So hauing conquer'd <hi style="font-style:italic"><persName type="lit">Iude</persName></hi> was <hi style="font-style:italic"><persName type="lit">Bacchus</persName></hi> hew,<lb/>
The pompous Birds, and him two Tygers drew. <lb/>
Then ſeeing I grace thy ſhow in following thee,<lb/>
<fw type="signature">A 3<supplied reason="omitted-in-original">r</supplied></fw>
<fw type="catchword" style="text-align;right;">For</fw> <lb/>
<fw type="header" style="text-align:center; font-style: italic"><hi style="font-size=150%">OVIDS ELEGIES.</hi></fw>
Forbeare to hurt thy ſelfe in ſpoyling me.<lb/>
Behold thy kinſ-mans <hi style="font-style:italic"><persName type="lit">Caeſars</persName></hi> proſperous bands,<lb/>
Who guards thee conquered, with his conquering hands.<lb/>