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Caroline Hawkes
Marlowe's Ovid, Elegy 4
Used A and B text
<author><persName type="hist"><forename><surname/></forename></persName></author>
<p>Printed by <persName type="hist"><forename/>
<surname/></persName>Publication Information</p>
<p>Information about the source
<!-- Working from Huntington Library (microfilm) copy available via EEBO and Boston Public Library --><idno>STC
<p>TEI P5</p>
<change who="BENN"/>
<titlePart type="main">
<fw type="header" style="text-align:center; font-style: italic"><hi style="font-size=150%">OVIDS ELEGIES.</hi></fw>
<hi style="text-align: center; font-style: italic;">
ELEGIA. 4. <!-- Translation: Elegy 4--> <lb/>
Amicam, qua arte, quibuſue nutibus in cans preſente <!-- Translation: I am a friend, with what art, with every nod to the present dog--> <lb/>
viro vts debeat, admonet. <!-- Translation: it is due to the husband, he warns. --> <lb/>
<div type="section">
THy husband to a banquet goes with me, <lb/>
Pray God it may his lateſt ſupper be. <lb/>
Shall I ſit gazing as a baſhfull gueſt,<lb/>
While others touch the damſel I loue beſt?<lb/>
With lying, vnder him his boſome clippe?<lb/>
About thy neck ſhall he at pleaſure skippe?<lb/>
Marueile not, though the faire Bride did incite, <lb/>
The drunken <hi style="font-style:italic">Centaures</hi> to a ſodaine fight. <lb/>
I am no halfe horſe, hor in woods I dwell, <lb/>
Yet ſcarſe my hands from thee contain: I well.<lb/>
But how thou ſhould'ſt behaue thy ſelſe now know<lb/>
Nor let the windes a way my warnings blow.<lb/>
Before thy husband come, though I not ſee,<lb/>
What may be done, vet there before him * <!-- Second Version Translation --> be.<lb/>
Lye with him gently, when his limbes * <!-- Second Version Translation --> he ſpread, <lb/>
Vpon the bed, but on my feete firſt tread. <lb/>
View me, my becks, and ſpeaking couatenance, * <!-- Second Version Translation --><lb/>
Take, and receiue each ſecret amorous glaunce. * <!-- Second Version Translation --><lb/>
Words without voyce ſhall on my eye-browes ſit,<lb/>
Lines thou ſhalt read in wyne by my hand writ.<lb/>
When our laſciuious toyes come in * <!-- Second Version Translation --> thy minde,<lb/>
Thy Roſie checks * <!-- Second Version Translation --> be to thy thombe inc<hi style="font-style:italic">linde.</hi><lb/>
If ought of me thou ſpeak'it in inward thought,<lb/>
Let thy ſoft finger to thy eare be brought.<lb/>
When I (my light) do or ſay ought that pleaſe thee. <lb/>
Turne round thy gold-ring, as it were to eaſe thee. <lb/>
Strike on the boord * <!-- Second Version Translation, not clear --> like them that pray for euill,<lb/>
When thou doeſt wiſh thy husband as the deuil.<lb/>
<fw type="signature">A 4<supplied reason="omitted-in-original">r</supplied></fw>
<fw type="catchword" style="text-align;right;">What</fw> <lb/>
<fw type="header" style="text-align:center; font-style: italic"><hi style="font-size=150%">OVIDS ELEGIES.</hi></fw>
What wine he fills thee, wiſely will him drinke,<lb/>
Aske thou the boy, what thou enough doeſt thinke.<lb/>
When thou haſt taſted, I will take the cup,<lb/>
And where thou drink'ſt, on that part I will ſup.<lb/>
If he giues thee what firſt himſelſe did taſt,<lb/>
If he giues thee what firſt himſelſe did taſt,<lb/>
Euen in his face his offered Goblets caſt.<lb/>
Let not thy neck by his vile armes be preſt,<lb/>
Nor leaue thy ſoſt head on his boiſtrous breſt.<lb/>
Thy boſomes Roſeat buds let him not finger,<lb/>
Chiefely on thy lips let not his lips linger. <lb/>
If thou giueſt kiſſes, I ſhall all diſcloſe,<lb/>
Say they are mine, and hands on thee impoſe.<lb/>
Yet this I'le ſee, but if thy gowne ought couer,<lb/>
Suſpitious feare in all my veines will houer.<lb/>
Mingle not thighes, nor to his legge ioyne thine,<lb/>
Nor thy ſoſte foote with his hard foote combine.<lb/>
I haue beene wanton, therefore am perplext,<lb/>
And with miſtruſt of the like meaſure vext.<lb/>
I and my wench oft vnder clothers did lurke,<lb/>
When pleaſure mou'd vs to our ſweeteſt worke.<lb/>
Do not thou ſo, but throw thy mantle hence,<lb/>
Leaſt I ſhould thinke thee guilty of offence.<lb/>
Entreat thy husband drinke, but do not kiſſe,<lb/>
And while he drinks, to adde more do not miſſe,<lb/>
If he lyes downe with wine and ſleepe opreſt,<lb/>
The thing and place ſhall counſell vs the reſt.<lb/>
When to goe home wards we riſe all along,<lb/>
Haue care to walke in middle of the throng.<lb/>
There will I finde thee or be found by thee,<lb/>
There touch what euer thou canſt touch of me.<lb/>
Aye me I warne what profits ſome few howers,<lb/>
But we muſt part, when heau'n with black night lowers <lb/>
<fw type="signature"><supplied reason="omitted-in-original">A 4v</supplied></fw>
<fw type="catchword" style="text-align;right;">At</fw> <lb/>
<fw type="header" style="text-align:center; font-style: italic"><hi style="font-size=150%">OVIDS ELEGIES.</hi></fw>
At night thy husband clippes, I will weepe<lb/>
And to the dores ſight of thy ſelſe keepe,<lb/>
Then will he kiſſe thee, and not onely kiſſe,<lb/>
But force thee giue him my ſtolne honey bliſſe.<lb/>
Conſtrain'd againſt thy will giue it the pezants<lb/>
Forebeare ſweet wordes, and be your ſport vnpleaſant.<lb/>
To him I pray it no delight may bring,<lb/>
Or if it do to thee no ioy thence ſpring.<lb/>
But though this night thy fortune be to trie it,<lb/>
To me to morrow conſtantly deny it.