Vertical Tabs Reader Choose Stylesheet TAPAS GenericTEI BoilerplateXML ViewToggle Soft WrapToggle Invisibles<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?xml-model href="" type="application/xml" schematypens=""?> <?xml-model href="" type="application/xml" schematypens=""?> <TEI xmlns="" xml:id="L095-tok"> <teiHeader> <fileDesc> <titleStmt> <title xml:lang="mix"><seg xml:id="L095-00-01"><c>¿</c><seg xml:id="L095-00-01-01">Nchii</seg> <seg xml:id="L095-00-01-02">inkaa</seg> <seg xml:id="L095-00-01-03">vilu</seg><c>?</c></seg></title> <title xml:lang="esp"><seg xml:id="L095-00-02"><c>¿</c><seg xml:id="L095-00-02-01">Dondé</seg> <seg xml:id="L095-00-02-02">está</seg> <seg xml:id="L095-00-03">el</seg><seg xml:id="L095-00-04">gato</seg><c>?</c></seg></title> <editor>Gisela Beckmann</editor> <editor>María M. Nieves</editor> <respStmt> <resp>TEI Encoding</resp> <name>Jack T. Bowers</name> </respStmt> </titleStmt> <publicationStmt><p> This is an XML-TEI markup of the original publications by SIL Mexico for the purposes of: archival and for the creation of a body of Mixtepec-Mixtec language resources (LR) (ISO: mix). Encoded documents used with the permission of original authors.</p></publicationStmt> <sourceDesc> <bibl xml:id="bibl.L095"><title>¿Nchii inkaa vilu ka?</title> <editor>Beckmann, Gisela</editor>; <editor>Nieves, María M.</editor>. <date>2007</date>. <edition>(2nd ed.)</edition>. <publisher>Instituto Lingüístico de Verano, A.C.</publisher> <pubPlace>Tlalpan, D.F., México</pubPlace> Obtained from: <ptr target=""/></bibl> </sourceDesc> </fileDesc> <profileDesc> <textDesc> <channel mode="m">the excersizes in document can be used in multiple ways (eg. "m" (mixed)); i) The question prompt can be done in multiple ways: a) by someone speaking the question while pointing to the given img; b) a single user can read the question and look at the img themselves; ii) The answer can be given by: a) speaking it orally to another speaker such as a classmate or instructor; b) writing it in the spavce privided under the image and question; </channel> <constitution type="single"/> <derivation type="original">this document is labeled "original" because the XML-TEI markup of it's contents have not made any alterations to the original content;</derivation> <domain type="spatial_configuration">Spatial Configuration</domain><!-- add 'cat'? --> <factuality type="inapplicable"/> <interaction type="partial">@"<att>type</att>": "<val>partial</val>" means that while the document is interactive in that while learners will interact with content by responding to the question (¿Nchii inkaa vilu? ; eng: 'where is the cat?') that could be spoken aloud by someone else or read by user; the questions and answers are always going to be the same, thus the range of possible inter-activity will be limited by this fact; </interaction> <preparedness type="scripted">All questions and answers in document are always going to be the same and in the same order, thus 'scripted'</preparedness> <purpose type="inform"/> </textDesc> </profileDesc> <encodingDesc> <p> <list> <item><label>segment</label> <elementSpec ident="seg"> <desc>In this document (and in all others in the SIL collection) the 'seg' element is used to encapsulate: <list> <item>i) the entire sentences from original document (first level);</item> <item>ii) the individual lexical items contained within the sentences (second level);</item> </list> However in this document, and others that have space designated as lines onto which the user/student is to write the answer to a question, the 'seg' element is also being used with the attribute: <att>type</att> with the value: <val>blank</val> for such lines: e.g.. "________". This is a makeshift format that will be changed in future versions of this and other such documents; </desc> </elementSpec> </item> <item><label>character</label> <elementSpec ident="c"> <desc>Within the sentence level "seg" (segment) elements all punctuation characters (".", ";", ":", "¿", "?", "!", etc.) are encapsulated in the "c" (character) element; In future stages of the project, each of these punctuation characters will be formally linked with the linguistic categories with which it is associated:<eg> a sentence that begins with: "¿" (and ends with: "?") can be immediately recognized as sentence type "question/interrogative";</eg> </desc> </elementSpec> </item> <item><label>division</label> <elementSpec ident="div"> <desc>Where the page divisions in the original documents are, this encoding uses "div" (division) elements; this is to separate the linguistic, and knowledge data from formatting</desc> </elementSpec> </item> </list> </p> <projectDesc> <p> This portion of the lexicography project deals with the only known body of literature in Mixtepec-Mixtec language which is comprised of series of 34* orthographic children's texts published by SIL Mexico (Summer Institute of Linguistics). The target audience of these documents is primarily young MIX speakers and are designed for use as classroom handouts and/or lessons for primary/elementary school-level. The topical content of these publications contain both culturally specific, and non-culturally specific subject matter supplemented by illustrations. Topics covered in these documents include: vocabulary, mathematics, telling time, geography, seasons, weather, local agricultural practices, fables, local Mixtec legends amongst others. These publications make up the second most important collection in this project and they remain the only source of reference for examples of how the working orthography of the Mixtec language is applied to the Mixtepec variety. The encoding of this portion of the MIX Language resources can be divided into the following components: <list> <item>i) TEI-XML markup of documents that supports reuse and extension within this project and/or for other interested parties;</item> <item>ii) Annotation and glossing of lexical information and structures in documents; tasks include; <list> <item>glossing of orthographical lexical items;</item> <item>assignment of lexical properties to sentences, phrases and lexical items (morpho-/syntactic; pragmatic; semantic etc.);</item> <item>linking corresponding bilingual items (Spanish-Mixtec) within each document;</item> <item>entry of analyzed, glossed and categorized lexical information into TEI-Dictionary;</item> <item>link orthographical forms of lexical items with phonetic transcriptions of spoken forms;</item></list></item> <item>iii) Classification of Document Types and Ontology Linking; <list> <item>replace current SIL document classification model<ref target="#tax.sil-mix"/> with established and expansible document system which can be used to classify any new document or literature produced in the language in the future;</item> <item>as per the goal of the overall project, the use of language-specific glosses (including 'Interlingua') will be replaced by grounding the semantic profile of each lexical item by referencing ontological entities (from existing ontologies such as DBpedia, SKOS, etc.);</item> </list> </item> </list> </p> <p>Ideas for potential future use of encoded resource in the interest of the Mixtepec-Mixtec language community: Potential applications of the contents document for speakers and/or potential learners of the material covered herein and/or the Mixtepec-Mixtec language, This, along with the other documents in this corpus of the category "pedigogical: interactive" can fairly easily be converted into interactive software applications in which the correct answers are supplied and the user has to provide the correct content. Of the original language content, the: images and questions supplied in original publications the forms/worksheets could be made into a program that can automatically bring up a question from the pedigocical - interactive documents (in any order) and the user can supply the answer by typing the appropriate answer the same way they would write it in. However since L095 doesn't have the complete answer supplied for any of the 12 questions, in order to make this application we would have to add new language content to that from the published data by including the expected answers. This could be done in a number of ways, including in accordance with the suggestions of the original authors, consultants, and/or according to one or more other native speakers (such as those who have participated in project begun at SJSU in the US). In such a scenario, any products produced through the pursuite of these proposed ideas would be make freely available to the community and not be for any finantial gain on the part of those who may work on it; Expanding upon the original questions/contents could create a much larger, and dynamic version of the application; This could include any one or all of the following components: i) an expanded variety of images relative configurations between what Langacker (1978) calls the 'trajector' (tr) (eg. the cat), and the 'landmark' (lm) (eg. the neigboring object(s)), ii) we could create and integrate recordings of the question prompt spoken by a native speaker.. iii) (contingent upon the expansion of the img inventory), we could also expand upon the vocabulary utilized in excercise by using more than just "vilu" (eng "cat") as the stimulus; This would be a good way to integrate, and re-enforce the use other vocabulary items contained in the set of publications (and/or other sources). Were funding to be secured, such an application could be made for desktop/laptop computers, mobile and/or tablet devices for local schools to make use of; </p> </projectDesc> <classDecl> <taxonomy xml:id="tax.sil-mix"> <category xml:id="pedagogical"> <catDesc>PEDAGOGICAL</catDesc> <category xml:id="pedagogical-inter"> <catDesc>PEDAGOGICAL:INTERACTIVE</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="pedagogical-ref"> <catDesc>PEDAGOGICAL:REFERENCE</catDesc> </category> </category> <category xml:id="fiction"> <catDesc>FICTION</catDesc> <category xml:id="fiction-fantasy"> <catDesc>FICTION:FANTASY</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="fiction-realistic"> <catDesc>FICTION:REALISTIC</catDesc> </category> </category> <category xml:id="folklore"> <catDesc>FOLKLORE</catDesc> </category> </taxonomy> </classDecl> </encodingDesc> </teiHeader> <text xml:lang="mix" decls="#pedigogical-inter"> <body> <div xml:id="L095-01"> <p> <seg xml:id="L095-01-01"><c>¿</c><seg xml:id="L095-01-01-01">Nchii</seg> <seg xml:id="L095-01-01-02">inkaa</seg> <seg xml:id="L095-01-01-03">vilu</seg><c>?</c></seg> <graphic url="L095-01.png"/> <seg xml:id="L095-01-02"><seg xml:id="L095-01-02-01">Vilu</seg> <seg xml:id="L095-01-02-02">inkaa</seg> <seg type="blank" xml:id="L095-01-02-00">_________</seg></seg> </p> </div> <div xml:id="L095-02"> <p> <seg xml:id="L095-02-01"><c>¿</c><seg xml:id="L095-02-01-01">Nchii</seg> <seg xml:id="L095-02-01-02">inkaa</seg> <seg xml:id="L095-02-01-03">vilu</seg><c>?</c></seg> <graphic url="L095-02.png"/> <seg type="blank" xml:id="L095-02-02">_______________________________</seg> </p> </div> <div xml:id="L095-03"> <p> <seg xml:id="L095-03-01"><c>¿</c><seg xml:id="L095-03-01-01">Nchii</seg> <seg xml:id="L095-03-01-02">inkaa</seg> <seg xml:id="L095-03-01-03">vilu</seg><c>?</c></seg> <graphic url="L095-03.png"/> <seg type="blank" xml:id="L095-03-02">_______________________________</seg> </p> </div> <div xml:id="L095-04"> <p> <seg xml:id="L095-04-01"><c>¿</c><seg xml:id="L095-04-01-01">Nchii</seg> <seg xml:id="L095-04-01-02">inkaa</seg> <seg xml:id="L095-04-01-03">vilu</seg><c>?</c></seg> <graphic url="L095-04.png"/> <seg type="blank" xml:id="L095-04-02">_______________________________</seg> </p> </div> <div xml:id="L095-05"> <p> <seg xml:id="L095-05-01"><c>¿</c><seg xml:id="L095-05-01-01">Nchii</seg> <seg xml:id="L095-05-01-02">inkaa</seg> <seg xml:id="L095-05-01-03">vilu</seg><c>?</c></seg> <graphic url="L095-05.png"/> <seg type="blank" xml:id="L095-05-02">_______________________________</seg> </p> </div> <div xml:id="L095-06"> <p> <seg xml:id="L095-06-01"><c>¿</c><seg xml:id="L095-06-01-01">Nchii</seg> <seg xml:id="L095-06-01-02">inkaa</seg> <seg xml:id="L095-06-01-03">vilu</seg><c>?</c></seg> <graphic url="L095-06.png"/> <seg type="blank" xml:id="L095-06-02">_______________________________</seg> </p> </div> <div xml:id="L095-07"> <p> <seg xml:id="L095-07-01"><c>¿</c><seg xml:id="L095-07-01-01">Nchii</seg> <seg xml:id="L095-07-01-02">inkaa</seg> <seg xml:id="L095-07-01-03">vilu</seg><c>?</c></seg> <graphic url="L095-07.png"/> <seg type="blank" xml:id="L095-07-02">_______________________________</seg> </p> </div> <div xml:id="L095-08"> <p> <seg xml:id="L095-08-01"><c>¿</c><seg xml:id="L095-01-08-01">Nchii</seg> <seg xml:id="L095-01-08-02">inkaa</seg> <seg xml:id="L095-01-08-03">vilu</seg><c>?</c></seg> <graphic url="L095-08.png"/> <seg type="blank" xml:id="L095-08-02">_______________________________</seg> </p> </div> <div xml:id="L095-09"> <p> <seg xml:id="L095-09-01"><c>¿</c><seg xml:id="L095-09-01-0">Nchii</seg> <seg xml:id="L095-09-01-02">inkaa</seg> <seg xml:id="L095-09-01-03">vilu</seg><c>?</c></seg> <graphic url="L095-09.png"/> <seg type="blank" xml:id="L095-09-02">_______________________________</seg> </p> </div> <div xml:id="L095-10"> <p> <seg xml:id="L095-10-01"><c>¿</c><seg xml:id="L095-10-01-01">Nchii</seg> <seg xml:id="L095-10-01-02">inkaa</seg> <seg xml:id="L095-10-01-03">vilu</seg><c>?</c></seg> <graphic url="L095-10.png"/> <seg type="blank" xml:id="L095-10-02">_______________________________</seg> </p> </div> <div xml:id="L095-11"> <p> <seg xml:id="L095-11-01"><c>¿</c><seg xml:id="L095-11-01-01">Nchii</seg> <seg xml:id="L095-11-01-02">inkaa</seg> <seg xml:id="L095-11-01-03">vilu</seg><c>?</c></seg> <graphic url="L095-11.png"/> <seg type="blank" xml:id="L095-11-02">_______________________________</seg> </p> </div> <div xml:id="L095-12"> <p> <seg xml:id="L095-12-01"><c>¿</c><seg xml:id="L095-12-01-01">Nchii</seg> <seg xml:id="L095-12-01-02">inkaa</seg> <seg xml:id="L095-12-01-03">vilu</seg><c>?</c></seg> <graphic url="L095-12.png"/> <seg type="blank" xml:id="L095-12-02">_______________________________</seg> </p> </div> </body> </text> </TEI> Hide page breaks Views diplomatic normalized ¿ Nchii inkaa vilu ? ¿ Dondé está el gato ? Gisela Beckmann María M. Nieves TEI Encoding Jack T. Bowers This is an XML-TEI markup of the original publications by SIL Mexico for the purposes of: archival and for the creation of a body of Mixtepec-Mixtec language resources (LR) (ISO: mix). Encoded documents used with the permission of original authors. ¿Nchii inkaa vilu ka? Beckmann, Gisela; Nieves, María M.. 2007. (2nd ed.). Instituto Lingüístico de Verano, A.C. Tlalpan, D.F., México Obtained from: the excersizes in document can be used in multiple ways (eg. "m" (mixed)); i) The question prompt can be done in multiple ways: a) by someone speaking the question while pointing to the given img; b) a single user can read the question and look at the img themselves; ii) The answer can be given by: a) speaking it orally to another speaker such as a classmate or instructor; b) writing it in the spavce privided under the image and question; this document is labeled "original" because the XML-TEI markup of it's contents have not made any alterations to the original content; Spatial Configuration @"type": "partial" means that while the document is interactive in that while learners will interact with content by responding to the question (¿Nchii inkaa vilu? ; eng: 'where is the cat?') that could be spoken aloud by someone else or read by user; the questions and answers are always going to be the same, thus the range of possible inter-activity will be limited by this fact; All questions and answers in document are always going to be the same and in the same order, thus 'scripted' segment In this document (and in all others in the SIL collection) the 'seg' element is used to encapsulate: i) the entire sentences from original document (first level); ii) the individual lexical items contained within the sentences (second level); However in this document, and others that have space designated as lines onto which the user/student is to write the answer to a question, the 'seg' element is also being used with the attribute: type with the value: blank for such lines: e.g.. "________". This is a makeshift format that will be changed in future versions of this and other such documents; character Within the sentence level "seg" (segment) elements all punctuation characters (".", ";", ":", "¿", "?", "!", etc.) are encapsulated in the "c" (character) element; In future stages of the project, each of these punctuation characters will be formally linked with the linguistic categories with which it is associated: a sentence that begins with: "¿" (and ends with: "?") can be immediately recognized as sentence type "question/interrogative"; division Where the page divisions in the original documents are, this encoding uses "div" (division) elements; this is to separate the linguistic, and knowledge data from formatting This portion of the lexicography project deals with the only known body of literature in Mixtepec-Mixtec language which is comprised of series of 34* orthographic children's texts published by SIL Mexico (Summer Institute of Linguistics). The target audience of these documents is primarily young MIX speakers and are designed for use as classroom handouts and/or lessons for primary/elementary school-level. The topical content of these publications contain both culturally specific, and non-culturally specific subject matter supplemented by illustrations. Topics covered in these documents include: vocabulary, mathematics, telling time, geography, seasons, weather, local agricultural practices, fables, local Mixtec legends amongst others. These publications make up the second most important collection in this project and they remain the only source of reference for examples of how the working orthography of the Mixtec language is applied to the Mixtepec variety. The encoding of this portion of the MIX Language resources can be divided into the following components: i) TEI-XML markup of documents that supports reuse and extension within this project and/or for other interested parties; ii) Annotation and glossing of lexical information and structures in documents; tasks include; glossing of orthographical lexical items; assignment of lexical properties to sentences, phrases and lexical items (morpho-/syntactic; pragmatic; semantic etc.); linking corresponding bilingual items (Spanish-Mixtec) within each document; entry of analyzed, glossed and categorized lexical information into TEI-Dictionary; link orthographical forms of lexical items with phonetic transcriptions of spoken forms; iii) Classification of Document Types and Ontology Linking; replace current SIL document classification model#tax.sil-mix with established and expansible document system which can be used to classify any new document or literature produced in the language in the future; as per the goal of the overall project, the use of language-specific glosses (including 'Interlingua') will be replaced by grounding the semantic profile of each lexical item by referencing ontological entities (from existing ontologies such as DBpedia, SKOS, etc.); Ideas for potential future use of encoded resource in the interest of the Mixtepec-Mixtec language community: Potential applications of the contents document for speakers and/or potential learners of the material covered herein and/or the Mixtepec-Mixtec language, This, along with the other documents in this corpus of the category "pedigogical: interactive" can fairly easily be converted into interactive software applications in which the correct answers are supplied and the user has to provide the correct content. Of the original language content, the: images and questions supplied in original publications the forms/worksheets could be made into a program that can automatically bring up a question from the pedigocical - interactive documents (in any order) and the user can supply the answer by typing the appropriate answer the same way they would write it in. However since L095 doesn't have the complete answer supplied for any of the 12 questions, in order to make this application we would have to add new language content to that from the published data by including the expected answers. This could be done in a number of ways, including in accordance with the suggestions of the original authors, consultants, and/or according to one or more other native speakers (such as those who have participated in project begun at SJSU in the US). In such a scenario, any products produced through the pursuite of these proposed ideas would be make freely available to the community and not be for any finantial gain on the part of those who may work on it; Expanding upon the original questions/contents could create a much larger, and dynamic version of the application; This could include any one or all of the following components: i) an expanded variety of images relative configurations between what Langacker (1978) calls the 'trajector' (tr) (eg. the cat), and the 'landmark' (lm) (eg. the neigboring object(s)), ii) we could create and integrate recordings of the question prompt spoken by a native speaker.. iii) (contingent upon the expansion of the img inventory), we could also expand upon the vocabulary utilized in excercise by using more than just "vilu" (eng "cat") as the stimulus; This would be a good way to integrate, and re-enforce the use other vocabulary items contained in the set of publications (and/or other sources). Were funding to be secured, such an application could be made for desktop/laptop computers, mobile and/or tablet devices for local schools to make use of; PEDAGOGICAL PEDAGOGICAL:INTERACTIVE PEDAGOGICAL:REFERENCE FICTION FICTION:FANTASY FICTION:REALISTIC FOLKLORE ¿ Nchii inkaa vilu ? Vilu inkaa _________ ¿ Nchii inkaa vilu ? _______________________________ ¿ Nchii inkaa vilu ? _______________________________ ¿ Nchii inkaa vilu ? _______________________________ ¿ Nchii inkaa vilu ? _______________________________ ¿ Nchii inkaa vilu ? _______________________________ ¿ Nchii inkaa vilu ? _______________________________ ¿ Nchii inkaa vilu ? _______________________________ ¿ Nchii inkaa vilu ? _______________________________ ¿ Nchii inkaa vilu ? _______________________________ ¿ Nchii inkaa vilu ? _______________________________ ¿ Nchii inkaa vilu ? _______________________________ ToolboxHide page breaks Themes: Default Sleepy Time Terminal ¿ Nchii inkaa vilu ? ¿ Dondé está el gato ? Gisela Beckmann María M. Nieves TEI Encoding Jack T. Bowers This is an XML-TEI markup of the original publications by SIL Mexico for the purposes of: archival and for the creation of a body of Mixtepec-Mixtec language resources (LR) (ISO: mix). Encoded documents used with the permission of original authors. ¿Nchii inkaa vilu ka? Beckmann, Gisela; Nieves, María M.. 2007. (2nd ed.). Instituto Lingüístico de Verano, A.C. Tlalpan, D.F., México Obtained from: the excersizes in document can be used in multiple ways (eg. "m" (mixed)); i) The question prompt can be done in multiple ways: a) by someone speaking the question while pointing to the given img; b) a single user can read the question and look at the img themselves; ii) The answer can be given by: a) speaking it orally to another speaker such as a classmate or instructor; b) writing it in the spavce privided under the image and question; this document is labeled "original" because the XML-TEI markup of it's contents have not made any alterations to the original content; Spatial Configuration @"type": "partial" means that while the document is interactive in that while learners will interact with content by responding to the question (¿Nchii inkaa vilu? ; eng: 'where is the cat?') that could be spoken aloud by someone else or read by user; the questions and answers are always going to be the same, thus the range of possible inter-activity will be limited by this fact; All questions and answers in document are always going to be the same and in the same order, thus 'scripted' segment In this document (and in all others in the SIL collection) the 'seg' element is used to encapsulate: i) the entire sentences from original document (first level); ii) the individual lexical items contained within the sentences (second level); However in this document, and others that have space designated as lines onto which the user/student is to write the answer to a question, the 'seg' element is also being used with the attribute: type with the value: blank for such lines: e.g.. "________". This is a makeshift format that will be changed in future versions of this and other such documents; character Within the sentence level "seg" (segment) elements all punctuation characters (".", ";", ":", "¿", "?", "!", etc.) are encapsulated in the "c" (character) element; In future stages of the project, each of these punctuation characters will be formally linked with the linguistic categories with which it is associated: a sentence that begins with: "¿" (and ends with: "?") can be immediately recognized as sentence type "question/interrogative"; division Where the page divisions in the original documents are, this encoding uses "div" (division) elements; this is to separate the linguistic, and knowledge data from formatting This portion of the lexicography project deals with the only known body of literature in Mixtepec-Mixtec language which is comprised of series of 34* orthographic children's texts published by SIL Mexico (Summer Institute of Linguistics). The target audience of these documents is primarily young MIX speakers and are designed for use as classroom handouts and/or lessons for primary/elementary school-level. The topical content of these publications contain both culturally specific, and non-culturally specific subject matter supplemented by illustrations. Topics covered in these documents include: vocabulary, mathematics, telling time, geography, seasons, weather, local agricultural practices, fables, local Mixtec legends amongst others. These publications make up the second most important collection in this project and they remain the only source of reference for examples of how the working orthography of the Mixtec language is applied to the Mixtepec variety. The encoding of this portion of the MIX Language resources can be divided into the following components: i) TEI-XML markup of documents that supports reuse and extension within this project and/or for other interested parties; ii) Annotation and glossing of lexical information and structures in documents; tasks include; glossing of orthographical lexical items; assignment of lexical properties to sentences, phrases and lexical items (morpho-/syntactic; pragmatic; semantic etc.); linking corresponding bilingual items (Spanish-Mixtec) within each document; entry of analyzed, glossed and categorized lexical information into TEI-Dictionary; link orthographical forms of lexical items with phonetic transcriptions of spoken forms; iii) Classification of Document Types and Ontology Linking; replace current SIL document classification model with established and expansible document system which can be used to classify any new document or literature produced in the language in the future; as per the goal of the overall project, the use of language-specific glosses (including 'Interlingua') will be replaced by grounding the semantic profile of each lexical item by referencing ontological entities (from existing ontologies such as DBpedia, SKOS, etc.); Ideas for potential future use of encoded resource in the interest of the Mixtepec-Mixtec language community: Potential applications of the contents document for speakers and/or potential learners of the material covered herein and/or the Mixtepec-Mixtec language, This, along with the other documents in this corpus of the category "pedigogical: interactive" can fairly easily be converted into interactive software applications in which the correct answers are supplied and the user has to provide the correct content. Of the original language content, the: images and questions supplied in original publications the forms/worksheets could be made into a program that can automatically bring up a question from the pedigocical - interactive documents (in any order) and the user can supply the answer by typing the appropriate answer the same way they would write it in. However since L095 doesn't have the complete answer supplied for any of the 12 questions, in order to make this application we would have to add new language content to that from the published data by including the expected answers. This could be done in a number of ways, including in accordance with the suggestions of the original authors, consultants, and/or according to one or more other native speakers (such as those who have participated in project begun at SJSU in the US). In such a scenario, any products produced through the pursuite of these proposed ideas would be make freely available to the community and not be for any finantial gain on the part of those who may work on it; Expanding upon the original questions/contents could create a much larger, and dynamic version of the application; This could include any one or all of the following components: i) an expanded variety of images relative configurations between what Langacker (1978) calls the 'trajector' (tr) (eg. the cat), and the 'landmark' (lm) (eg. the neigboring object(s)), ii) we could create and integrate recordings of the question prompt spoken by a native speaker.. iii) (contingent upon the expansion of the img inventory), we could also expand upon the vocabulary utilized in excercise by using more than just "vilu" (eng "cat") as the stimulus; This would be a good way to integrate, and re-enforce the use other vocabulary items contained in the set of publications (and/or other sources). Were funding to be secured, such an application could be made for desktop/laptop computers, mobile and/or tablet devices for local schools to make use of; PEDAGOGICAL PEDAGOGICAL:INTERACTIVE PEDAGOGICAL:REFERENCE FICTION FICTION:FANTASY FICTION:REALISTIC FOLKLORE ¿ Nchii inkaa vilu ? Vilu inkaa _________ ¿ Nchii inkaa vilu ? _______________________________ ¿ Nchii inkaa vilu ? _______________________________ ¿ Nchii inkaa vilu ? _______________________________ ¿ Nchii inkaa vilu ? _______________________________ ¿ Nchii inkaa vilu ? _______________________________ ¿ Nchii inkaa vilu ? _______________________________ ¿ Nchii inkaa vilu ? _______________________________ ¿ Nchii inkaa vilu ? _______________________________ ¿ Nchii inkaa vilu ? _______________________________ ¿ Nchii inkaa vilu ? _______________________________ ¿ Nchii inkaa vilu ? _______________________________ Metadata TAPAS Title:¿Nchii inkaa vilu?Title:¿Nchii inkaa vilu?Alternative title:¿Dondé está elgato?TAPAS Author:Beckmann, Gisela (Author)Nieves, Maria M. (Author)TAPAS Contributor:Bowers, Jack Thompson (Contributor)Contributor:Gisela Beckmann (Editor)María M. Nieves (Editor)Jack T. Bowers (TEI Encoding)Type of resource:TextGenre:Texts (document genres)Publicationstmt:This is an XML-TEI markup of the original publications by SIL Mexico for the purposes of: archival and for the creation of a body of Mixtepec-Mixtec language resources (LR) (ISO: mix). Encoded documents used with the permission of original authors.Related item:¿Nchii inkaa vilu ka?Subject:PEDAGOGICALFICTIONFOLKLORE Files TEI File: L095-tok_0.xmlAuxillary Files: L095-12.png L095-11.png L095-10.png L095-09.png L095-08.png L095-07.png L095-06.png L095-05.png L095-04.png L095-03.png L095-02.png L095-01.png Project Details Project: Mixtepec-Mixtec Corpus and LexicographyCollection: SIL-Mexico Mixtepec-Mixtec Publications