
Vertical Tabs

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<TEI xmlns="">
            <author>Doyle Calhoun</author>
            <sponsor>Boston College Libraries</sponsor>
               <resp>Transcription and encoding by</resp>
               <persName>Doyle Calhoun</persName>
            <edition>First digital edition in TEI, date: 02 February 2016. P5.</edition>
            <authority>Doyle Calhoun</authority>
               <p>This file supplements the project <ref target=""><emph>Missionary Linguistics in colonial Africa / Corpus de travaux linguistiques des missionnaires</emph></ref>.</p>
               <licence target=""> This electronic
                  transcription is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0
                  Unported License.</licence>
            <p>This file provides a succinct overview of the provenance of the various missionary organizations represented in the project <ref target=""><emph>Missionary Linguistics in colonial Africa / Corpus de travaux linguistiques des missionnaires</emph></ref>. All information is drawn from the organizations' websites.</p>
            <org xml:id="SE">
               <orgName>La Congrégation du Saint-Ésprit</orgName>
                  <orgName>La Congrégation du Saint-Ésprit</orgName>, known in English as the
                     <orgName>Congregation of the Holy Spirit</orgName>, is the original
                     <orgName>Spiritan </orgName>community. It was founded in <date>1703 </date>by
                     <persName>Claude Poullart des Places</persName> (<date type="birth"
                     >1679</date>–<date type="death">1709</date>). In <date>1848</date>, it merged
                  with the <orgName>Congregation of the Holy Heart of Mary</orgName>, another
                     <orgName>Spiritan </orgName>organization which had been founded seven years
                  prior by <persName>François-Marie-Paul Libermann</persName> (<date type="birth"
                     >1804</date>–<date type="death">1852</date>). </note>

            <org xml:id="SE_SCM">
               <orgName>La congrégation du Saint-Ésprit et du Saint-Cœur de Marie</orgName>
                  <orgName>La congrégation du Saint-Ésprit et du Saint-Cœur de Marie</orgName>,
                  known in English as the <orgName>Congregation of the Holy Spirit and the
                     Immaculate Heart of Mary</orgName> is the joint <orgName>Spiritan</orgName>
                  organization, resulting from the merging of <orgName>Congregation of the Holy
                     Spirit</orgName> and the <orgName>Immaculate Heart of Mary</orgName> in
                     <date>1848</date>. </note>

            <org xml:id="CJ">
               <orgName>La Compagnie de Jésus</orgName>
                  <orgName>La Compagnie de Jésus</orgName>, known in English as the <orgName>Society
                     of Jesus</orgName> is a <name type="religion">Catholic</name> religious order,
                  the members of which are called <emph><foreign xml:lang="fr"
                  >jésuites</foreign></emph>, or <emph>jesuits</emph>. The society was officially
                  recognized by <persName>Pope Paul III</persName> in <date>1540</date> by
                     <persName>Ignatius of Loyola</persName> (<date type="birth">1491</date>–<date
                     type="death">1556</date>) and several of his colleagues, namely,
                     <persName>Francis Xavier</persName> (<date type="birth">1506</date>–<date
                     type="death">1552</date>) and <persName>Peter Faber</persName> (<date
                     type="birth">1506</date>–<date type="death">1546</date>) . </note>

            <org xml:id="PB">
               <orgName>Les Pères Blancs</orgName>
                  <orgName>Les Pères Blancs</orgName>, known officially as <emph><foreign
                        xml:lang="fr"><orgName>Les missionnaires d'Afrique</orgName></foreign></emph>
                  and in English as the <orgName>White Fathers</orgName>, is a <name type="religion"
                     >Catholic</name> missionary organization. It was founded in <date>1868</date>
                  at <placeName type="commune">Maison Carée</placeName> in
                     <placeName>Algeria</placeName> by <persName>Charles Martial
                     Lavigerie</persName> (<date type="birth">1825</date>–<date type="birth"
                     >1892</date>). </note>
Orgography Doyle Calhoun Boston College Libraries Transcription and encoding by Doyle Calhoun First digital edition in TEI, date: 02 February 2016. P5. Doyle Calhoun

This file supplements the project Missionary Linguistics in colonial Africa / Corpus de travaux linguistiques des missionnaires.

This electronic transcription is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

This file provides a succinct overview of the provenance of the various missionary organizations represented in the project Missionary Linguistics in colonial Africa / Corpus de travaux linguistiques des missionnaires. All information is drawn from the organizations' websites.



Orgography Doyle Calhoun Boston College Libraries Transcription and encoding by Doyle Calhoun First digital edition in TEI, date: 02 February 2016. P5. Doyle Calhoun

This file supplements the project Missionary Linguistics in colonial Africa / Corpus de travaux linguistiques des missionnaires.

This electronic transcription is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

This file provides a succinct overview of the provenance of the various missionary organizations represented in the project Missionary Linguistics in colonial Africa / Corpus de travaux linguistiques des missionnaires. All information is drawn from the organizations' websites.

La Congrégation du Saint-Ésprit La Congrégation du Saint-Ésprit, known in English as the Congregation of the Holy Spirit, is the original Spiritan community. It was founded in 1703 by Claude Poullart des Places (16791709). In 1848, it merged with the Congregation of the Holy Heart of Mary, another Spiritan organization which had been founded seven years prior by François-Marie-Paul Libermann (18041852). La congrégation du Saint-Ésprit et du Saint-Cœur de Marie La congrégation du Saint-Ésprit et du Saint-Cœur de Marie, known in English as the Congregation of the Holy Spirit and the Immaculate Heart of Mary is the joint Spiritan organization, resulting from the merging of Congregation of the Holy Spirit and the Immaculate Heart of Mary in 1848. La Compagnie de Jésus La Compagnie de Jésus, known in English as the Society of Jesus is a Catholic religious order, the members of which are called jésuites , or jesuits. The society was officially recognized by Pope Paul III in 1540 by Ignatius of Loyola (14911556) and several of his colleagues, namely, Francis Xavier (15061552) and Peter Faber (15061546) . Les Pères Blancs Les Pères Blancs, known officially as Les missionnaires d'Afrique and in English as the White Fathers, is a Catholic missionary organization. It was founded in 1868 at Maison Carée in Algeria by Charles Martial Lavigerie (18251892).