Vertical Tabs Reader Choose Stylesheet TEI BoilerplateXML ViewToggle Soft WrapToggle Invisibles<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?xml-model href="" type="application/xml" schematypens=""?> <?xml-model href="" type="application/xml" schematypens=""?> <TEI xmlns=""> <teiHeader> <fileDesc> <titleStmt> <title>Personography</title> <author>Doyle Calhoun</author> <sponsor> Boston College</sponsor> <respStmt> <resp>Transcription and encoding by</resp> <persName>Doyle Calhoun</persName> </respStmt> </titleStmt> <editionStmt> <edition>First digital edition in TEI, date: 02 February 2016. P5.</edition> </editionStmt> <publicationStmt> <authority>Doyle Calhoun</authority> <availability> <p>This file supplements the project <ref target=""><emph>Missionary Linguistics in colonial Africa / Corpus de travaux linguistiques des missionnaires</emph></ref>.</p> <licence target=""> This electronic transcription is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.</licence> </availability> </publicationStmt> <sourceDesc> <p>This file assigns each of the missionary linguists represented in the project <ref target=""><emph>Missionary Linguistics in colonial Africa / Corpus de travaux linguistiques des missionnaires</emph></ref> a unique xml:id, and, when the information is available, identifies them along the following perameters: name, life dates, nationality, affiliation, residence, entry in relevant missionary organization records. Biographic information is assembled from three sources: French Spiritan, or <emph><foreign xml:lang="fr">Spiritain</foreign></emph>, online records; the Jesuit <title level ="m">Catalogus Defunctorum</title>; and the <title level="m">Dictionnaire Biographique des Chrétiens d'Afrique</title>. The entity <emph>idno</emph> includes the unique identifier number assigned to the missionary in the the Jesuit <title level ="m">Catalogus Defunctorum</title> and/or a link to a biographic entry pertaining to that missionary.</p> </sourceDesc> </fileDesc> <revisionDesc> <listChange> <change><date>2016-02-12</date><name>Anna Kijas</name> <p>Added xml:id from org.xml to congregation names.</p> <p>Added italics to title element using "m" level.</p> <p>Added URL target to first entry.</p> <p>Removed example text and closed empty elements</p> </change> <change><date>2016-02-13</date><name>Doyle Calhoun</name> <p>Added URL targets to remaining entries</p> <p>Removed remaining example text and closed remainng empty elements</p> <p>Added Source Description</p> </change> </listChange> </revisionDesc> </teiHeader> <text> <body> <listPerson> <person xml:id="cotel_pierre"> <persName>Cotel, Pierre</persName> <birth when="1871">1871</birth> <death when="1914">1914</death> <nationality>French</nationality> <affiliation ana="congregation" ref="org.xml#SE">Saint-Ésprit</affiliation> <affiliation ana="congregation" ref="org.xml#CJ">Compagnie de Jésus</affiliation> <residence ana="prefecture">Oubangi-Chari</residence> <idno ana="CD">6.004</idno> <!-- CD refers to catalogus_defunctorum --> <note> <p> <ref target="">Entry in Spiritan records</ref> </p> </note> <note> <bibl> <title level="m">Dictionnaire Français–Banda et Banda–Français: précédé d’un essai de grammaire Banda</title> <date>(1907)</date>. </bibl> </note> </person> <person xml:id="calloch_jean-rene"> <persName>Calloc'h, Jean-René</persName> <birth when="1875">1875</birth> <death when="1928">1928</death> <nationality>French</nationality> <affiliation ana="congregation" ref="org.xml#SE">Saint-Ésprit</affiliation> <affiliation ana="prefecture">Oubangi-Chari</affiliation> <idno ana="CD"><!-- insert CD ID if known --></idno> <note> <p> <ref target="">Entry in Spiritan records</ref> </p> </note> <note> <bibl> <title level="m">Vocabulaire Français-Gmbwaga-Gbanziri-Monjombo : précédé d'éléments de grammaire</title> <date>(1911)</date>. </bibl> <bibl> <title level="m">Vocabulaire Français-Ifumu (Batéké)</title> <date>(1911)</date>. </bibl> </note> </person> <person xml:id="gerad_marcel"> <persName>Gérard, Marcel</persName> <birth when="1889">1889</birth> <death when="1946">1946</death> <nationality>French</nationality> <affiliation ana="congregation" ref="org.xml#SE">Saint–Ésprit</affiliation> <residence ana="prefecture"> <placeName>Bangui</placeName> </residence> <floruit notBefore="1234" notAfter="1234"/> <residence ana="prefecture"> <placeName>Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon</placeName> </residence> <floruit/> <note> <p> <ref target = "">Entry in Spiritan records</ref> </p> </note> <idno ana="CD"><!-- insert CD ID if known --></idno> <note> <bibl> <title level="m">Sango: langue commerciale de l'Oubangui-Chari</title> <date>(1930)</date>. </bibl> </note> </person> <person xml:id="ganot_aime"> <persName>Ganot, Aimé</persName> <birth when="1868">1868</birth> <death when="1942">1942</death> <nationality>French</nationality> <affiliation ana="congregation" ref="org.xml#SE">Saint–Ésprit</affiliation> <affiliation ana="congregation" ref="org.xml#SE_SCM">Saint-Cœur de Marie</affiliation> <affiliation ana="prefecture">Nigeria</affiliation> <note> <p> <ref target = "">Entry in Spiritan records</ref> </p> </note> <idno ana="CD"><!-- insert CD ID if known --></idno> <note> <bibl> <title level="m">Grammaire Ibo</title> <date>(1899)</date>. </bibl> </note> </person> <person xml:id="guy-grand_vj"> <persName>Guy-Grand, V.J.</persName> <birth when="1854">1854</birth> <death when="1901">1901</death> <nationality>French</nationality> <affiliation ana="congregation" ref="org.xml#SE">Saint–Ésprit</affiliation> <affiliation ana="prefecture">Ngasobil</affiliation> <note> <p> <ref target= "">Entry in Spiritan records</ref> </p> </note> <idno ana="CD"><!-- insert CD ID if known --></idno> <note> <bibl> <title level="m">Dictionnaire Français-Volof</title> <date>(1923)</date>. </bibl> </note> </person> <person xml:id="lejeune_leon"> <persName>Lejeune, Léon</persName> <birth when="1860">1860</birth> <death when="1905">1905</death> <nationality>French</nationality> <affiliation ana="congregation" ref="org.xml#SE">Saint–Ésprit</affiliation> <affiliation ana="congregation" ref="org.xml#SE_SCM">Saint-Cœur de Marie</affiliation> <affiliation ana="prefecture">Lambaréné</affiliation> <note> <p> <ref target="">Entry in Spiritan Records</ref> </p> </note> <idno ana="CD"><!-- insert CD ID if known --></idno> <note> <bibl> <title level="m">Dictionnaire Français-Fang: précédé de quelques principes grammaticaux sur cette même langue</title> <date>(1892)</date>. </bibl> </note> </person> <person xml:id="kobes_aloyse"> <persName>Kobès, Aloyse</persName> <birth when="1820">1820</birth> <death when="1872">1872</death> <nationality>French</nationality> <affiliation ana="congregation" ref="org.xml#SE">Saint–Ésprit</affiliation> <affiliation ana="prefecture">Ngasobil</affiliation> <note> <p> <ref target="">Entry in Spiritan records</ref> </p> </note> <idno ana="CD"><!-- insert CD ID if known --></idno> <note> <bibl> <title level="m">Dictionnaire Volof-Français</title> <date>(1923)</date>. </bibl> </note> </person> <person xml:id="sacleux_charles"> <persName>Sacleux, Charles</persName> <birth when="1855">1855</birth> <death when="1943">1943</death> <nationality>French</nationality> <affiliation ana="congregation" ref="org.xml#SE">Saint–Ésprit</affiliation> <affiliation ana="congregation" ref="org.xml#SE_SCM">Saint-Cœur de Marie</affiliation> <affiliation ana="prefecture">Zanzibar</affiliation> <note> <p> <ref target = "">Entry in Spiritan records</ref> </p> </note> <idno ana="CD"><!-- insert CD ID if known --></idno> <note> <bibl> <title level="m">Dictionnaire Français-Swahili</title> <date>(1891)</date>. </bibl> </note> </person> <person xml:id="malzac_victorin"> <persName>Malzac, Victorin</persName> <birth when="1840">1840</birth> <death when="1943">1943</death> <nationality>French</nationality> <affiliation ana="congregation" ref="org.xml#CJ">Compagnie de Jésus</affiliation> <affiliation ana="prefecture">Tananarive</affiliation> <note> <p> <ref type = "">Entry in <title level="m">Dictionnaire Biographique des Chrétiens d'Afrique</title></ref> </p> </note> <idno ana="CD">12.983</idno> <note> <bibl> <title level="m">Dictionnaire Malgache-Français</title> <date>(1888)</date>. <bibl> <title level="m">Dictionnaire Français-Malgache</title> <date>(1926)</date>. </bibl></bibl> </note> </person> <person xml:id="abinal_antoine"> <persName>Abinal, Antoine</persName> <birth when="1829">1829</birth> <death when="1887">1887</death> <nationality>French</nationality> <affiliation ana="congregation" ref="org.xml#CJ">Compagnie de Jésus</affiliation> <affiliation ana="prefecture">Tananarive</affiliation> <note> <p> <ref type = "">Entry in <title level="m">Dictionnaire Biographique des Chrétiens d'Afrique</title></ref> </p> </note> <idno ana="CD">6.713</idno> <note> <bibl> <title level="m">Dictionnaire Malgache-Français></title> <date>(1888)</date>. </bibl> </note> </person> <person xml:id="raimbault_jean-baptiste"> <persName>Raimbault, Jean-Baptiste</persName> <birth/> <death/> <nationality/> <affiliation ana="congregation" ref="org.xml#SE">Saint–Ésprit</affiliation> <affiliation ana="congregation" ref="org.xml#SE_SCM">Saint-Cœur de Marie</affiliation> <affiliation ana="prefecture">Conakry</affiliation> <idno type="URL"> <!-- insert Spiritan link associated with author --></idno> <idno ana="CD"><!-- insert CD ID if known --></idno> <note> <bibl> <title level="m">Dictionnaire Français-Soso et Soso-Français </title> <date>(1923)</date>. </bibl> </note> </person> <person xml:id="wintz_e"> <persName>Wintz, É.</persName> <birth/> <death/> <nationality>French</nationality> <affiliation ana="congregation" ref="org.xml#SE">Saint–Ésprit</affiliation> <affiliation ana="prefecture"> </affiliation> <idno type="URL"> <!-- insert Spiritan link associated with author --></idno> <idno ana="CD"><!-- insert CD ID if known --></idno> <note> <bibl> <title level="m">Dictionnaire Français-Dyola et Dyola-Français: précédé d'un essai de grammaire </title> <date>(1909)</date>. </bibl> </note> </person> <person xml:id="riebstein_e"> <persName>Riebstein, É.</persName> <birth/> <death/> <nationality>French</nationality> <affiliation ana="congregation" ref="org.xml#SE">Saint–Ésprit</affiliation> <affiliation ana="prefecture"> </affiliation> <idno type="URL"> <!-- insert Spiritan link associated with author --></idno> <idno/> <idno ana="CD"><!-- insert CD ID if known --></idno> <note> <bibl> <title level="m">Vocabulaire de la langue Eẃe: Eẃe-Français </title> <date>(1926)</date>. </bibl> </note> </person> <person xml:id="visseq_alexandre"> <persName>Visseq, Alexandre</persName> <!-- insert birth and date year --> <birth/> <death/> <nationality/> <affiliation ana="congregation" ref="org.xml#SE">Saint–Ésprit</affiliation> <affiliation ana="congregation" ref="org.xml#SE_SCM">Saint-Cœur de Marie</affiliation> <affiliation ana="prefecture"> </affiliation> <idno type="URL"> <!-- insert Spiritan link associated with author --></idno> <idno ana="CD"><!-- insert CD ID if known --></idno> <note> <bibl> <title level="m">Dictionnaire Fiot-Français</title> <date>(1889)</date>. </bibl> </note> </person> <person xml:id="huyghe_g"> <persName>Huyghe, G.</persName> <!-- insert birth and date year --> <birth/> <death/> <nationality/> <affiliation ana="congregation" ref="org.xml#CJ">Compagnie de Jésus</affiliation> <affiliation ana="congregation" ref="org.xml#PB">Pères Blancs</affiliation> <affiliation ana="prefecture">Alger</affiliation> <idno type="URL"> <!-- insert Spiritan link associated with author --></idno> <idno ana="CD">27.675</idno> <note> <bibl> <title level="m">Dictionnaire Français-Chaouia = qamus rumicaui</title> <date>1906</date> <bibl> <title level="m">Dictionnaire Chaouia-Arabe-Kabyle and Français= qamus caui-arbi-qbaili u rumi</title> <date>(1907)</date>. </bibl></bibl> </note> </person> <person xml:id="olivier_augustine"> <persName>Olivier, Augustine</persName> <birth/> <death/> <nationality/> <affiliation ana="congregation" ref="org.xml#CJ">Compagnie de Jésus</affiliation> <affiliation ana="prefecture"> </affiliation> <idno type="URL"> <!-- insert Spiritan link associated with author --></idno> <idno ana="CD">7.105</idno> <note> <bibl> <title level="m">Dictionnaire Français-Kabyle</title> <date>(1878)</date>. </bibl> </note> </person> <person xml:id="leberre_pierre-marie"> <persName>Leberre,Pierre-Marie</persName> <birth/> <death/> <nationality/> <affiliation ana="congregation" ref="org.xml#SE">Saint–Ésprit</affiliation> <affiliation ana="congregation" ref="org.xml#SE_SCM">Saint-Cœur de Marie</affiliation> <affiliation ana="prefecture"> </affiliation> <idno type="URL"> <!-- insert Spiritan link associated with author --></idno> <idno ana="CD"><!-- insert CD ID if known --></idno> <note> <bibl> <title level="m">Grammaire de la langue Pongouée</title> <date>(1873)</date>. </bibl> </note> </person> </listPerson> </body> </text> </TEI> Hide page breaks Views diplomatic normalized Personography Doyle Calhoun Boston College Transcription and encoding by Doyle Calhoun First digital edition in TEI, date: 02 February 2016. P5. Doyle Calhoun This file supplements the project Missionary Linguistics in colonial Africa / Corpus de travaux linguistiques des missionnaires. This electronic transcription is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. This file assigns each of the missionary linguists represented in the project Missionary Linguistics in colonial Africa / Corpus de travaux linguistiques des missionnaires a unique xml:id, and, when the information is available, identifies them along the following perameters: name, life dates, nationality, affiliation, residence, entry in relevant missionary organization records. Biographic information is assembled from three sources: French Spiritan, or Spiritain , online records; the Jesuit Catalogus Defunctorum; and the Dictionnaire Biographique des Chrétiens d'Afrique. The entity idno includes the unique identifier number assigned to the missionary in the the Jesuit Catalogus Defunctorum and/or a link to a biographic entry pertaining to that missionary. 2016-02-12 Anna Kijas Added xml:id from org.xml to congregation names. Added italics to title element using "m" level. Added URL target to first entry. Removed example text and closed empty elements 2016-02-13 Doyle Calhoun Added URL targets to remaining entries Removed remaining example text and closed remainng empty elements Added Source Description ToolboxHide page breaks Themes: Default Sleepy Time Terminal Personography Doyle Calhoun Boston College Transcription and encoding by Doyle Calhoun First digital edition in TEI, date: 02 February 2016. P5. Doyle Calhoun This file supplements the project Missionary Linguistics in colonial Africa / Corpus de travaux linguistiques des missionnaires. This electronic transcription is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. This file assigns each of the missionary linguists represented in the project Missionary Linguistics in colonial Africa / Corpus de travaux linguistiques des missionnaires a unique xml:id, and, when the information is available, identifies them along the following perameters: name, life dates, nationality, affiliation, residence, entry in relevant missionary organization records. Biographic information is assembled from three sources: French Spiritan, or Spiritain , online records; the Jesuit Catalogus Defunctorum; and the Dictionnaire Biographique des Chrétiens d'Afrique. The entity idno includes the unique identifier number assigned to the missionary in the the Jesuit Catalogus Defunctorum and/or a link to a biographic entry pertaining to that missionary. 2016-02-12 Anna Kijas Added xml:id from org.xml to congregation names. Added italics to title element using "m" level. Added URL target to first entry. Removed example text and closed empty elements 2016-02-13 Doyle Calhoun Added URL targets to remaining entries Removed remaining example text and closed remainng empty elements Added Source Description Cotel, Pierre 1871 1914 French Saint-Ésprit Compagnie de Jésus Oubangi-Chari 6.004 Entry in Spiritan records Dictionnaire Français–Banda et Banda–Français: précédé d’un essai de grammaire Banda (1907). Calloc'h, Jean-René 1875 1928 French Saint-Ésprit Oubangi-Chari Entry in Spiritan records Vocabulaire Français-Gmbwaga-Gbanziri-Monjombo : précédé d'éléments de grammaire (1911). Vocabulaire Français-Ifumu (Batéké) (1911). Gérard, Marcel 1889 1946 French Saint–Ésprit Bangui Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon Entry in Spiritan records Sango: langue commerciale de l'Oubangui-Chari (1930). Ganot, Aimé 1868 1942 French Saint–Ésprit Saint-Cœur de Marie Nigeria Entry in Spiritan records Grammaire Ibo (1899). Guy-Grand, V.J. 1854 1901 French Saint–Ésprit Ngasobil Entry in Spiritan records Dictionnaire Français-Volof (1923). Lejeune, Léon 1860 1905 French Saint–Ésprit Saint-Cœur de Marie Lambaréné Entry in Spiritan Records Dictionnaire Français-Fang: précédé de quelques principes grammaticaux sur cette même langue (1892). Kobès, Aloyse 1820 1872 French Saint–Ésprit Ngasobil Entry in Spiritan records Dictionnaire Volof-Français (1923). Sacleux, Charles 1855 1943 French Saint–Ésprit Saint-Cœur de Marie Zanzibar Entry in Spiritan records Dictionnaire Français-Swahili (1891). Malzac, Victorin 1840 1943 French Compagnie de Jésus Tananarive Entry in Dictionnaire Biographique des Chrétiens d'Afrique 12.983 Dictionnaire Malgache-Français (1888). Dictionnaire Français-Malgache (1926). Abinal, Antoine 1829 1887 French Compagnie de Jésus Tananarive Entry in Dictionnaire Biographique des Chrétiens d'Afrique 6.713 Dictionnaire Malgache-Français> (1888). Raimbault, Jean-Baptiste Saint–Ésprit Saint-Cœur de Marie Conakry Dictionnaire Français-Soso et Soso-Français (1923). Wintz, É. French Saint–Ésprit Dictionnaire Français-Dyola et Dyola-Français: précédé d'un essai de grammaire (1909). Riebstein, É. French Saint–Ésprit Vocabulaire de la langue Eẃe: Eẃe-Français (1926). Visseq, Alexandre Saint–Ésprit Saint-Cœur de Marie Dictionnaire Fiot-Français (1889). Huyghe, G. Compagnie de Jésus Pères Blancs Alger 27.675 Dictionnaire Français-Chaouia = qamus rumicaui 1906 Dictionnaire Chaouia-Arabe-Kabyle and Français= qamus caui-arbi-qbaili u rumi (1907). Olivier, Augustine Compagnie de Jésus 7.105 Dictionnaire Français-Kabyle (1878). Leberre,Pierre-Marie Saint–Ésprit Saint-Cœur de Marie Grammaire de la langue Pongouée (1873). Metadata TAPAS Title:PersonographyTitle:PersonographyTAPAS Author:Doyle Calhoun (Author)Author/Creator:Doyle Calhoun (Author)Contributor:Boston College (Sponsor)Doyle Calhoun (Transcription and encoding by)Imprint:First digital edition in TEI, date: 02 February 2016. P5. - Doyle CalhounType of resource:TextGenre:Texts (document genres)TAPAS Timeline Date:2016-04-03T00:00:00 Files TEI File: Personography.xml Project Details Project: Missionary Linguistics in colonial Africa / Corpus de travaux linguistiques des missionnaires Collection: Missionary Linguistics in colonial Africa / Corpus de travaux linguistiques des missionnaires Support File Type: personography