Letter No. 84

In this letter, John Pollard Willoughby, Secretary to Government, Bombay, requests that the Acting Resident in the Persian Gulf immediately issue and distribute a proclamation to all the ports on the Arabian Coast, to the effect that the British Government has resolved to prevent Arab adventurers from resorting to India, and any who do arrive will be compelled to return to their own country.

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            <title>Letter No. 84: John Pollard Willoughby, Secretary to Government, Bombay, to the Acting Resident in the Persian Gulf, Bushire [‎6r] (1/2) </title>
            <author>John Pollard Willoughby</author>
            <editor>Antonio Rojas Castro</editor>
            <p>Digital Humanities Abu Dhabi</p>
                  <settlement>United Kingdom</settlement>
                  <repository>British Library</repository>
                  <collection>India Office Records and Private Papers</collection>
                  <idno type="cataloguenumber">IOR/R/15/1/73</idno>
                     <locus n="6">f6</locus>
                     <title>Letter No. 84: John Pollard Willoughby, Secretary to Government, Bombay, to the Acting Resident in the Persian Gulf, Bushire</title>
                     <ref target="http://www.qdl.qa/archive/81055/vdc_100023366021.0x00000c">Qatar Digital Library</ref>
            <correspAction type="sent">
               <persName>John Pollard Willoughby</persName>
               <date when="1837-01-26">26th January 1837</date>
            <correspAction type="received">
         <pb n="10"/>
         <pb n="6" facs="f6r.jpg"/>
         <head>N 84</head>
            <dateline><placeName>Bombay Castle</placeName><lb/>
               <date when="1837-01-26">26th January 1837</date><lb/> Political Department.<lb/></dateline>
         <p>I am directed by the Right <unclear>Honorable</unclear> the Governor in Council to request that you will immediately issue a proclamation, and cause it to be distributed at all the ports
            on the Arabian Coast to the effect that the British Government has resolved to prevent Arab adventurers from resorting to India, and that all such persons who may arrive in India will be
            compelled to return to their own Country -</p>
            <salute>Have the honourable,<lb/> Sir<lb/> Your most obedient servant;</salute>
               <gap reason="illegible"/></signed>
            <p>To,<lb/> The Acting Resident in the Persian <lb/>Gulf<lb/>Bushire<lb/> Ex:<lb/>
               <gap reason="illegible"/> Walfordshire</p>
Letter No. 84: John Pollard Willoughby, Secretary to Government, Bombay, to the Acting Resident in the Persian Gulf, Bushire [‎6r] (1/2) John Pollard Willoughby Antonio Rojas Castro

Digital Humanities Abu Dhabi

United Kingdom British Library India Office Records and Private Papers IOR/R/15/1/73 f6 Letter No. 84: John Pollard Willoughby, Secretary to Government, Bombay, to the Acting Resident in the Persian Gulf, Bushire Qatar Digital Library
John Pollard Willoughby Bombay 26th January 1837 Walfordshire Bushire
view page image(s) N 84 Bombay Castle 26th January 1837 Political Department. Sir

I am directed by the Right Honorable the Governor in Council to request that you will immediately issue a proclamation, and cause it to be distributed at all the ports on the Arabian Coast to the effect that the British Government has resolved to prevent Arab adventurers from resorting to India, and that all such persons who may arrive in India will be compelled to return to their own Country -

Have the honourable, Sir Your most obedient servant; J.P.Willoughby

To, The Acting Resident in the Persian GulfBushire Ex: Walfordshire



Letter No. 84: John Pollard Willoughby, Secretary to Government, Bombay, to the Acting Resident in the Persian Gulf, Bushire [‎6r] (1/2) John Pollard Willoughby Antonio Rojas Castro

Digital Humanities Abu Dhabi

United Kingdom British Library India Office Records and Private Papers IOR/R/15/1/73 f6 Letter No. 84: John Pollard Willoughby, Secretary to Government, Bombay, to the Acting Resident in the Persian Gulf, Bushire Qatar Digital Library
John Pollard Willoughby Bombay 26th January 1837 Walfordshire Bushire
N 84 Bombay Castle 26th January 1837 Political Department. Sir

I am directed by the Right Honorable the Governor in Council to request that you will immediately issue a proclamation, and cause it to be distributed at all the ports on the Arabian Coast to the effect that the British Government has resolved to prevent Arab adventurers from resorting to India, and that all such persons who may arrive in India will be compelled to return to their own Country -

Have the honourable, Sir Your most obedient servant; J.P.Willoughby

To, The Acting Resident in the Persian GulfBushire Ex: Walfordshire