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<title>By the Queene Family of loue.</title>
<author><persName type="hist"><supplied reason="omitted">unknown</supplied></persName></author>
<author><orgName>English Crown</orgName></author>
<p>Printed by <persName type="hist"><forename>Christopher</forename>
<p>Information about the source
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<p>TEI P5</p>
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<title>By the Queene. A Proclamation againſt Sectaries of the Family of loue.</title><lb/>
<title style="text-align:center; font-size:400%; font-style:roman;">By the Queene</title><lb/>
<hi style="text-align:center; font-size:200% font-style:italic;">A Proclamation againſt Sectaries of the Family of loue.</hi><lb/>
<seg style="decorInit"><hi style="font-size:500%">W</hi></seg>hereas by reporte of ſundry of the biſhops of this Realme, & others hauing cure of<lb/>
<l style="margin-left:12em;">ſoules, the Queenes Maieſtie is informed, that in ſundry places of her ſaid Realme,</l><lb/>
<l style="margin-left:12em;">in their ſurerall dioccſſes, there are certaine perſons which doe ſecretly in corners,</l><lb/>
<l style="margin-left:12em;">make pryuy aſſemblies of diuers ſimple unlearned people, & after they haue craftily</l><lb/>
<l style="margin-left:12em;">& hypocritically allured them to eſteeme them to be more holy & perfect men then o-</l><lb/>
<l style="margin-left:12em;">ther are, they doe then teach them damnable hereſies, directly contrary to diuers of</l><lb/>
<l style="margin-left:12em;">the principall Articles of our Beliefe and Chriſtain faith, & in ſome parts to abſurde</l><lb/>
<l style="margin-left:12em;">and fanatical, as by fayning to them ſelues a monſtruous new kind of ſpeach neuer</l><lb/>
<l style="margin-left:12em;">found in the Scriptures, nor in ancient father or writer of Chriſts Church, by which</l><lb/>
they doc moue ignorant & ſimple people at the firſt rather to marueile at them, then to underſtand them: but yet to<lb/>
colour their ſect withall, they name them ſelues to be of the familie of loue, and then as many as ſhall be allowed by<lb/>
them to be of that familie, to be elect & ſaued, and all others of what Church ſo euer they be, to be reiected and damned:<lb/>
And for that upon conuenting of ſome of them before the Biſhops and ordinaries, it is founde that the ground of their<lb/>
ſect maintained by certaine lewd, heretical, & ſeditious bookes firſt made in the Dutch tongue, and lately tranſlated<lb/>
into Engliſh, and printed beyonde the ſeas, and ſecretly brought ouer into the realme, the authour whereof they name<lb/>
E.N. without yeelding to him upon their examination, any other name. In whole name they haue certaine Bookes let<lb/>
fourth called <hi style="font-style:italic;">Euangelium Regni, or a joyful Meſſage of the Kingdome. Documentall ſentences. The Prophecie of the ſpi-<lb/>
<unclear reason="illegible"></unclear>. A publiſhing of the peace vpon the earth</hi>, and ſuch like. And conſidering alſo it is found, that theſe Sectaries<lb/>
holde opinion, that they may before any Magiſtrate Eccleſiaſtical or temporal, or any other perſon not being profeſſed<lb/>
to be of their ſect (which they terme the familie of loue) by othe or otherwiſe deny any thing for their aduantage, ſo as<lb/>
though many of them are well knowen to be teachers & ſpreaders abroade of theſe dangerous and damnable ſects,<lb/>
yet by their owne conteſſion they can not be condemned, whereby they are more dangerous in any Chriſtian Realme:<lb/>
Therefore her Maieſtie being very ſory to ſee ſo great an euill by the malice of the Deuil firſt begun and practiſed in<lb/>
other countryes, to be now brought into this her Realme, and that by her Biſhops and ordinaries, ſhee underſtandeth<lb/>
it beer requiſite, not only to haue theſe dangerous Heretikes & Sectaries to be ſeuerly puniſhed, but that alſo all other<lb/>
means be vſed by her Maieſties Royall authorytie, which is giuen her of God to defend Chriſtes church, to roote<lb/>
them out from further infecting of her Realme, ſhee hath thought meete and conuenient, and ſo by this her proclama- <lb/>
tion. ſhee willeth and commandeth that all her officers & Miniſters temporall, ſhal in al their ſeucral vocations, aſſiſt <lb/>
the Archbyſbops and Biſhops of her Realme, and all other perſsons Eccleſiaſticall hauing cure of ſoule, to ſearch out<lb/>
all perſons duely ſuſpected to be either teachers or profeſſors of the forelaid damnable ſects, and by al good meanes to<lb/>
proceede ſeuerely againſt them being found culpable, by order of the lawes either Eccleſiaſticall or temporall &, that<lb/>
also ſearch be made in all places ſuſpected for the bookes and writings maintayning the ſaid hereſies and ſects, and<lb/>
them to deſtroy and burne. And whereſoeuer ſuch bookes ſhalbe found after the publication hereof, in cuſtodie of any<lb/>
perſon, other then ſuch as the ordinaries ſhal permitte, to the intent of peruſe the ſame for confutation thereof, the<lb/>
ſame perſos to be attached and committed to cloſe priſon, there to remaine, or otherwiſe by law to be condemned, vntil<lb/>
the ſame ſhalbe purged and cleared of the ſame Heretics or ſhal recant the ſame, and be thought meete by the ordinarie of<lb/>
the place to be deliuered. And that whoſoeuer rin this Realme ſhall either print or bring or cauſe to be brought into this<lb/>
Realme, any of the ſaid bookes, the ſame perſons to be attached and committed to priſon, and to receiue ſuch bodily pu-<lb/>
niſhment and other mulct, as fautors of damnable Hereſies. And to the execution hereof, her Maieſtie chargeth all her<lb/>
Officers and Miniſters both Eccleſiaſticall and Temporal, to haue ſpecial regard, as they will anſwere not only aſore<lb/>
God, whole glorie and trueth is by theſe damnable ſects greatly ſought to be defaced, but alſo will auoyde her Ma-<lb/>
eſties indignation, which in ſuch caſes as theſe are, they ought not eſcape, if they ſhal be found negligent & careleſſe,<lb/>
in the Execution of their authorities. Given at our Manour of Richmond the third of October, in the two and twen-<lb/>
tieth yeere of our Reigne.<lb/>
<lg><l style="text-align:center; font-size:200% font-style:roman">God ſaue the Queene.</l><lb/>
<l style="text-align:center; font-size:400% font-style:roman">Imprinted at London by Chriſto-</l><lb/>
<l style="text-align:center; font-size:200% font-style:italic;">pher Barker, Printer to the Queenes moſt ex-<lb/></l>
<l style="text-align:center; font-size:200% font-style:italic;">cellent Maieſtie.</l><lb/>