Letter to T.N. Talfourd, 12 August 1825

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            <title>Letter to <persName ref="#Talfourd_Thos">T.N. Talfourd</persName>, 12 August 1825</title>
            <author ref="#MRM">Mary Russell Mitford</author>
            <editor>Amy Colombo</editor>
            <sponsor><orgName>Mary Russell Mitford Society: Digital Mitford Project</orgName></sponsor>
            <sponsor>University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg</sponsor> 
            <principal>Elisa Beshero-Bondar</principal>
               <resp>Transcription and coding by</resp>
               <persName ref="#ajc">Amy Colombo</persName> 
               <resp>Proofreading against the manuscript by</resp>
               <persName ref="#ebb">Elisa Beshero-Bondar</persName> 
            <edition>First digital edition in TEI, date: <date when="2014-06-02">2 June 2014</date>. P5.</edition>
            <respStmt><resp>Edition made with help from photos taken by</resp><orgName>Digital Mitford editors</orgName></respStmt>
            <respStmt><orgName>The Digital Mitford</orgName><resp> editors' photos from this archive are not permitted for public distribution.<!--ebb: This will be the case for most of our archive photos. We can remove the "not permitted for public distribution" phrase from Reading CL letters, since we are permitted to post these.--> Photo files: <idno>DSCN1180.jpg, DSCN1181.jpg, DSCN0942.jpg, DSCN0943.jpg</idno></resp></respStmt>
            <authority>Digital Mitford: The Mary Russell Mitford Archive</authority>
            <pubPlace>Greensburg, PA, USA</pubPlace>
               <p>Reproduced by courtesy of the <placeName>The John Rylands University Library</placeName>.</p>
               <licence>Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported
            <title>Digital Mitford Letters: The Mary Russell Mitford Archive</title>
                  <repository ref="#Rylands">The John Rylands University Library</repository>
                  <collection>Mitford-Talfourd Correspondence: Letters from Mary Russell Mitford to Thomas Noon Talfourd: vol. 665</collection>
                  <idno>JRL English MS 665 no. 21 Coles no.93</idno>
               <head>Letter from Mary Russell Mitford to T.N. Talfourd, <date when="1825-08-12">1825 August 12</date>.</head>
                           <p>Quarto sheet of <material>paper</material> (likely torn from folio sheet folded in half to form four
                              quarto pages) with correspondence on 1 and address leaf on page 2,
                              then folded in thirds twice more and sealed for posting.</p> 
                           <p>Address leaf bears postmarks: 1) black circular mileage stamp<!--Applied upon deposit of letter at local PO; Upper left of paper-->
                              Reading <stamp>READING AU12 1825<lb/></stamp></p>
                           <p>A large handwritten X (in another hand than Mitford's) is placed above the name J. B. Monck on the address leaf, indicating this letter was franked through Monck.</p>
         <p>A thousand thanks <persName ref="#Talfourd_Thos">my dear friend</persName> for all your kindness--I am better--the abscess has burst 
            externally &amp; all will soon be well--I hope you will approve of the enclosed--<emph rend="underline">They</emph> 
            do not--but it satisfies my own feelings and surely he will not &amp; cannot make an ill use of it.<note resp="#ebb"><q>"<emph rend="underline">They</emph>"</q> perhaps refers to <orgName ref="#Mitfords_Ma_Pa">Mitford's parents</orgName>. "He" refers to <persName ref="#Macready_Wm">William Macready</persName>. Mitford enclosed a copy of <rs type="letter">her letter to <persName>Mr. Macready</persName> dated <date when="1825-08-12">August 12th 1825</date></rs> with this letter to <persName>Talfourd</persName>. The letter (in the <orgName ref="#Rylands">Rylands Collection</orgName> immediately following this one, <idno>JRL #22</idno>, and currently being edited for the Digital Mitford project) documents <persName ref="#MRM">Mitford</persName>'s rift with <persName ref="#Macready_Wm">Macready</persName>, who believed she had written <bibl corresp="#Stage">a piece under the pseudonym <persName>"Philo-Dramaticus"</persName> recently published in <title ref="#Blackwoods">Blackwood's Magazine</title>, complaining about the state of the <placeName ref="#London_city">London</placeName> stage, criticizing the excessive power of actor-managers like Macready, and their abuse of authors</bibl>. In the enclosed copy of the letter to Macready, Mitford assures him that she had nothing to do with the piece: <quote cit="#MRM">"In answer to your enquiries I can only say that I knew nothing of the article in question till I saw it with great regret a few days afgter the publication in Blackwood's Magazine."</quote> Mitford appears to have seen <bibl corresp="#Stage">the Philo-Dramaticus letter on the decline of the English stage</bibl> as it was reprinted in <title ref="#Observer">The Observer</title> of <date when="1825-06-20">20 June 1825</date>, based on <ref target="1825-06-29-Talfourd.html"><rs type="letter">her letter to <persName>Talfourd</persName> of <date when="1825-06-29">29 June</date></rs></ref>.</note>--Pray tell me 
            if you approve it for I am very anxious till I hear--You see that I have
            committed no one.--I shall tell <persName ref="#Harness_Wm">William Harness</persName> To send <title ref="#CharlesI_MRMplay">"Charles"</title> to you next week on 
            his return--I write in great haste to save the cross post &amp; am still weak--Tell dear <persName ref="#Talfourd_Mrs">M<hi rend="superscript">rs</hi> 
            Talfourd</persName> &amp; <persName ref="#Rutt_John">Mr. Rutt</persName> how much I regret having been the occasion of a fresh worry &amp; fright to them &amp;
            to you--I hope the little girl<!-- Who is this? --> is well--.</p><closer><lb/> Ever <choice><sic>your's</sic><reg resp="#ebb">yours</reg></choice> <signed>M.R. Mitford</signed><lb/>
            I shall desire the play to be sent to the <placeName ref="#Temple">Temple</placeName><pb n="2"/>
            <date when="1825-08-12"><placeName ref="#Reading_city">Reading</placeName> August twelve 1825</date><lb/> 
               <address><addrLine><persName ref="#Talfourd_Thos">T.N. Talfourd</persName>Esqure</addrLine><addrLine>Oxford Circuit</addrLine>
                  <addrLine><persName ref="#Monck_JB">J.B.Monck</persName></addrLine> </address>
    <!--ebb: Prosop added to site index.-->
Letter to T.N. Talfourd, 12 August 1825 Mary Russell Mitford Amy Colombo Mary Russell Mitford Society: Digital Mitford Project University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg Elisa Beshero-Bondar Transcription and coding by Amy Colombo Proofreading against the manuscript by Elisa Beshero-Bondar First digital edition in TEI, date: 2 June 2014. P5. Edition made with help from photos taken by Digital Mitford editors The Digital Mitford editors' photos from this archive are not permitted for public distribution. Photo files: DSCN1180.jpg, DSCN1181.jpg, DSCN0942.jpg, DSCN0943.jpg Digital Mitford: The Mary Russell Mitford Archive Greensburg, PA, USA 2014

Reproduced by courtesy of the The John Rylands University Library.

Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
Digital Mitford Letters: The Mary Russell Mitford Archive The John Rylands University Library Mitford-Talfourd Correspondence: Letters from Mary Russell Mitford to Thomas Noon Talfourd: vol. 665 JRL English MS 665 no. 21 Coles no.93 Letter from Mary Russell Mitford to T.N. Talfourd, 1825 August 12.

Quarto sheet of paper (likely torn from folio sheet folded in half to form four quarto pages) with correspondence on 1 and address leaf on page 2, then folded in thirds twice more and sealed for posting.

Address leaf bears postmarks: 1) black circular mileage stamp Reading READING AU12 1825

A large handwritten X (in another hand than Mitford's) is placed above the name J. B. Monck on the address leaf, indicating this letter was franked through Monck.

A thousand thanks my dear friend for all your kindness--I am better--the abscess has burst externally & all will soon be well--I hope you will approve of the enclosed--They do not--but it satisfies my own feelings and surely he will not & cannot make an ill use of it.1 "They" perhaps refers to Mitford's parents. "He" refers to William Macready. Mitford enclosed a copy of her letter to Mr. Macready dated August 12th 1825 with this letter to Talfourd. The letter (in the Rylands Collection immediately following this one, JRL #22, and currently being edited for the Digital Mitford project) documents Mitford's rift with Macready, who believed she had written a piece under the pseudonym "Philo-Dramaticus" recently published in Blackwood's Magazine, complaining about the state of the London stage, criticizing the excessive power of actor-managers like Macready, and their abuse of authors. In the enclosed copy of the letter to Macready, Mitford assures him that she had nothing to do with the piece: "In answer to your enquiries I can only say that I knew nothing of the article in question till I saw it with great regret a few days afgter the publication in Blackwood's Magazine." Mitford appears to have seen the Philo-Dramaticus letter on the decline of the English stage as it was reprinted in The Observer of 20 June 1825, based on her letter to Talfourd of 29 June .--Pray tell me if you approve it for I am very anxious till I hear--You see that I have committed no one.--I shall tell William Harness To send "Charles" to you next week on his return--I write in great haste to save the cross post & am still weak--Tell dear Mrs Talfourd & Mr. Rutt how much I regret having been the occasion of a fresh worry & fright to them & to you--I hope the little girl is well--.

Ever your's yours M.R. Mitford I shall desire the play to be sent to the Temple Reading August twelve 1825
T.N. TalfourdEsqure Oxford Circuit J.B.Monck



Letter to T.N. Talfourd, 12 August 1825 Mary Russell Mitford Amy Colombo Mary Russell Mitford Society: Digital Mitford Project University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg Elisa Beshero-Bondar Transcription and coding by Amy Colombo Proofreading against the manuscript by Elisa Beshero-Bondar First digital edition in TEI, date: 2 June 2014. P5. Edition made with help from photos taken by Digital Mitford editors The Digital Mitford editors' photos from this archive are not permitted for public distribution. Photo files: DSCN1180.jpg, DSCN1181.jpg, DSCN0942.jpg, DSCN0943.jpg Digital Mitford: The Mary Russell Mitford Archive Greensburg, PA, USA 2014

Reproduced by courtesy of the The John Rylands University Library.

Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
Digital Mitford Letters: The Mary Russell Mitford Archive The John Rylands University Library Mitford-Talfourd Correspondence: Letters from Mary Russell Mitford to Thomas Noon Talfourd: vol. 665 JRL English MS 665 no. 21 Coles no.93 Letter from Mary Russell Mitford to T.N. Talfourd, 1825 August 12.

Quarto sheet of paper (likely torn from folio sheet folded in half to form four quarto pages) with correspondence on 1 and address leaf on page 2, then folded in thirds twice more and sealed for posting.

Address leaf bears postmarks: 1) black circular mileage stamp Reading READING AU12 1825

A large handwritten X (in another hand than Mitford's) is placed above the name J. B. Monck on the address leaf, indicating this letter was franked through Monck.

A thousand thanks my dear friend for all your kindness--I am better--the abscess has burst externally & all will soon be well--I hope you will approve of the enclosed--They do not--but it satisfies my own feelings and surely he will not & cannot make an ill use of it."They" perhaps refers to Mitford's parents. "He" refers to William Macready. Mitford enclosed a copy of her letter to Mr. Macready dated August 12th 1825 with this letter to Talfourd. The letter (in the Rylands Collection immediately following this one, JRL #22, and currently being edited for the Digital Mitford project) documents Mitford's rift with Macready, who believed she had written a piece under the pseudonym "Philo-Dramaticus" recently published in Blackwood's Magazine, complaining about the state of the London stage, criticizing the excessive power of actor-managers like Macready, and their abuse of authors. In the enclosed copy of the letter to Macready, Mitford assures him that she had nothing to do with the piece: "In answer to your enquiries I can only say that I knew nothing of the article in question till I saw it with great regret a few days afgter the publication in Blackwood's Magazine." Mitford appears to have seen the Philo-Dramaticus letter on the decline of the English stage as it was reprinted in The Observer of 20 June 1825, based on her letter to Talfourd of 29 June .--Pray tell me if you approve it for I am very anxious till I hear--You see that I have committed no one.--I shall tell William Harness To send "Charles" to you next week on his return--I write in great haste to save the cross post & am still weak--Tell dear Mrs Talfourd & Mr. Rutt how much I regret having been the occasion of a fresh worry & fright to them & to you--I hope the little girl is well--.

Ever your's yours M.R. Mitford I shall desire the play to be sent to the Temple Reading August twelve 1825
T.N. TalfourdEsqure Oxford Circuit J.B.Monck