Vertical Tabs Reader Choose Stylesheet TAPAS GenericTEI BoilerplateXML ViewToggle Soft WrapToggle Invisibles<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?xml-model href="" type="application/xml" schematypens=""?> <?xml-model href="" type="application/xml" schematypens=""?> <TEI xmlns="" xml:id="L331-tok"> <teiHeader> <fileDesc> <titleStmt> <title xml:lang="mix"><seg xml:id="L331-00-01"><seg xml:id="L331-00-01-01">Ntusu</seg> <seg xml:id="L331-00-01-02">Sa'an Savi</seg></seg></title> <title xml:lang="esp"><seg xml:id="L331-00-02"><seg xml:id="L331-00-02-01">Alfabeto</seg> <seg xml:id="L331-00-02-02">del</seg> <seg xml:id="L331-00-02-03">Mixteco de Mixtepec</seg></seg></title> <editor>Gisela Beckmann</editor> <editor>María M. Nieves</editor> <respStmt> <resp>TEI Encoding</resp> <name>Jack T. Bowers</name> </respStmt> </titleStmt> <publicationStmt> <p>This is an XML-TEI markup of the original publications by SIL Mexico for the purposes of: archival and for the creation of a body of Mixtepec-Mixtec language resources (LR) (ISO: mix). Encoded documents used with the permission of original authors.</p> </publicationStmt> <sourceDesc> <bibl xml:id="bibl.L331"> <title>Ntusu Sa'an Savi</title> <editor>Beckmann, Gisela</editor>; <editor>Nieves, María M.</editor>. <date>2011</date>. <pubPlace>Tlalpan, D.F., México</pubPlace>:<publisher>Instituto Lingüístico de Verano, A.C.</publisher> <edition/> Obtained from:<ptr target=""/> </bibl> </sourceDesc> </fileDesc> <profileDesc> <textDesc> <channel mode="w">@mode:'w' means that the primary means of utilising this document is by reading it's written form; </channel> <constitution type="single"/> <derivation type="original">this document is labeled "original" because the XML-TEI markup of it's contents have not made any alterations to the original content;</derivation> <domain type="rooster"/> <factuality type="fiction"/> <interaction type="none"/> <preparedness type="NA">not applicable</preparedness> <purpose type="entertain"/> </textDesc> </profileDesc> <encodingDesc> <p> The term "orthographic unit" is used to represent any unit presented in original document and in the Mixtepec-Mixtec working orthographic conventions that corresponds to a phonetic (and/or) phonological unit or sequence; The content of the original document is represented as a series of lists in which the category of the phonetic classification type (Vowel, Consonant, Complex Consonants, Non-Native sounds) represented by the orthographic convention are all contained within the "item" element. </p> <p> <list> <item><label>segment</label> <elementSpec ident="seg"> <desc>In this document (and in all others in the SIL collection) the 'seg' element is used to encapsulate: <list> <item>i) examples of words containing the orthographic unit in MIX;;</item> <item>ii) Spanish translations of the MIX words containing the orthographic unit;;</item> </list> The attributes within the "seg" element are as follows: '<att>xml:lang</att>="(<val>mix</val>|<val>esp</val>)"' is again to declare that the language is MIX or Spanish; </desc> </elementSpec> </item> <item><label>character</label> <elementSpec ident="c"> <desc>The "character" element (represented as: "c") in which the orthographic unit is present; The attributes within the "c" element are as follows: "@<att>xml:id</att>" is given to elements so that in further searching/modeling of the language and conceptual data contained therein may be uniquely identified; '@<att>type</att>="<val>orth</val>"' is to declare that the style is orthographic; '@<att>xml:lang</att>="<val>mix</val>"' is to declare that the language is MIX; (although this will likely be changed in later encodings so that it is only necessary to do once) </desc> </elementSpec> </item> <item><label>column break</label> <elementSpec ident="cb"> <desc>This is a formatting element that will likely be replaced at a later time with either CSS or XSL</desc> </elementSpec> </item> <item><label>division</label> <elementSpec ident="div"> <desc> The "div" element contains each separate list;</desc> </elementSpec> </item> <item><label>head</label> <elementSpec ident="head"> <desc>The headers from original document are represented as the "head" element of each list:</desc> </elementSpec> </item> <item><label>graphic</label> <elementSpec ident="graphic"> <desc>contains a link to the image file that corresponds to the given item in original document in attribute:@'<att>url</att></desc> </elementSpec> </item> </list> </p> <p> Note: from the alphabet defined herein a FSD document will be created for this alphabetic system and characters. These features will be linked to the phonetic and phonological FSD for this language which at a future time could form the basis for a system of automatic transcription of Mixtepec Mixtec speech in phonetic and/or orthographic form. </p> <classDecl> <taxonomy xml:id="tax.sil-mix"> <category xml:id="pedagogical"> <catDesc>PEDAGOGICAL</catDesc> <category xml:id="pedagogical-inter"> <catDesc>PEDAGOGICAL:INTERACTIVE</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="pedagogical-ref"> <catDesc>PEDAGOGICAL:REFERENCE</catDesc> </category> </category> <category xml:id="fiction"> <catDesc>FICTION</catDesc> <category xml:id="fiction-fantasy"> <catDesc>FICTION:FANTASY</catDesc> </category> <category xml:id="fiction-realistic"> <catDesc>FICTION:REALISTIC</catDesc> </category> </category> <category xml:id="folklore"> <catDesc>FOLKLORE</catDesc> </category> </taxonomy> </classDecl> <projectDesc> <p> This portion of the lexicography project deals with the only known body of literature in Mixtepec-Mixtec language which is comprised of series of 34* orthographic children's texts published by SIL Mexico (Summer Institute of Linguistics). The target audience of these documents is primarily young MIX speakers and are designed for use as classroom handouts and/or lessons for primary/elementary school-level. The topical content of these publications contain both culturally specific, and non-culturally specific subject matter supplemented by illustrations. Topics covered in these documents include: vocabulary, mathematics, telling time, geography, seasons, weather, local agricultural practices, fables, local Mixtec legends amongst others. These publications make up the second most important collection in this project and they remain the only source of reference for examples of how the working orthography of the Mixtec language is applied to the Mixtepec variety. The encoding of this portion of the MIX Language resources can be divided into the following components: <list> <item>i) TEI-XML markup of documents that supports reuse and extension within this project and/or for other interested parties;</item> <item>ii) Annotation and glossing of lexical information and structures in documents; tasks include; <list> <item>glossing of orthographical lexical items;</item> <item>assignment of lexical properties to sentences, phrases and lexical items (morpho-/syntactic; pragmatic; semantic etc.);</item> <item>linking corresponding bilingual items (Spanish-Mixtec) within each document;</item> <item>entry of analyzed, glossed and categorized lexical information into TEI-Dictionary;</item> <item>link orthographical forms of lexical items with phonetic transcriptions of spoken forms;</item></list></item> <item>iii) Classification of Document Types and Ontology Linking; <list> <item>replace current SIL document classification model<ref target="#tax.sil-mix"/> with established and expansible document system which can be used to classify any new document or literature produced in the language in the future;</item> <item>as per the goal of the overall project, the use of language-specific glosses (including 'Interlingua') will be replaced by grounding the semantic profile of each lexical item by referencing ontological entities (from existing ontologies such as DBpedia, SKOS, etc.);</item> </list> </item> </list> </p> </projectDesc> </encodingDesc> </teiHeader> <text decls="#pedagogical-ref"> <body> <div xml:id="L331-01"> <p> <list type="gloss"><head><seg xml:id="L331-01-00">Vocales</seg></head> <item xml:id="L331-01-01"><c type="orth" xml:lang="mix">a</c><cb/><seg xml:lang="mix" xml:id="L331-01-01-01">anua</seg><cb/><seg xml:lang="esp" xml:id="L331-01-01-02">corazón</seg><graphic url="L331-heart.png"/></item> <item xml:id="L331-01-02"><c type="orth" xml:lang="mix">an</c><cb/><seg xml:lang="mix" xml:id="L331-01-02-01">xi'an</seg><cb/><seg xml:lang="esp" xml:id="L331-01-02-02">gavilán</seg><graphic url="L331-hawk.png"/></item> <item xml:id="L331-01-03"><c type="orth" xml:lang="mix">aa</c><cb/><seg xml:lang="mix" xml:id="L331-01-03-01">saa</seg><cb/><seg xml:lang="esp" xml:id="L331-01-03-02">pájaro</seg><graphic url="L331-bird.png"/></item> <item xml:id="L331-01-04"><c type="orth" xml:lang="mix">a'a</c><cb/><seg xml:lang="mix" xml:id="L331-01-04-01">ya'a</seg><cb/><seg xml:lang="esp" xml:id="L331-01-04-02">chile</seg><graphic url="L331-chile.png"/></item> <item xml:id="L331-01-05"><c type="orth" xml:lang="mix">e</c><cb/><seg xml:lang="mix" xml:id="L331-01-05-01">le'lu</seg><cb/><seg xml:lang="esp" xml:id="L331-01-05-02">borreguito</seg><graphic url="L331-lamb.png"/></item> <item xml:id="L331-01-06"><c type="orth" xml:lang="mix">en</c><cb/><seg xml:lang="mix" xml:id="L331-01-06-01">teen</seg><cb/><seg xml:lang="esp" xml:id="L331-01-06-02">sudor</seg><graphic url="L331-sweat.png"/></item> <item xml:id="L331-01-07"><c type="orth" xml:lang="mix">ee</c><cb/><seg xml:lang="mix" xml:id="L331-01-07-01">skee</seg><cb/><seg xml:lang="esp" xml:id="L331-01-07-02">pizcando</seg><graphic url="L331-harvest-pick.png"/></item> <item xml:id="L331-01-08"><c type="orth" xml:lang="mix">e'e</c><cb/><seg xml:lang="mix" xml:id="L331-01-08-01">ve'e</seg><cb/><seg xml:lang="esp" xml:id="L331-01-08-02">casa</seg><graphic url="L331-house.png"/></item> <item xml:id="L331-01-09"><c type="orth" xml:lang="mix">i</c><cb/><seg xml:lang="mix" xml:id="L331-01-09-01">ita</seg><cb/><seg xml:lang="esp" xml:id="L331-01-09-02">flor</seg><graphic url="L331-flower.png"/></item> <item xml:id="L331-01-10"><c type="orth" xml:lang="mix">in</c><cb/><seg xml:lang="mix" xml:id="L331-01-10-01">ntikua'in</seg><cb/><seg xml:lang="esp" xml:id="L331-01-10-02">ardilla</seg><graphic url="L331-squirrel.png"/></item> <item xml:id="L331-01-11"><c type="orth" xml:lang="mix">ii</c><cb/><seg xml:lang="mix" xml:id="L331-01-11-01">chikuii</seg><cb/><seg xml:lang="esp" xml:id="L331-01-11-02">agua</seg><graphic url="L331-water.png"/></item> <item xml:id="L331-01-12"><c type="orth" xml:lang="mix">i'i</c><cb/><seg xml:lang="mix" xml:id="L331-01-12-01">tsi'i</seg><cb/><seg xml:lang="esp" xml:id="L331-01-12-02">hongo</seg><graphic url="L331-mushroom.png"/></item> <item xml:id="L331-01-13"><c type="orth" xml:lang="mix">o</c><cb/><seg xml:lang="mix" xml:id="L331-01-13-01">oko</seg><cb/><seg xml:lang="esp" xml:id="L331-01-13-02">vente</seg><seg xml:id="L331-01-13-03"><num value="20" corresp="#L331-01-13-02 #L331-01-13-01">20</num></seg></item> <item xml:id="L331-01-14"><c type="orth" xml:lang="mix">on</c><cb/><seg xml:lang="mix" xml:id="L331-01-14-01">sachoon</seg><cb/><seg xml:lang="esp" xml:id="L331-01-14-02">trabajamos</seg><graphic url="L331-work.png"/></item> <item xml:id="L331-01-15"><c type="orth" xml:lang="mix">oo</c><cb/><seg xml:lang="mix" xml:id="L331-01-15-01">koo</seg><cb/><seg xml:lang="esp" xml:id="L331-01-15-02">culebra</seg><graphic url="L331-snake.png"/></item> <item xml:id="L331-01-16"><c type="orth" xml:lang="mix">o'o</c><cb/><seg xml:lang="mix" xml:id="L331-01-16-01">ncho'o</seg><cb/><seg xml:lang="esp" xml:id="L331-01-16-02">colibrí</seg><graphic url="L331-hummingbird.png"/></item> <item xml:id="L331-01-17"><c type="orth" xml:lang="mix">u</c><cb/><seg xml:lang="mix" xml:id="L331-01-17-01">uli</seg><cb/><seg xml:lang="esp" xml:id="L331-01-17-02">resortera</seg><graphic url="L331-slingshot.png"/></item> <item xml:id="L331-01-18"><c type="orth" xml:lang="mix">un</c><cb/><seg xml:lang="mix" xml:id="L331-01-18-01">xu'un</seg><cb/><seg xml:lang="esp" xml:id="L331-01-18-02">dinero</seg><graphic url="L331-money.png"/></item> <item xml:id="L331-01-19"><c type="orth" xml:lang="mix">uu</c><cb/><seg xml:lang="mix" xml:id="L331-01-19-01">kañuu</seg><cb/><seg xml:lang="esp" xml:id="L331-01-19-02">codorniz</seg><graphic url="L331-quail.png"/></item> <item xml:id="L331-01-20"><c type="orth" xml:lang="mix">u'u</c><cb/><seg xml:lang="mix" xml:id="L331-01-20-01">yu'u</seg><cb/><seg xml:lang="esp" xml:id="L331-01-20-02">boca</seg><graphic url="L331-mouth.png"/></item> </list> </p> </div> <div xml:id="L331-02"> <p> <list><head><seg xml:id="L331-02-00">Consonantes</seg></head> <item xml:id="L331-02-01"><c type="orth" xml:lang="mix">k</c><cb/><seg xml:lang="mix" xml:id="L331-02-01-01">kiti</seg><cb/> <seg xml:lang="esp" xml:id="L331-02-01-02">caballo</seg><cb/><graphic url="L331-horse.png"/></item> <item xml:id="L331-02-02"><c type="orth" xml:lang="mix">l</c><cb/><seg xml:lang="mix" xml:id="L331-02-02-01">lakuku</seg><cb/> <seg xml:lang="esp" xml:id="L331-02-02-02">tortolita</seg><cb/><graphic url="L331-mourning_dove.png"/></item> <item xml:id="L331-02-03"><c type="orth" xml:lang="mix">m</c><cb/><seg xml:lang="mix" xml:id="L331-02-03-01">ma'a</seg><cb/> <seg xml:lang="esp" xml:id="L331-02-03-02">mapache</seg><cb/><graphic url="L331-racoon.png"/></item> <item xml:id="L331-02-04"><c type="orth" xml:lang="mix">n</c><cb/><seg xml:lang="mix" xml:id="L331-02-04-01">nuni</seg><cb/> <seg xml:lang="esp" xml:id="L331-02-04-02">maiz</seg><cb/><graphic url="L331-corn_kernals.png"/></item> <item xml:id="L331-02-05"><c type="orth" xml:lang="mix">ñ</c><cb/><seg xml:lang="mix" xml:id="L331-02-05-01">ñuñu</seg><cb/> <seg xml:lang="esp" xml:id="L331-02-05-02">red</seg><cb/><graphic url="L331-net.png"/></item> <item xml:id="L331-02-06"><c type="orth" xml:lang="mix">r</c><cb/><seg xml:lang="mix" xml:id="L331-02-06-01">skuleru</seg><cb/> <seg xml:lang="esp" xml:id="L331-02-06-02">maestro</seg><cb/><graphic url="L331-teacher.png"/></item> <item xml:id="L331-02-07"><c type="orth" xml:lang="mix">s</c><cb/><seg xml:lang="mix" xml:id="L331-02-07-01">savi</seg><cb/> <seg xml:lang="esp" xml:id="L331-02-07-02">lluvia</seg><cb/><graphic url="L331-rain.png"/></item> <item xml:id="L331-02-08"><c type="orth" xml:lang="mix">t</c><cb/><seg xml:lang="mix" xml:id="L331-02-08-01">tikaka</seg><cb/> <seg xml:lang="esp" xml:id="L331-02-08-02">curvo</seg><cb/><graphic url="L331-crow.png"/></item> <item xml:id="L331-02-09"><c type="orth" xml:lang="mix">v</c><cb/><seg xml:lang="mix" xml:id="L331-02-09-01">vitsi</seg><cb/> <seg xml:lang="esp" xml:id="L331-02-09-02">piña</seg><cb/><graphic url="L331-pineapple.png"/></item> <item xml:id="L331-02-10"><c type="orth" xml:lang="mix">x</c><cb/><seg xml:lang="mix" xml:id="L331-02-10-01">xio</seg><cb/> <seg xml:lang="esp" xml:id="L331-02-10-02">falda</seg><cb/><graphic url="L331-skirt.png"/></item> <item xml:id="L331-02-11"><c>y</c><cb/><seg xml:lang="mix" xml:id="L331-02-11-01">yakui</seg><cb/> <seg xml:lang="esp" xml:id="L331-02-11-02">armadillo</seg><cb/><graphic url="L331-armadillo.png"/></item> <item xml:id="L331-02-12"><c type="orth" xml:lang="mix">'</c><cb/><seg xml:lang="mix" xml:id="L331-02-12-01">to'lo</seg><cb/> <seg xml:lang="esp" xml:id="L331-02-12-02">gallo</seg><cb/><graphic url="L331-rooster.png"/></item> </list> </p> </div> <div xml:id="L331-03"> <p> <list><head><seg xml:id="L331-03-00">Consonantes compuestas</seg></head> <item xml:id="L331-03-01"><c type="orth" xml:lang="mix">ch</c><cb/><seg xml:lang="mix" xml:id="L331-03-01-01">chaka</seg><cb/> <seg xml:lang="esp" xml:id="L331-03-01-02">pez</seg><cb/><graphic url="L331-fish.png"/></item> <item xml:id="L331-03-02"><c type="orth" xml:lang="mix">nch</c><cb/><seg xml:lang="mix" xml:id="L331-03-02-01">nchichi</seg><cb/> <seg xml:lang="esp" xml:id="L331-03-02-02">ejote</seg><cb/><graphic url="L331-green_beans.png"/></item> <item xml:id="L331-03-03"><c type="orth" xml:lang="mix">nk</c><cb/><seg xml:lang="mix" xml:id="L331-03-03-01">nkuii</seg><cb/> <seg xml:lang="esp" xml:id="L331-03-03-02">zorra</seg><cb/><cb/><graphic url="L331-fox.png"/></item> <item xml:id="L331-03-04"><c type="orth" xml:lang="mix">nt</c><cb/><seg xml:lang="mix" xml:id="L331-03-04-01">ntixi</seg><cb/> <seg xml:lang="esp" xml:id="L331-03-04-02">elote</seg><cb/><graphic url="L331-corn_on_cob_w-husk.png"/></item> <item xml:id="L331-03-05"><c type="orth" xml:lang="mix">nts</c><cb/><seg xml:lang="mix" xml:id="L331-03-05-01">ntsitsi</seg><cb/> <seg xml:lang="esp" xml:id="L331-03-05-02">ala</seg><cb/><graphic url="L331-wing.png"/></item> <item xml:id="L331-03-06"><c type="orth" xml:lang="mix">ts</c><cb/><seg xml:lang="mix" xml:id="L331-03-06-01">tsatu</seg><cb/> <seg xml:lang="esp" xml:id="L331-03-06-02">pantalón</seg><cb/><graphic url="L331-pants.png"/></item> <item xml:id="L331-03-07"><c type="orth" xml:lang="mix">xch</c><cb/><seg xml:lang="mix" xml:id="L331-03-07-01">xchacha</seg><cb/> <seg xml:lang="esp" xml:id="L331-03-07-02">pelos de maíz</seg><cb/><graphic url="L331-corn_on_cob_w-husk.png"/></item> </list> </p> </div> <div xml:id="L331-04"> <p> <list><head><seg xml:lang="esp" xml:id="L331-04-00">Las letras d, f, g, j, p, rr solamente se usan en palabras tomadas del español.</seg></head> <item xml:id="L331-04-01"><c type="orth" xml:lang="mix">d</c><cb/><seg xml:lang="mix" xml:id="L331-04-01-01">soldado</seg><cb/> <seg xml:lang="esp" xml:id="L331-04-01-02">soldado</seg></item> <item xml:id="L331-04-02"><c type="orth" xml:lang="mix">f</c><cb/><seg xml:lang="mix" xml:id="L331-04-02-01">cafe</seg><cb/> <seg xml:lang="esp" xml:id="L331-04-02-02">café</seg></item> <item xml:id="L331-04-03"><c type="orth" xml:lang="mix">g</c><cb/><seg xml:lang="mix" xml:id="L331-04-03-01">amigu</seg><cb/> <seg xml:lang="esp" xml:id="L331-04-03-02">amigo</seg></item> <item xml:id="L331-04-04"><c type="orth" xml:lang="mix">j</c><cb/><seg xml:lang="mix" xml:id="L331-04-04-01">juevixi</seg><cb/> <seg xml:lang="esp" xml:id="L331-04-04-02">jueves</seg></item> <item xml:id="L331-04-05"><c type="orth" xml:lang="mix">p</c><cb/><seg xml:lang="mix" xml:id="L331-04-05-01">paa</seg><cb/> <seg xml:lang="esp" xml:id="L331-04-05-02">pan</seg></item> <item xml:id="L331-04-06"><c type="orth" xml:lang="mix">rr</c><cb/><seg xml:lang="mix" xml:id="L331-04-06-01">lurru</seg><cb/> <seg xml:lang="esp" xml:id="L331-04-06-02">burro</seg></item> </list> </p> </div> </body> </text> </TEI> Hide page breaks Views diplomatic normalized Ntusu Sa'an Savi Alfabeto del Mixteco de Mixtepec Gisela Beckmann María M. Nieves TEI Encoding Jack T. Bowers This is an XML-TEI markup of the original publications by SIL Mexico for the purposes of: archival and for the creation of a body of Mixtepec-Mixtec language resources (LR) (ISO: mix). Encoded documents used with the permission of original authors. Ntusu Sa'an Savi Beckmann, Gisela; Nieves, María M.. 2011. Tlalpan, D.F., México:Instituto Lingüístico de Verano, A.C. Obtained from: @mode:'w' means that the primary means of utilising this document is by reading it's written form; this document is labeled "original" because the XML-TEI markup of it's contents have not made any alterations to the original content; not applicable The term "orthographic unit" is used to represent any unit presented in original document and in the Mixtepec-Mixtec working orthographic conventions that corresponds to a phonetic (and/or) phonological unit or sequence; The content of the original document is represented as a series of lists in which the category of the phonetic classification type (Vowel, Consonant, Complex Consonants, Non-Native sounds) represented by the orthographic convention are all contained within the "item" element. segment In this document (and in all others in the SIL collection) the 'seg' element is used to encapsulate: i) examples of words containing the orthographic unit in MIX;; ii) Spanish translations of the MIX words containing the orthographic unit;; The attributes within the "seg" element are as follows: 'xml:lang="(mix|esp)"' is again to declare that the language is MIX or Spanish; character The "character" element (represented as: "c") in which the orthographic unit is present; The attributes within the "c" element are as follows: "@xml:id" is given to elements so that in further searching/modeling of the language and conceptual data contained therein may be uniquely identified; '@type="orth"' is to declare that the style is orthographic; '@xml:lang="mix"' is to declare that the language is MIX; (although this will likely be changed in later encodings so that it is only necessary to do once) column break This is a formatting element that will likely be replaced at a later time with either CSS or XSL division The "div" element contains each separate list; head The headers from original document are represented as the "head" element of each list: graphic contains a link to the image file that corresponds to the given item in original document in attribute:@'url Note: from the alphabet defined herein a FSD document will be created for this alphabetic system and characters. These features will be linked to the phonetic and phonological FSD for this language which at a future time could form the basis for a system of automatic transcription of Mixtepec Mixtec speech in phonetic and/or orthographic form. PEDAGOGICAL PEDAGOGICAL:INTERACTIVE PEDAGOGICAL:REFERENCE FICTION FICTION:FANTASY FICTION:REALISTIC FOLKLORE This portion of the lexicography project deals with the only known body of literature in Mixtepec-Mixtec language which is comprised of series of 34* orthographic children's texts published by SIL Mexico (Summer Institute of Linguistics). The target audience of these documents is primarily young MIX speakers and are designed for use as classroom handouts and/or lessons for primary/elementary school-level. The topical content of these publications contain both culturally specific, and non-culturally specific subject matter supplemented by illustrations. Topics covered in these documents include: vocabulary, mathematics, telling time, geography, seasons, weather, local agricultural practices, fables, local Mixtec legends amongst others. These publications make up the second most important collection in this project and they remain the only source of reference for examples of how the working orthography of the Mixtec language is applied to the Mixtepec variety. The encoding of this portion of the MIX Language resources can be divided into the following components: i) TEI-XML markup of documents that supports reuse and extension within this project and/or for other interested parties; ii) Annotation and glossing of lexical information and structures in documents; tasks include; glossing of orthographical lexical items; assignment of lexical properties to sentences, phrases and lexical items (morpho-/syntactic; pragmatic; semantic etc.); linking corresponding bilingual items (Spanish-Mixtec) within each document; entry of analyzed, glossed and categorized lexical information into TEI-Dictionary; link orthographical forms of lexical items with phonetic transcriptions of spoken forms; iii) Classification of Document Types and Ontology Linking; replace current SIL document classification model#tax.sil-mix with established and expansible document system which can be used to classify any new document or literature produced in the language in the future; as per the goal of the overall project, the use of language-specific glosses (including 'Interlingua') will be replaced by grounding the semantic profile of each lexical item by referencing ontological entities (from existing ontologies such as DBpedia, SKOS, etc.); Vocales a anua corazón an xi'an gavilán aa saa pájaro a'a ya'a chile e le'lu borreguito en teen sudor ee skee pizcando e'e ve'e casa i ita flor in ntikua'in ardilla ii chikuii agua i'i tsi'i hongo o oko vente 20 on sachoon trabajamos oo koo culebra o'o ncho'o colibrí u uli resortera un xu'un dinero uu kañuu codorniz u'u yu'u boca Consonantes k kiti caballo l lakuku tortolita m ma'a mapache n nuni maiz ñ ñuñu red r skuleru maestro s savi lluvia t tikaka curvo v vitsi piña x xio falda y yakui armadillo ' to'lo gallo Consonantes compuestas ch chaka pez nch nchichi ejote nk nkuii zorra nt ntixi elote nts ntsitsi ala ts tsatu pantalón xch xchacha pelos de maíz Las letras d, f, g, j, p, rr solamente se usan en palabras tomadas del español. d soldado soldado f cafe café g amigu amigo j juevixi jueves p paa pan rr lurru burro ToolboxHide page breaks Themes: Default Sleepy Time Terminal Ntusu Sa'an Savi Alfabeto del Mixteco de Mixtepec Gisela Beckmann María M. Nieves TEI Encoding Jack T. Bowers This is an XML-TEI markup of the original publications by SIL Mexico for the purposes of: archival and for the creation of a body of Mixtepec-Mixtec language resources (LR) (ISO: mix). Encoded documents used with the permission of original authors. Ntusu Sa'an Savi Beckmann, Gisela; Nieves, María M.. 2011. Tlalpan, D.F., México:Instituto Lingüístico de Verano, A.C. Obtained from: @mode:'w' means that the primary means of utilising this document is by reading it's written form; this document is labeled "original" because the XML-TEI markup of it's contents have not made any alterations to the original content; not applicable The term "orthographic unit" is used to represent any unit presented in original document and in the Mixtepec-Mixtec working orthographic conventions that corresponds to a phonetic (and/or) phonological unit or sequence; The content of the original document is represented as a series of lists in which the category of the phonetic classification type (Vowel, Consonant, Complex Consonants, Non-Native sounds) represented by the orthographic convention are all contained within the "item" element. segment In this document (and in all others in the SIL collection) the 'seg' element is used to encapsulate: i) examples of words containing the orthographic unit in MIX;; ii) Spanish translations of the MIX words containing the orthographic unit;; The attributes within the "seg" element are as follows: 'xml:lang="(mix|esp)"' is again to declare that the language is MIX or Spanish; character The "character" element (represented as: "c") in which the orthographic unit is present; The attributes within the "c" element are as follows: "@xml:id" is given to elements so that in further searching/modeling of the language and conceptual data contained therein may be uniquely identified; '@type="orth"' is to declare that the style is orthographic; '@xml:lang="mix"' is to declare that the language is MIX; (although this will likely be changed in later encodings so that it is only necessary to do once) column break This is a formatting element that will likely be replaced at a later time with either CSS or XSL division The "div" element contains each separate list; head The headers from original document are represented as the "head" element of each list: graphic contains a link to the image file that corresponds to the given item in original document in attribute:@'url Note: from the alphabet defined herein a FSD document will be created for this alphabetic system and characters. These features will be linked to the phonetic and phonological FSD for this language which at a future time could form the basis for a system of automatic transcription of Mixtepec Mixtec speech in phonetic and/or orthographic form. PEDAGOGICAL PEDAGOGICAL:INTERACTIVE PEDAGOGICAL:REFERENCE FICTION FICTION:FANTASY FICTION:REALISTIC FOLKLORE This portion of the lexicography project deals with the only known body of literature in Mixtepec-Mixtec language which is comprised of series of 34* orthographic children's texts published by SIL Mexico (Summer Institute of Linguistics). The target audience of these documents is primarily young MIX speakers and are designed for use as classroom handouts and/or lessons for primary/elementary school-level. The topical content of these publications contain both culturally specific, and non-culturally specific subject matter supplemented by illustrations. Topics covered in these documents include: vocabulary, mathematics, telling time, geography, seasons, weather, local agricultural practices, fables, local Mixtec legends amongst others. These publications make up the second most important collection in this project and they remain the only source of reference for examples of how the working orthography of the Mixtec language is applied to the Mixtepec variety. The encoding of this portion of the MIX Language resources can be divided into the following components: i) TEI-XML markup of documents that supports reuse and extension within this project and/or for other interested parties; ii) Annotation and glossing of lexical information and structures in documents; tasks include; glossing of orthographical lexical items; assignment of lexical properties to sentences, phrases and lexical items (morpho-/syntactic; pragmatic; semantic etc.); linking corresponding bilingual items (Spanish-Mixtec) within each document; entry of analyzed, glossed and categorized lexical information into TEI-Dictionary; link orthographical forms of lexical items with phonetic transcriptions of spoken forms; iii) Classification of Document Types and Ontology Linking; replace current SIL document classification model with established and expansible document system which can be used to classify any new document or literature produced in the language in the future; as per the goal of the overall project, the use of language-specific glosses (including 'Interlingua') will be replaced by grounding the semantic profile of each lexical item by referencing ontological entities (from existing ontologies such as DBpedia, SKOS, etc.); Vocales a anua corazón an xi'an gavilán aa saa pájaro a'a ya'a chile e le'lu borreguito en teen sudor ee skee pizcando e'e ve'e casa i ita flor in ntikua'in ardilla ii chikuii agua i'i tsi'i hongo o oko vente 20 on sachoon trabajamos oo koo culebra o'o ncho'o colibrí u uli resortera un xu'un dinero uu kañuu codorniz u'u yu'u boca Consonantes k kiti caballo l lakuku tortolita m ma'a mapache n nuni maiz ñ ñuñu red r skuleru maestro s savi lluvia t tikaka curvo v vitsi piña x xio falda y yakui armadillo ' to'lo gallo Consonantes compuestas ch chaka pez nch nchichi ejote nk nkuii zorra nt ntixi elote nts ntsitsi ala ts tsatu pantalón xch xchacha pelos de maíz Las letras d, f, g, j, p, rr solamente se usan en palabras tomadas del español. d soldado soldado f cafe café g amigu amigo j juevixi jueves p paa pan rr lurru burro Metadata TAPAS Title:Ntusu Sa'an SaviTitle:Ntusu Sa'an SaviAlternative title:Alfabeto del Mixteco de MixtepecTAPAS Contributor:Bowers, Jack Thompson (Contributor)Contributor:Gisela Beckmann (Editor)María M. Nieves (Editor)Jack T. Bowers (TEI Encoding)Type of resource:TextGenre:Texts (document genres)Publicationstmt:This is an XML-TEI markup of the original publications by SIL Mexico for the purposes of: archival and for the creation of a body of Mixtepec-Mixtec language resources (LR) (ISO: mix). Encoded documents used with the permission of original authors.Related item:Ntusu Sa'an SaviSubject:PEDAGOGICALFICTIONFOLKLORE Files TEI File: L331-tok.xml Project Details Project: Mixtepec-Mixtec Corpus and LexicographyCollection: SIL-Mexico Mixtepec-Mixtec Publications