Park's history of Simple Simon.

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                <name/>Shannon May<note/>

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                <label>Initial TEI Markup</label>
                <name>Wid Naima</name>

                <date when="2013"/>
                <label>Content Reviewer</label>
                <note>Content Reviewer notes</note>

                <date when="2013"/>
                <label>TEI Reviewer</label>
                <name>Sharon Rankin</name>
                <note>TEI Reviewer notes</note>

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            <div type="cover" rend="orange coloured pictorial wrappers"/>
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                    <title level="s">PARK's</title><lb/>
                    <title level="m">HISTORY OF<lb/>SIMPLE SIMON.</title><lb/>
                    <pubPlace>&orn;<lb/>LONDON ;</pubPlace><lb/>
                    <publisher>Pub. by A. Park, </publisher><pubPlace>47, Leonard Street.</pubPlace>
            <pb n="2"/>
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                <head type="work" rend="align(centre)">PARK'S<lb/>SIMPLE SIMON.</head>
                <figure rend="coloured align(centre)">
                <cb n="1"/>
                <p rend="align(centre)">A <lb/> B</p>

                <cb n="2"/>
                    <l>Simple Simon met a Pieman,</l>
                    <l rend="indent(2)">Going to the Fair, [pieman,</l>
                    <!-- Same issue as with other Park chapbooks, the "[pieman" should be below not on this line -->
                    <l>Says Simple Simon to the</l>
                    <l rend="indent(2)">Let me taste your ware.</l>
                    <l>Says the Pieman, unto Simon,</l>
                    <l rend="indent(2)">First give me a penny,</l>
                    <l>Says Simon, to the Pieman,</l>
                    <l rend="indent(2)">I have not got any.</l>
                <cb n="3"/>
                <p rend="align(centre)">a <lb/> b</p>

                <pb n="5"/>

                <cb n="1"/>
                <p rend="align(centre)">C <lb/>D <lb/>E <lb/>F<lb/> G <lb/>H <lb/>I <lb/>J</p>

                <cb n="2"/>

                <figure rend="coloured align(centre)">
                    <l>He went to catch a dickey bird,</l>
                    <l rend="indent(2)">And thought he could not fail,</l>
                    <l>Because he'd got a little salt,</l>
                    <l rend="indent(2)">To put upon his tail.</l>

                <figure rend="coloured align(centre)">
                    <l>Then Simple Simon went a hunting,</l>
                    <l rend="indent(2)">For to catch a hare,</l>
                    <l>He rode an ass about the streets,</l>
                    <l rend="indent(2)">But could not find one there.</l>

                <cb n="3"/>
                <p rend="align(centre)">c <lb/> d <lb/>e <lb/> f <lb/>g <lb/> h <lb/> i <lb/> j </p>

                <pb n="6"/>
                <pb n="7"/>
                <pb n="8"/>

                <cb n="1"/>
                <p rend="align(centre)">K <lb/>L <lb/>M <lb/>N <lb/>O<lb/> P<lb/> Q<lb/> R</p>

                <cb n="2"/>
                <figure rend="coloured align(centre)">
                    <l>He went to eat honey,</l>
                    <l rend="indent(2)">Out of a mustard pot,</l>
                    <l>It bit his tongue, until he cried,</l>
                    <l rend="indent(2)">That was all the good he got.</l>

                <figure rend="coloured align(centre)">
                    <l>He went to shoot a wild duck,</l>
                    <l rend="indent(2)">But wild duck flew away,</l>
                    <l>Says Simple Simon I can't hit him,</l>
                    <l rend="indent(2)">Because he would not stay.</l>

                <cb n="3"/>
                <p rend="align(centre)">k <lb/>l <lb/>m <lb/>n <lb/>o<lb/> p <lb/>q <lb/>r </p>

                <pb n="9"/>

                <cb n="1"/>
                <p rend="align(centre)">s <lb/>t <lb/>u <lb/>v <lb/>w<lb/> x<lb/> y<lb/> z</p>

                <cb n="2"/>
                <figure rend="coloured align(centre)">
                    <l>Simon he was sent to market,</l>
                    <l rend="indent(2)">To buy a joint of meat,</l>
                    <l>He tied it to his horse's tail,</l>
                    <l rend="indent(2)">To keep it clean and sweet.</l>

                <figure rend="coloured align(centre)">
                    <l>He went for water in a sieve,</l>
                    <l rend="indent(2)">But soon it all run through;</l>
                    <l>And now poor Simple Simon.</l>
                    <l rend="indent(2)">Bids you all, adieu.</l>

                <cb n="3"/>
                <p rend="align(centre)">S<lb/> T<lb/> U<lb/> V<lb/> W<lb/> X<lb/> Y<lb/> Z</p>
            <pb n="10"/>
            <pb n="11"/>
            <pb n="12"/>
            <div type="cover"/>
            <figure type="borderornament"/>
            <div type="advertisement">
                <head rend="align(centre)">A. PARK,<lb/>47, LEONARD STREET FINSBURY,<lb/>LONDON, E.
                <list rend="align(centre)">
                    <item><measure type="price">6d.</measure>
                        <measure type="price">3d.</measure> &amp; <measure type="price"
                            >2d.</measure> COLOURED TOY BOOKS IN GREAT<lb/>VARIETY.</item>
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                    <item>A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF HALF&ndash;PENNY<lb/>AND FARTHING BOOKS.</item>
                    <item>JUVENILE DRAWING SCRAPS,<lb/>Of Flowers, Fruit, Birds, Butterflies,
                        Animals. Landscapes,<lb/>Sporting, Hunting, &amp;c., 100 sorts, <measure
                            type="price">2d.</measure> plain, <measure type="price">4d.</measure>
                    <item><measure type="price">HALF&ndash;PENNY</measure> PRINTS, 2000
                    <head type="main" rend="align(centre)">PLAYS.</head>
                    <head type="sub" rend="align(centre)"><hi rend="italic">With Characters and
                            Scenes, in complete Sets, 1/2d. Plain.</hi></head>

                    <cb n="1"/>
                    <item>Miller and his Men &ndash; &ndash; &ndash; 23 plates<lb/>Large scenes for
                        do. <measure type="price">1d.</measure> plain</item>
                    <item>Blind Boy &ndash; &ndash; &ndash; &ndash; &ndash; &ndash; &ndash; <measure
                            type="price">17</measure> do</item>
                    <item>Der Freischutz &ndash; &ndash; &ndash; &ndash; <measure type="price"
                            >14</measure> do.</item>
                    <item>Red Rover &ndash; &ndash; &ndash; &ndash; &ndash; &ndash; <measure
                            type="price">18</measure> do.</item>

                    <cb n="2"/>
                    <item>Maid and Magpie &ndash; &ndash; &ndash; &ndash; <measure type="price"
                            >14</measure> plates<lb/>Large scenes for do. <measure type="price"
                            >1d.</measure> plain </item>
                    <item>Old Oak Chest &ndash; &ndash; &ndash; &ndash; <measure type="price"
                            >22</measure> do.</item>
                    <item>Wood D&#xe6;mon &ndash; &ndash; &ndash; &ndash; &ndash; <measure
                            type="price">26</measure> do.</item>
                    <item>Woodman's Hut. &ndash; &ndash; &ndash; &ndash; <measure type="price"
                            >16</measure> do.</item>

                <p rend="align(centre)">Books for the above, <measure type="price">4d.</measure>
                    Drop Scenes, Orchestras, Fronts, Stages of all<lb/>sizes, Lamps and Slides.</p>

                <p rend="align(centre)">LARGE STAGE FRONT, 17in. by 22 in. <measure type="price"
                        >4d.</measure> plain, 1s. coloured, 2s. <measure type="price">6d.</measure>

                <p rend="align(centre)"><measure type="price">PENNY AND TWO&ndash;PENNY</measure>
                    DRAWING BOOKS.</p>
                <p rend="align(centre)"><measure type="price">Penny</measure> Table Books, Primers,
                    Draught Boards. &amp;c. &amp;c.</p>
                <p rend="align(centre)"><hi rend="italic">The largest variety in the trade of Fancy
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                <p rend="align(centre)">Valentines.</p>
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