<?xml-model href="http://www.tei-c.org/release/xml/tei/custom/schema/relaxng/tei_all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"?>
<!-- Remember, that top line is not really a tag.
It is a processing instruction that tells the computer that this is an XML file
and that it should be validated against a schema online at the TEI web site.-->
<TEI xml:id="template.478-878" xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
<!-- In the above line, change the xml:id to the id of your file: stnic.YYYYMM.001
(the 001 can be changed to 002, etc if we are encoding more than one piece from a particular month) -->
<title level="a" type="main">
<author>A.E. Coppard</author>
<!-- The following section records information about who is publishing this file. -->
<publisher>University of Nebraska–Lincoln</publisher>
<name>Center for Alex Telesca's Fame</name>
<addrLine>306 Andrews</addrLine>
<addrLine>University of Nebraska–Lincoln</addrLine>
<addrLine>Lincoln, NE 68588-4100</addrLine>
<p>Copyright © 2019 by Alex Telesca</p>
<!-- A place to record additional info about the material -->
<note type="project"/>
<!-- This section describes the source, i.e., the document(s) you are encoding. -->
<!-- Insert title and date again here -->
<title level="a">The Best Poems of 1924</title>
<editor>L.A.G. Strong</editor>
<!-- Make an author or illustrator line for each one mentioned in the piece. -->
<author>A.E. Coppard</author>
<date when="190406">January 1924</date>
<!-- Note that @when allows a regularized form of the date -->
<publisher>Small, Maynard & Company Publishers</publisher>
<orgName> </orgName>
<!-- This section records whose hands have been in the file. -->
<change when="20190212">
<name>Alex Telesca</name>
Transcribed and encoded a poem</change>
<lg type="stanza">
<l>It is late, but the carpenter is knocking:</l>
<l>The floors, sweet shaven pine, are laid;</l>
<l>The rafters pinned, the roof's great beam of teak</l>
<l>That will last an age and nourish history</l>
<l>Is hidden, and the straw's tight trusses</l>
<l>Thatched over cedar scantlings:</l>
<l>Mallet and saw and plane, bright nails, sweet</l>
<l>For Pelagea's house, fair nook of sleep</l>
<l>Where he and she no balm will ever find.</l>
<lg type="stanza">
<l>The village dreams by the unseen idling river;</l>
<l>Night in her grove of stars</l>
<l>Turns, and her soft tears fall;</l>
<l>Thin billows through the thickets glide</l>
<l>Intoning litanies of leaves,</l>
<l>And like a moth the air is wandering.</l>
<l>But still he stays, this carpenter,</l>
<l>Building their fine new house</l>
<l>Though he is old, and full of sweat and spittle,</l>
<l>And coughs like a hoosey ewe.</l>
<lg type="stanza">
<l>I do not speak to him nor he to me,</l>
<l>I bear him quiet company, we do not speak.</l>
<l>A cat in the gloom is mewing;</l>
<l>Draughts in the doorway blow,</l>
<l>And the flame at the candlewick pulls</l>
<l>Like a frightened horse at its tether.</l>
<l>The thoughts in my mind wash round him wave</l>
<l>on wave,</l>
<l>For he is dying and he soon will die -</l>
<l>What is to come delays not.</l>
<l>Pelagen, his wife, will weep for him</l>
<l>Prim tears, dutiful tears,</l>
<l>But there are others she will weep anon</l>
<l>Turning to me.</l>
<l>Whether she turn to me or turn away</l>
<l>Pelagea's tears will fall-</l>
<l>The drops that hang upon the rose</l>
<l>Are frail as trembling love-</l>
<l>For those dark fancies dwell in her</l>
<l>Which silent thought illumines into fears.</l>
<lg type="stanza">
<l>But my love loves me though she does not like my</l>
<l>behavior: </l>
<l>She does not laugh when I laugh at her</l>
<l>Though I do not laugh maliciously;</l>
<l>And when I walk beside her, pleasantly thinking,</l>
<l>Pelagea's heart is full of those dark fancies -</l>
<l>Fears of love, and love of what she fears.</l>
<l>But what is to come comes ever;</l>
<l>Indolently the moon</l>
<l>Rises, but must rise;</l>
<l>The moon invites the earth, the earth the sun,</l>
<l>Tides must flow, and the great sea must sing.</l>
<lg type="stanza">
<l>The cat mews in the darkness, mews and mews.</l>
<l>At the lane's end,</l>
<l>Above their old house with its one red blind</l>
<l>Where Pelagea blows a dying fire,</l>
<l>There are stars, living sapphires, breathing gems.</l>
<l>The old thatched house is like a hassock-</l>
<l>Time itself has kneeled upon it-</l>
<l>But the cot of doves in the yard</l>
<l>And the two white hives</l>
<l>In moonlight make it beautiful;</l>
<l>Not less by day are these things beautiful,</l>
<l>But their small beauty my love never sees:</l>
<l>One mind has a thousand eyes,</l>
<l>The tail of the peacock sees nothing.</l>
<lg type="stanza">
<l>And this is true:</l>
<l>Beauty but seldom waits,</l>
<l>Stays neither here nor there nor anywhere.</l>
<l>But dwells in the teeming past,</l>
<l>Or roves beyond us in the ages hence;</l>
<l>So all our clutching fingers grasp at what is sped,</l>
<l>And what is past dreams on</l>
<l>That we may re-enact it and believe</l>
<l>In what is yet to come.</l>
<lg type="stanza">
<l>My love loves me, but she does not like my</l>
<l>And I do not like Pelagea's homely sense,</l>
<l>Her virtues, or her fears,</l>
<l>I laugh at them though I do not laugh maliciously;</l>
<l>But her voice</l>
<l>Falls on my heart like a gliding cataract;</l>
<l>Under her hair's winnow of darkness</l>
<l>Her eyes are living sapphires, breathing gems,</l>
<l>Fair as love winging to sweet love</l>
<l>The golden trembling arrow.</l>
<lg type="stanza">
<l>Tonight I sat beside her at the hearth;</l>
<l>The bellows poured the quenched ash into flames,</l>
<l>And Pelagea turned on me</l>
<l>Her unforgetting eyes:</l>
<l>“Love blows upon us like the inspiring air</l>
<l>From out this bag of wind. I am a dust</l>
<l>Breathed into fury,</l>
<l>And you the empty thing that gushes.</l>
<l>Would I had never known you," said my love.</l>
<lg type="stanza">
<l>Let not, my soul, our love so meanly range;</l>
<l>Without love there is nothing,</l>
<l>'Tis a bond more powerful than behaviour,</l>
<l>Or vague honour tempting time,</l>
<l>Or those dark fancies that our silent thoughts</l>
<l>Indolently the moon</l>
<l>Rises, but must rise,</l>
<l>And tides flow, and the great sea sing.</l>
<lg type="stanza">
<l>And still, so late, the carpenter is knocking,</l>
<l>So late, so late,</l>
<l>And the cat in the darkness mews and mews and</l>
<byline>A.E. Coppard</byline>