William D. Reynolds Jr wrote this letter in Seoul, Korea, in 1903.Vertical Tabs Reader Choose Stylesheet TAPAS GenericTEI BoilerplateXML ViewToggle Soft WrapToggle Invisibles<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <?xml-model href="http://www.tei-c.org/release/xml/tei/custom/schema/relaxng/tei_all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"?> <?xml-model href="http://www.tei-c.org/release/xml/tei/custom/schema/relaxng/tei_all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://purl.oclc.org/dsdl/schematron"?> <TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0"> <teiHeader> <fileDesc> <titleStmt> <title>Letter from W. Reynolds to A.J.A. Alexander</title> <respStmt> <resp>mh</resp> <persName></persName> </respStmt> </titleStmt> <publicationStmt> <p>Information contained in this document is provided for non-commercial, personal, or research use only; [Original works in the public domain]</p> </publicationStmt> <sourceDesc> <msDesc> <msIdentifier> <repository>Kentucky Historical Society</repository> <msName>Alexander Family Papers</msName> </msIdentifier> </msDesc> </sourceDesc> </fileDesc> </teiHeader> <text> <body> <opener> <dateline> <placeName>Seoul, Korea</placeName> <date>April 17, 1903</date> </dateline> <salute>Dear Dr. <persName ref="ALEX">Alexander</persName>,</salute> </opener> <p>As you will see from the enclosed bulletin, you are one of a committee “appointed” to raise funds for the purchase of a lot and the erection of a <orgName ref="TRACT">tract house</orgName>”. So you will have something to occupy your leisure moments while in America. It is hoped to raise $10,000 (Japanese) so as to put up a good substantial building. It present prices the lot alone will cost a pretty sum. So stir around and see what you can raise for this special project.</p> <p>I shall be glad to furnish any information you need as to plans, etc. I am on the Committee to select a suitable site. Let us see which Committee does it’s work quickest!</p> <p>Write when you can. We enjoyed your last letter very much, but were sorry to hear you had genuine whopping cough. <persName ref="PAT">Mrs. R.</persName>has written you all the news so I will close. </p> <closer> <salute>Very cordially yours,</salute> <signed><persName ref="Rey">W. D. Reynolds Jr.</persName></signed> </closer> </body> <back> <div type="editorial"> <listPerson> <person xml:id="Rey" sex="M"> <persName> <reg>William Davis Reynolds</reg> <forename type="first">William</forename> <forename type="second">Davis</forename> <surname type="birth">Reynolds</surname></persName> <nationality>American</nationality> <birth when="1867"> <placeName>Norfolk, Virginia</placeName></birth> <death when="1951"> <placeName>North Carolina</placeName></death> <education>Union Presbyterian Seminary, Virginia</education> <occupation>missionary <orgName>Presbyterian Church in the U.S.</orgName> </occupation> </person> <person xml:id="PAT" sex="F"> <persName> <reg>Patsy Bolling Reynolds</reg> <forename type="first">Patsy</forename> <forename type="birth">Bolling</forename> <forename type="married">Reynolds</forename></persName> <nationality>American</nationality> <birth when="1868-09-28"> <placeName>Richmond, Virginia</placeName></birth> <death when="1962-03-11"> <placeName>Mauldin, South Carolina</placeName></death> <occupation>missionary <orgName xml:lang="en">Presbyterian Church in the U. S.</orgName> </occupation> </person> <person xml:id="ALEX" sex="M"> <persName> <reg>Alexander John Aitcheson Alexander</reg> <forename type="first">Alexander</forename> <forename type="second">John</forename> <surname type="birth">Alexander</surname></persName> <nationality>American</nationality> <birth when="1875-08-05"></birth> <death when="1929-03-10"></death> </person> </listPerson> <listOrg> <org xml:id="TRACT"> <orgName> <reg>The Korean Religious Tract Society</reg> <reg xml:lang="ko">죠션셩교셔회</reg> </orgName> </org> </listOrg> </div> </back> </text> </TEI> Hide page breaks Views diplomatic normalized Letter from W. Reynolds to A.J.A. Alexander mh Information contained in this document is provided for non-commercial, personal, or research use only; [Original works in the public domain] Kentucky Historical Society Alexander Family Papers Seoul, Korea April 17, 1903 Dear Dr. Alexander, As you will see from the enclosed bulletin, you are one of a committee “appointed” to raise funds for the purchase of a lot and the erection of a tract house”. So you will have something to occupy your leisure moments while in America. It is hoped to raise $10,000 (Japanese) so as to put up a good substantial building. It present prices the lot alone will cost a pretty sum. So stir around and see what you can raise for this special project. I shall be glad to furnish any information you need as to plans, etc. I am on the Committee to select a suitable site. Let us see which Committee does it’s work quickest! Write when you can. We enjoyed your last letter very much, but were sorry to hear you had genuine whopping cough. Mrs. R.has written you all the news so I will close. Very cordially yours, W. D. Reynolds Jr. Alexander John Aitcheson Alexander Alexander John Alexander M 1875-08-05 1929-03-10 American The Korean Religious Tract Society 죠션셩교셔회 Patsy Bolling Reynolds Patsy Bolling Reynolds F 1868-09-28 1962-03-11 American missionary William Davis Reynolds William Davis Reynolds M 1867 1951 Union Presbyterian Seminary, Virginia American missionary ToolboxHide page breaks Themes: Default Sleepy Time Terminal Letter from W. Reynolds to A.J.A. Alexander mh Information contained in this document is provided for non-commercial, personal, or research use only; [Original works in the public domain] Kentucky Historical Society Alexander Family Papers Seoul, Korea April 17, 1903 Dear Dr. Alexander, As you will see from the enclosed bulletin, you are one of a committee “appointed” to raise funds for the purchase of a lot and the erection of a tract house”. So you will have something to occupy your leisure moments while in America. It is hoped to raise $10,000 (Japanese) so as to put up a good substantial building. It present prices the lot alone will cost a pretty sum. So stir around and see what you can raise for this special project. I shall be glad to furnish any information you need as to plans, etc. I am on the Committee to select a suitable site. Let us see which Committee does it’s work quickest! Write when you can. We enjoyed your last letter very much, but were sorry to hear you had genuine whopping cough. Mrs. R.has written you all the news so I will close. Very cordially yours, W. D. Reynolds Jr. William Davis Reynolds William Davis Reynolds American Norfolk, Virginia North Carolina Union Presbyterian Seminary, Virginia missionary Presbyterian Church in the U.S. Patsy Bolling Reynolds Patsy Bolling Reynolds American Richmond, Virginia Mauldin, South Carolina missionary Presbyterian Church in the U. S. Alexander John Aitcheson Alexander Alexander John Alexander American The Korean Religious Tract Society 죠션셩교셔회 Metadata TAPAS Title:Reynolds to AJAATitle:Letter from W. Reynolds to A.J.A. AlexanderTAPAS Author:mhan (Author)Type of resource:TextGenre:Texts (document genres)Publicationstmt:Information contained in this document is provided for non-commercial, personal, or research use only; [Original works in the public domain]Related item:Alexander Family Papers Files TEI File: AJAA_Reynolds_1903.xml Project Details Collection: TGD6052 - Letters and Articles