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<title>Timon of Athens, A Tragedy by Shakespeare</title>
<!-- Timon of Athens-->
<author>William Shakespeare</author>
<author>Thomas Middleton</author>
<editor>Mr. Hopkins</editor>
<edition>Printed for John Bell in 1773</edition>
<!-- This edition was printed for performance at the Theatre Royal at Drury Lane in 1773. There are handwritten additions which date to 1816, for a later performance at Drury Lane, London. -->
<resp>TEI edition encoded by</resp>
<name>Courtney Herber</name>
<name>Danny Nguyen</name>
<name>Benjamin Reed</name>
<publisher>John Bell, near Exeter-Exchange, in the Strand; and C. Etherington, at York</publisher>
<sourceDesc><p>Physical volume held at University of Nebraska-Lincoln's Special Collections and Archives</p></sourceDesc>
<pb facs="timonofathens_1773_title.jpg"/>
<titlePart type="main">TIMON of ATHENS,</titlePart>
<titlePart><hi rend="italic">A TRAGEDY, by <persName ref="#pers_Shakespeare">SHAKESPEARE</persName>,</hi></titlePart>
<titlePart>AS PERFORMED AT THE </titlePart>
<titlePart>THEATER-ROYAL, Drury Lane,</titlePart>
<titlePart>Regulated from the PROMPT-BOOK,</titlePart>
<titlePart><hi rend="italic">With PERMISSION of the MANGERS,</hi></titlePart>
<byline>By Mr. HOPKINS, Prompter.</byline>
<figDesc>Printers Ornament</figDesc>
<docImprint>Printed for <name>JOHN BELL</name>, near <placeName ref="Exter-Exchange">Exeter-Exchange</placeName>, in the <placeName ref="the Strand">Strand;</placeName> and C. ETHERINGTON, at <placeName ref="York">York</placeName>.
<date>MDCCLXXIII [1773].</date>
<pb facs="timonofathens_1773_079.jpg"/>
<div type="Introduction">
<p><hi rend="italic">This piece can never be intereʃting on the ʃtage; notwith-
ʃtanding many paʃʃages which reliʃh highly of its great
author; one excellent piece of inʃtruction it undoubtedly
affords, the miʃerable effects of prodigal benevolence,
ʃcattered among ʃervile intereʃted followers; the pic-
ture of</hi> Timon <hi rend="italic">himʃelf is highly finiʃhed; and </hi>Ape-
mantus <hi rend="italic">is a well conceived, well draw contraʃt; but
moʃt of the other characters are inʃipid or trifling, many
of the ʃcenes flimzy, and the cataʃrophe not ʃo ʃtriking,
as it might be; we give the piece to peruʃal, greatly and
properly reduced from the original.</hi></p>
<p><hi rend="italic">We have ʃeen three alterations of this play; the laʃt,</hi>
Mr. Cumberland’s, <hi rend="italic">is much the beʃt, but we think</hi>
Shakeʃpeare, <hi rend="italic">properly pared, better than any of them;
though, if the merit of this dramatic genius had reʃted
upon</hi> Timon <hi rend="italic">for fame, it muʃt have fallen very ʃhort
of what it is; yet as the moral, ʃhowing how miʃap-
plied bounty may become a deʃtructive vice, muʃt be
conʃidered as a very uʃeful leʃʃon, we could with this
piece to be oftner in public view; but lighter matters
than inʃtruC*tion, ʃeem to be too much the prevalent taʃte.</hi></p>
<fw>H2</fw> <fw type="catch"><hi rend="italic">DRA-</hi></fw>
<pb facs="timonofathens_1773_080.jpg"/>
<!-- This is the printed cast list of the prompt book -->
<div type="Dramatis_Personae">
<head><hi rend="italic">DRAMATIS PERSONÆ</hi></head>
<castItem><role><del rend="strikethrough">Lucilius,</del></role></castItem>
<castItem><role><del rend="strikethrough">Cupid</del></role></castItem>
<!-- Joined together by "and." -->
<head rend="braced"><hi rend="italic">Miʃtreʃʃes</hi> to Alcibiades.</head>
<castItem><role><del rend="strikethrough">Mercer,</del></role></castItem>
<p>SCENE, Athens; <hi rend="italic">and the woods not far from it.</hi></p>
<note><l>It is ʃ long ʃince this play has been acted in its origi-</l>
<l>nal ʃtate, that it was thought needleʃs to colleC*t per-</l>
<l>formers names.</l></note>
<pb facs="timonofathens_1773_080-001.jpg"/>
<!-- This is the handwritten cast list- immediately following the printed DRAMATIS PERSONAE -->
<actor><del rend="strikethrough">Knight</del></actor>
<actor><del rend="strikethrough">Harley</del></actor>
<actor>T. Penley</actor>
<actor><del rend="strikethrough">Bengough</del></actor>
<actor><del rend="strikethrough">T. Penley</del></actor>
<actor><del rend="strikethrough">Kent</del></actor>
<actor>Y. Smith</actor>
<actor><del rend="strikethrough">Coveney</del></actor>
<role>1st Senator</role>
<role>2d Senator</role>
<actor>J. Smith</actor>
<actor><del rend="strikethrough">Ekanth</del></actor>
<role>Old Athenian</role>
<role>Messenger from Ventidius</role>
<role>1st Thief</role>
<role>2d Thief</role>
<role>Servant to Lucullus</role>
<pb facs="timonofathens_1773_080-002.jpg"/>
<role><del rend="strikethrough">Timandra</del></role>
<actor><del rend="strikethrough">Miʃ Cooke</del></actor>
<role><del rend="strikethrough">Phrynia</del></role>
<actor><del rend="strikethrough">Miʃ Ivers</del></actor>
<stage> ^- Enter Jeweller and Merchant and other Suitors loping over.</stage>
<stage> ^^ - Exuent Jeweller and Merchant.</stage>
<pb facs="timonofathens_1773_081.jpg"/>
<div1 type="act" n="1">
<head>ACT I</head>
<stage type="setting">SCENE, a ball in Timon’s houʃe</stage>
<stage type="entrance">Enter Poet, Painter, <del rend="strikethrough">Jeweller, Merchant, and Mercer</del> at ʃeveral doors.<ref target="a01" type="noteAnchor">*</ref>
<sp who="Poet"><speaker>Poet</speaker><l>GOOD day Sir.</l></sp>
<sp who="Painter"><speaker>Painter</speaker><l> I am glad y’ are well.</l></sp>
<sp who="Poet"><speaker>Poet</speaker><l>I have not ʃeen you long; how goes the</l>
<sp who="Painter"><speaker>Painter</speaker><l>It wears, Sir, as it goes.</l></sp>
<sp who="Poet"><speaker>Poet</speaker><l>Ay, that’s well known.</l>
<l>But what particular rarity? what ʃo ʃtrange,</l>
<l>Which manifold r cord not matches? ʃee,</l>
<l>(Magick of bounty!) all theʃe ʃpirits thy power^</l>
<l>Hath conjur’d to attend. I know the merchant.</l></sp>
<sp who="Painter"><speaker>Painter</speaker><l>I know them both; th’ other’s a jeweller.</l></sp>
<sp who="Merchant"><speaker>Merchant</speaker><l>O ‘tis a worthy lord!</l></sp>
<sp who="Jeweller"><speaker>Jeweller</speaker><l>I have a jewel here.</l></sp>
<sp who="Merchant"><speaker>Merchant</speaker><l>O, pray, let’s ʃee’t:</l>
<l>For the lord Timon, Sir?</l></sp>
<sp who="Jeweller"><speaker>Jeweller</speaker><l>If he will touch the eʃtimate: but for that--^^</l></sp>
<fw>H3 </fw> <fw type="catch"> Poet</fw>
<note xml:id="a01" type="footnote">* The opening ʃcene of this play is a good preparative for the
ʃubject coming before us; and is expreʃed much in charaC*ter.</note>
<pb facs="timonofathens_1773_082.jpg"/>
<fw>82</fw><fw type="header">TIMON OF ATHENS</fw>
<sp who="Poet"><speaker>Poet</speaker><l>When we for recompence have prais’d the</l>
<l>It ʃtains the gory in that happy verʃe</l>
<l>Which aptly ʃings the good.</l></sp>
<sp who="Mercer"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Mercer</del></speaker>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">‘Tis a good form.</del></l></sp>
<stage type="business">[Looking on the jewel.</stage>
<sp who="Jeweller"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Jeweller</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">And rich; here is a water, look ye.</del></l></sp>
<sp who="Painter"><speaker>Painter</speaker><l>You’re rapt, Sir, in ʃome work; ʃome de-</l>
<l>To the great lord ?</l></sp>
<sp who="Poet"><speaker>Poet</speaker><l>A thing ʃlipt idly from me.</l>
<l>Our poeʃie is as a gum, which iʃʃues</l>
<l>From whence ‘tis nouriʃhed. The fire i th’ flint</l>
<l>Shews not, ‘till it be ʃtruck :</l>
<l>What have you there ?</l></sp>
<sp who="Painter"><speaker>Painter</speaker>
<l>A picture, Sir:--when comes your book</l>
<l>forth ?</l></sp>
<sp who="Poet"><speaker>Poet</speaker><l>Upon the heels of my preʃentment, Sir.</l>
<l>Let’s ʃee your piece,</l></sp>
<sp who="Painter"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Painter</del></speaker>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">‘Tis a good piece.</del></l></sp>
<sp who="Poet"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Poet</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">So ‘tis.</del></l></sp>
<sp who="Poet"><speaker>Poet (Handwritten)</speaker><l>This comes off well and excellent.</l></sp>
<sp who="Painter"><speaker>Painter</speaker><l>Indiff’rent.</l></sp>
<sp who="Poet"><speaker>Poet</speaker><l>Admirable! How this grace</l>
<l>Speaks his own ʃtanding ? what a mental power</l>
<l>This eye ʃhoots forth ? how big imagination</l>
<l>Moves in this lip ? to the dumbneʃs of the geʃture</l>
<l>One might interpret.</l></sp>
<sp who="Painter"><speaker>Painter</speaker><l>It is a pretty mocking of the life:</l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">Here is a touch----is’t good ?</del></l></sp>
<sp who="Poet"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Poet</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough"> I’ll ʃay of it</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">It tutors nature ; artificial ʃtrife</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">Lives in thoʃe touches, livelier than life.<ref target="a02" type="noteAnchor">*</ref></del></l></sp>
<stage type="entrance">Enter certain ʃenators.</stage>
<sp who="Painter"><speaker>Painter</speaker><l>How this lord is followed !</l></sp>
<sp who="Poet"><speaker>Poet</speaker><l>The ʃenators of Athens ! <del rend="strikethrough"> happy man !</del></l></sp>
<sp who="Painter"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Painter</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Look, more!</del></l></sp>
<!-- Complete ACT I is not presented due to time constraints of project. Wanted to spend most time on Act V given amount of cuts made. -->
<fw type="catch">Poet.</fw>
<note xml:id="a02" type="footnote">* <l>Making men of genius flatter one another in company, is</l>
<l>natural enough, however they may vent cenʃure when apart--</l>
<l>it is too often the caʃe.</l></note>
<pb facs="timonofathens_1773_136.jpg"/>
<fw>136</fw> <fw type="header">TIMON OF ATHENS.</fw>
<!-- Complete ACT IV is not presented due to time constraints of project. Wanted to spend most time on Act V given amount of cuts made. -->
<div1 type="act" n="4">
<sp who="Timon"><speaker>Timon</speaker><l>Here’s gold. Go, ʃuck the ʃubtle blood o’th’ grape,</l>
<l>’Till the high fever ʃeethe your blood to froth,</l>
<l>And ʃo ‘ʃcape hanging. Truʃt not the phyʃician,</l>
<l>His antidotes are poiʃon, and he ʃlays</l>
<l>More than you rob. Take wealth, and live together.</l>
<l>Do villainy , do, ʃince you profeʃs to do’t,</l>
<l>Like workmen ; I’ll example you with thievery.</l>
<l>The ʃun’s a thief, and with his great attraC*tion</l>
<l>Robs the vaʃt ʃea. The moon’s an arrant thief</l>
<l>And her pale fire ʃhe ʃnatches from the ʃun.</l>
<l>The ʃea’s a thief, whoʃe liquid ʃurge reʃolves</l>
<l>The mounds into ʃalt tears. ^</l>
<l>Love not yourʃelves, away ;</l>
<l>Rob one another, there’s more gold ; cut throats</l>
<l>All that you meet are thieves: to Athens go,</l>
<l>Break open ʃhops, for nothing can you ʃteal,</l>
<l>But thieves do loʃ it: ʃteal not leʃs for what</l>
<l>I give, and gold confound you howʃoever! <del rend="strikethrough">Amen.</del></l></sp>
<stage type="exit">[Exit.</stage>
<note><l>The fourth act rather riʃes upon us, but Timon has ʃo much</l>
<l>to ʃay, that the actor, who does him juʃtice, muʃ have very</l>
<l>permanent powers.</l></note>
<!-- Complete ACT IV is not presented due to time constraints of project. Wanted to spend most time on Act V given amount of cuts made. -->
<l>End of the Fourth ACT</l> </div1>
<div1 type="act" n="5">
<head>ACT V</head>
<stage type="setting">SCENE, the woods, and Timon's cave.</stage>
<stage type="entrance">Enter Flavius</stage>
<sp who="Flavius"><speaker>FLAVIUS</speaker><l>OH, you gods!</l>
<l>Is yon deʃpis’d and ruinous man, my lord?</l>
<l>Full of decay and failing ? oh, monument</l>
<l>And wonder of good deeds, evilly beʃtow’d!</l>
<l>What change of honour deʃp’rate want has made?</l>
<fw type="catch"><del rend="strikethrough">What</del></fw>
<pb facs="timonofathens_1773_136-001.jpg"/>
<!-- This page is handwritten, and is to the immediate right of printed page 136.-->
<l>^ each thing's a thief. No laws, your curb and whip, in their rough caves</l>
<l>Have uncheck'd theft.</l>
<stage>Timon seated in the entrance of his cave.</stage>
<pb facs="timonofathens_1773_137.jpg"/>
<fw type="header">TIMON OF ATHENS.</fw> <fw>137</fw>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">What viler thing upon the earth, than friends</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">Who can bring nobleʃt minds to baʃeʃt ends? <ref target="a03" type="noteAnchor">‡</ref></del></l>
<l>H’as caught me in his eye, I will preʃent</l>
<l>My honeʃt grief to him ; and, as my lord,</l>
<l>Still ʃerve him with my life. My deareʃt maʃter!</l></sp>
<stage type="entrance">Timon comes forward from his cave. <ref target="a04" type="noteAnchor">§</ref></stage>
<sp who="Timon"><speaker>Timon</speaker><l>Away! What art thou?</l></sp>
<sp who="Flavius"><speaker>Flavius</speaker><l>Have you forgot me, Sir?</l></sp>
<sp who="Timon"><speaker>Timon</speaker><l>Why doʃt thou aʃk that ? I have forgot all</l>
<l>Then, if thou granteʃt that thou art a man,</l>
<l>I have forgot thee.</l></sp>
<sp who="Flavius"><speaker>Flavius</speaker><l>An honeʃt ʃervant----</l></sp>
<sp who="Timon"><speaker>Timon</speaker><l>Then I know thee not:</l>
<l>I ne’er had honeʃt men about me, all</l>
<l>I kept were knaves, to ʃerve in meat to villains.</l></sp>
<sp who="Flavius"><speaker>Flavius</speaker><l>The gods are witneʃs,</l>
<l>Ne’er did poor ʃteward wear a truer grief,</l>
<l>For his undone lord, than mine eyes for you.</l></sp>
<sp who="Timon"><speaker>Timon</speaker><l>For his undone lord, than mine eyes for you.</l>
<l> I love thee,</l>
<l>Becauʃe thou art a woman, and diʃclaim’ʃt</l>
<l>Flinty mankind; whoʃe eyes do never give,</l>
<l>But or through luʃt, or laughter. <del rend="strikethrough"> Pity’s ʃleeping;</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">Strange times, that cry with laughing, not with</del></l>
<l> <del rend="strikethrough">weeping!</del></l></sp>
<sp who="Flavius"><speaker>Flavius</speaker><l>I beg of you to know me, good my lord,</l>
<l>T’ accept my grief, and, whilʃt this poor wealth laʃts,</l>
<l>To entertain me as your ʃteward ʃtill.</l></sp>
<sp who="Timon"><speaker>Timon</speaker><l>Had I a ʃteward</l>
<l>So true, ʃo juʃt, and now ʃo comfortable ?</l>
<fw>Vol. V</fw> <fw>N</fw> <fw type="catch">It</fw>
<note xml:id="a03" type="footnote"><del rend="strikethrough">‡The following lines ʃshould be ʃpoken.</del>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">How rarely does it meet with this time’s guiʃe,</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">When man was wiʃht to love his enemies !</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">Grant I may ever love, and rather woo</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">Thoʃe that would miʃchief me, than thoʃ that do!</del></l></note>
<note xml:id="a04" type="footnote"><l>§ The author has begun his fifth act, with an affeC*ting inter-</l>
<l>view between Timon and his faithful ʃteward; but we wiʃh the</l>
<l>former did not overflow with ʃuch an exceʃs of miʃanthropic re-</l>
<l>ʃentment, of which he has, with great ʃameneʃs and prolixity,</l>
<l>been before too liberal.</l></note>
<pb facs="timonofathens_1773_138.jpg"/>
<fw>138</fw> <fw type="header">TIMON OF ATHENS.</fw>
<l>It almoʃt turns my dangerous nature wild----</l>
<l>Let me behold thy face: ʃurely, this man</l>
<l>Was born of woman.</l>
<l>Forgive my gen’ral and exceptleʃs raʃhneʃs,</l>
<l>Perpetual, ʃober gods ! I do proclaim</l>
<l>One honeʃt man : miʃtake me not--but one:</l>
<l>No more, I pray; and he’s a ʃteward.</l>
<l>How fain would I have hated all mankind,</l>
<l>And thou redeem’ʃt thyʃelf: but all, ʃave thee,<ref target="a05" type="noteAnchor">*</ref> </l>
<l>I fell with curʃes.</l>
<l>Methinks, thou art more honeʃt now, than wife;</l>
<l>For, by oppreʃʃing and betraying me,</l>
<l>Thou might’ʃt have ʃooner got another’s ʃervice:</l>
<l>For many ʃo arrive at ʃecond maʃters,</l>
<l>Upon their firʃt lord’s neck. But tell me true,</l>
<l>Is not thy kindneʃs, ʃubtle, covetous,</l>
<l>An uʃuring kindeʃs, as rich men deal gifts,</l>
<l>ExpeC*ting in return twenty for one ?</l></sp>
<sp who="Flavius"><speaker>Flavius</speaker><l>No, my moʃt worthy maʃter, (in whoʃe breaʃt</l>
<l>Doubt and ʃuʃpeC*t, <ref target="a06" type="noteAnchor">†</ref> alas, are plac’d too late,)</l>
<l>You ʃhould have fear’d falʃe times, when you did</l>
<l>That which I ʃhew, heav’n knows, is merely love,</l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">Duty, and zeal, to your unmatched mind,</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">Care of your food, and living, and, believe it,</del></l>
<l>For any benefit that points to me,</l>
<l>Either in hope, or preʃent, I’d exchange</l>
<l>For this one wiʃh, that you had power and wealth</l>
<l>To requite me by making rich yourʃelf.</l></sp>
<sp who="Timon"><speaker>Timon</speaker><l>Look thee, ‘tis ʃo; thou ʃingly honeʃt man,</l>
<l>Here, take; the gods out of my miʃery,</l>
<l>Have ʃent thee treaʃure. Go, live rich and happy :</l>
<l>But thus condition’d; thou ʃhalt build for men :</l>
<l>Hate all, curʃe all , ʃhew charity to none ;</l>
<l>But let the famiʃh’d fleʃh ʃlide from the bone,</l>
<l>Ere thou relieve the beggar. Give to dogs,</l>
<fw type="catch">What</fw>
<note xml:id="a05" type="footnote">* <l>This his interval of tender feeling for his faithful ʃteward,</l>
<l>ʃoftens the frenzied rigidity of Timon, agreeably.</l></note>
<note xml:id="a06" type="footnote">†Suʃpect, for ʃuʃpicion.</note>
<pb facs="timonofathens_1773_139.jpg"/>
<fw>139</fw> <fw type="header">TIMON OF ATHENS.</fw>
<l>What thou deny’ʃt to men. Let priʃons ʃwallow ‘em,</l>
<l>Debts wither ‘em ; <del rend="strikethrough">be men like blaʃted woods,</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">And may diʃeaʃes lick up their falʃe bloods !</del></l>
<l>And ʃo farewel, and thrive.</l></sp>
<sp who="Flavius"><speaker>Flavius</speaker><l>O, let me ʃtay, and comfort you, my maʃter.</l></sp>
<sp who="Timon"><speaker>Timon</speaker><l>If thou hat’ʃt curʃes,</l>
<l>Stay not, but fly, whilʃt thou art bleʃt and free;</l>
<l>Ne’er ʃee thou man, and let me ne’er ʃee thee.</l></sp><stage type="exit"><del rend="strikethrough">[Exeunt, ʃeverally.</del></stage>
<stage type="entrance">Enter Poet and Painter.</stage>
<sp who="Painter"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Painter</del></speaker>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">As I took note of the place, it can’t be far,</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">where he abides.</del></l></sp>
<sp who="Poet"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Poet</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">What’s to be thought of him ? does the ru-</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">mour hold for true, that he’s ʃo full of gold ?</del></l></sp>
<sp who="Painter"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Painter</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Certain. Alcibiades reports it : Phyrnia and</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">Timandra had gold of him : he likewiʃe enrich’d</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">poor ʃtragling ʃoldiers with great quantity.</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">ʃaid, he gave his ʃteward a mighty ʃum.</del></l></sp>
<sp who="Poet"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Poet</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Then this breaking of his, has been but a trial</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">of his friends ?</del></l></sp>
<sp who="Painter"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Painter</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Nothing elʃe ; you ʃhall ʃee him a palm in</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">Athens, again, and flouriʃh with the higheʃt.</del></l></sp>
<sp who="Poet"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Poet</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">What have you now to preʃent unto him ?</del></l></sp>
<sp who="Painter"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Painter</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Nothing at this time, but my viʃitation : only</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">I will promiʃe him an excellent piece.</del></l></sp>
<sp who="Poet"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Poet</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">I muʃt ʃerve him ʃ, too; tell him of an in-</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">tent that’s coming towards him.</del></l></sp>
<sp who="Painter"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Painter</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough"> <ref target="a07" type="noteAnchor">‡</ref> Good as the beʃt : promiʃing is the very</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">air o’th’ time; it opens the eyes of expectation. Per-</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">formance is ever the duller for his act, and, but in</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">the plainer and ʃimpler kind of people, the deed is</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">quite out of uʃe. §</del></l></sp>
<fw>N2</fw> <fw type="catch">Re-</fw>
<note xml:id="a07" type="footnote">‡Promiʃes and performance are here diʃtinguiʃhed in a ʃenʃi-
ble ʃatirical manner.</note>
<note xml:id="a08" type="footnote">§<l>It is a great pity to omit the following paʃʃage.</l>
<l>To promiʃe, is moʃt courtly, and faʃhionable; performance is a</l>
<l>kind of will or teʃtament, which argues a great ʃickneʃs in his judg-</l>
<l>ment that makes it.</l></note>
<pb facs="timonofathens_1773_140.jpg"/>
<fw>140</fw> <fw type="header">TIMON OF ATHENS.</fw>
<stage type="entrance"><del rend="strikethrough">Re-enter Timon from his cave, unʃeen.</del></stage>
<sp who="#tim"><speaker><del rend="strikethough">Timon</del></speaker>
<l> <del rend="strikethrough">Excellent workman ! though canʃ*t not paint a</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">man, ʃ*o bad as thyʃelf.</del></l></sp>
<sp who="poet"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Poet</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">I am thinking, what I ʃ*hall ʃ*ay I have pro-</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">vided for him: it muʃt be a perʃonating of himself:</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">a ʃ*atyr againʃ*t the ʃ*oftneʃ*s of proʃ*perity, with a diʃ*-</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">covery of the infinite flatteries that follow youth and</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">opulency.</del></l></sp>
<sp who="timon"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Timon</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Muʃ*t thou needs ʃ*tand for a villain, in thine</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">own work? Wilt thou whip thine own faults, in other</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">men? do ʃ*o, I have gold for thee.</del></l>
<sp who="poet"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Poet</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Nay, let's ʃ*eek him.</del></l>
<sp who="timon"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Timon</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">I'll meet you at the turn----------</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">What a god's gold, that he is the worʃ*hipped</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">In baʃ*er temples than where ʃ*wine do feed !</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">'Tis thou that rigg'ʃ*t the bark, and plow'ʃ*t the wave,</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">ʃettleʃ*t admired rev'rence in a ʃ*lave;</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">To thee the worʃ*hip, and thy ʃ*aints, for aye,</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">Be crown'd with plagues, that thee alone obey!</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">'Tis fit I meet them.</del></l>
<sp who="poet"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Poet</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Hail! worthy Timon.</del></l>
<sp who="painter"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Painter</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Our late noble maʃ*ter.</del></l>
<sp who="timon"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Timon</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Have I once liv'd to ʃ*ee two honeʃ*t men?</del></l>
<sp who="poet"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Poet</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">ʃir, having often of your bounty taʃ*ted,</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">Hearing you were retir'd, your friends fall'n off,*</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">He, and myʃ*elf,</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">Have travell'd in the great ʃ*hower of your gifts,</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">and ʃ*weetly felt it.</del></l>
<sp who="timon"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Timon</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Ay, you're honeʃ*t men.</del></l>
<ref target="a09" type="noteAnchor">*</ref>
<note xml:id="a09" type="footnote"> <l><del rend="strikethrough">Theʃ*e lines alʃ* moʃ*t certainly deʃ*erve preʃ*ervation.</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">Whoʃ*e thankleʃ*s natures, ( oh abhorred ʃ*pirits ! )</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">Not all the whips of heav’n are large enough--------------</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">What! to you!</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">Whoʃ*e ʃ*tar-like nobleneʃ*s gave life and influence,</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">To their whole being ! I am rapt, and cannot</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">Cover the monʃ*trous bulk of this ingratitude</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">With any ʃ*ize of words.</del></l>
<sp who="timon"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Timon</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Let it go naked, men may ʃ*ee't the better:</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">You that are honeʃ*t, by being what you are,</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">Make them beʃ*t ʃ*een and known.</del></l>
<fw type="catch">Pain.</fw>
<!-- ********************** -->
<pb facs="timonofathens_1773_141.jpg"/>
<fw type="header">TIMON OF ATHENS.</fw> <fw>141</fw>
<sp who="painter"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">painter</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">We’re hither come to offer you our ʃ*ervice.</del></l>
<sp who="timon"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">timon</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Moʃ*t honeʃ*t men ! why, how ʃ*hall i requite</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">you?</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">Can you eat roots, and drink cold water? no.</del></l>
<sp who="both"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Both</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">What we can do, we'll do, to do you ʃ*ervice.</del></l>
<sp who="timon"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Timon</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Y’re honeʃ*t men ; you’ve heard that I have</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">gold ;</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">I'm ʃ*ure you have; ʃ*peak truth, y're honest men.</del></l>
<sp who="painter"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Painter</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">ʃo it is ʃ*aid, my noble lord, but therefore</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">Came not my friend, nor I.</del></l>
<sp who="timon"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Timon</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Good honeʃ*t man; thou draw'ʃ*t a counterfeit,</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">Beʃ*t in all Athens ; thou'rt, indeed, the beʃ*t ; </del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">Thou counterfeit'ʃ*t, moʃ*t lively.</del></l>
<sp who="painter"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Painter</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">ʃo, ʃ*o, my lord.</del></l>
<sp who="timon"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Timon</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">E'en ʃ*o, ʃir, as I ʃ*ay--And for thy fiction,</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">Why, thy verʃ*e ʃ*wells with ʃ*tuff ʃ*o fine and ʃ*mooth,</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">That thou art even natural in thine art.</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">But for all this, my honeʃ*t-natur'd friends,</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">I muʃ*t needs ʃ*ay, you have a little fault;</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">Marry, not monʃ*trous in you ; neither wiʃ*h I,</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">You take much pains to mend.</del></l>
<sp who="both"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Both</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Beʃ*eech your honour</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">To make it known to us.</del></l>
<sp who="timon"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Timon</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">You'll take it ill.</del></l>
<sp who="both"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Both</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Moʃ*t thankfully, my lord.</del></l>
<sp who="timon"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Timon</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Will, you indeed ?</del></l>
<sp who="both"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Both</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Doubt it not, worthy lord.</del></l>
<sp who="timon"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Timon</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">There's ne'er a one of you but truʃ*ts a knave,</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">That mightily deceives you</del></l>
<sp who="both"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Both</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Ay, and you hear him cogg †, ʃ*ee him</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">diʃ*ʃ*emble,</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">Know his groʃ*s patchery, love him, and feed him ;</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">Keep in your boʃ*om, yet, remain aʃ*ʃ*ur'd,</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">That he's a made-up villain.</del></l>
<sp who="painter"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Painter</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">I know non ʃ*uch, my lord.</del></l>
<sp who="poet"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Poet</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Nor I.</del></l>
<ref target="a10" type="noteAnchor">†</ref> Cogg, for flatter</l>
<fw>N 3</fw> <fw type="catch">Tim.</fw>
<pb facs="timonofathens_1773_142.jpg"/>
<fw>142</fw> <fw type="header">TIMON OF ATHEN. </fw>
<sp who="timon"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Timon</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Look you, I love you well, I'll give you gold,</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">Rid me theʃ*e villains, from your companies ;</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">Hang them, or ʃ*tab them, drown them in a draught</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">Confound them by ʃ*ome courʃ*e, and come to me,</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">I'll give you gold enough.</del></l>
<sp who="both"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Both</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Name them, my lord, let's know them.</del></l>
<sp who="timon"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Timon</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">You that way, and you this ;--------but two</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">In company : </del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">Each man apart, all ʃ*ingle and alone,</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">Yet an arch villain keeps his company.</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">If where thou art, two villains ʃ*hall not be,</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">[To the painter.</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">Come not near him-----If thou wouldnʃ*t not reʃ*ide</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">[To the poet.</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">But where one villain is, then him abandon.</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">Hence, pack, there's gold ; ye came for hold, ye</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">ʃ*laves</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">You are an alchymiʃ*t, make godl of that :</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">OUt, raʃ*cal dogs ! [Beating, and driving 'em out.</del></l>
<stage type="entrance"><del rend="strikethrough">Enter Flavius and two ʃenators</del></stage>
<sp who="Flavius"><speaker>Flavius</speaker><l>It is in vain that you would ʃ*peak with Timon: </l>
<l>For he is ʃ*et ʃ*o only to himʃ*elf,</l>
<l>That nothing but himʃ*elf, which looks like man,</l>
<l>Is friendly with him.</l>
<sp who="1 sen"><speaker>1. Sen</speaker><l> Bring us to his cave,</l>
<l>It is our part and promiʃ*e to th' Athenians,</l>
<l>To ʃ*peak with Timon.</l>
<sp who="2 sen"><speaker>2. Sen</speaker><l>At all times alike.</l>
<l>Men are not ʃ*till the ʃ*ame ; 'twas time and griefs</l>
<l>That fram'd him thus. Time, with his fairer hand,</l>
<l>Offering the fortunes of his former days,</l>
<l>The former man may make him ; bring us to him,</l>
<l>And chance it as it may.</l>
<sp who="flavius"><speaker>Flavius</speaker><l>Here is his cave :</l>
<l>Peace and content be here, lord Timon! Timon!</l>
<l>Look out, an ʃ*peak to friends, th' Athenians</l></sp>
<fw type="catch">By</fw>
<!-- ***************************** -->
<pb facs="timonofathens_1773_142-001.jpg"/>
<!-- Pasted material from different portion of play to the right of page 142. -->
<stage type="entrance">Enter two <del rend="strikethrough">other</del> ʃenators, <del rend="strikethrough">with a Meʃʃenger.</del></stage>
<sp who="1 sen"><speaker>1. Sen</speaker><l>THOU haʃ*t painfully diʃ*cover'd ; are his file</l>
<l>As full as thy report ?</l>
<sp who="2 sen"><speaker>2. Sen</speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough"><!--handwritten-->Meʃ. </del>I have ʃ*poke the leaʃ*t.</l>
<l>Beʃ*ides, his expedition promiʃ*es</l>
<l>Preʃ*ent approach.</l>
<sp who="1 sen"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">1. Sen</del></speaker><l>We ʃ*tand much hazard, if <del rend="strikethrough">they </del> we bring not</l>
<sp who="2 sen"><speaker>2. Sen</speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough"><!--handwritten-->Meʃ. </del>I met a <del rend="strikethrough"
>courier</del>Captain oncem ine ancient friend ;</l>
<l>Who, though in general part we were oppos'd, </l>
<l>Yet our old love made a particular force,</l>
<l>And made us ʃ*peak like friends. This mn was riding</l>
<l>From Alcibiades to Timon's Cave,</l>
<l>With letters of intreaty, which imported</l>
<l>His fellowship i'th' Cauʃ*e againʃ*t your City</l>
<l>In part for his ʃ*ake mov'd.</l>
<!-- ************************** -->
<pb facs="timonofathens_1773_143.jpg"/>
<fw type="header">TIMON OF ATHEN.</fw> <fw>143</fw>
<l>By two of their moʃ*t rev'rend ʃ*enate, greet thee ;</l>
<l>ʃpeak to them, noble Timon.</l>
<stage type="entrance">Enter Timon out of his cave.</stage>
<sp who="timon"><speaker>Timon</speaker><l>Thou fun, that comfort'ʃ*t, burn!------</l>
<l>ʃpeak and be hang'd ;</l>
<l>For each true word a bliʃ*ter, and each falʃ*e</l>
<l>Be cauterizing to the root o'th' tongue,</l>
<l>Conʃ*uming it with ʃ*peaking</l>
<sp who="1 sen"><speaker>1. Sen</speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Worthy Timon</del></l>
<sp who="2 sen"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">2. Sen</del></speaker><l>The ʃ*enators of Athens greet thee, Timon.</l>
<sp who="timon"><speaker>Timon</speaker><l>I thank them. And would ʃ*end them back</l>
<l>The plague,</l>
<l>Could I but catch it for them.</l>
<sp who="1 sen"><speaker>1. Senator</speaker><l>Oh! forget</l>
<l>What we are ʃ*orry for ourʃ*elves, in thee:</l>
<l>The ʃ*enators, with one conʃ*ent of love,</l>
<l>Intreat thee back to Athens ; who have thought</l>
<l>On ʃ*pecial dignities, which vacant lie,</l>
<l>For thy beʃ*t uʃ*e and wearing.</l>
<sp who="2 sen"><speaker>2. Senator</speaker><l>They confeʃ*s</l>
<l>Tow'rd thee forgetfulneʃ*s, too general, groʃ*s ;</l>
<l>Which now the public body, (which doth ʃ*eldom</l>
<l>Play the recanter) feeling in itʃ*elf</l>
<l>A lack of Timon's aid, hath ʃ*enʃ*e withal</l>
<l>Of its own fall, reʃ*training aid to Timon;</l>
<l>And ʃ*ends forth us to make their ʃ*orrowed tender,</l>
<l>Together with a recompence more fruitful,</l>
<l>Than their offence can weigh down by the dram ;</l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">Ay, ev'n ʃ*uch heaps and ʃ*ums of love and wealth,</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">As ʃ*hall to thee blot out what wrongs were theirs ;</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">And write in thee the figures of their love,</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">Even to read them thine. </del>‡</l>
<ref target="a11" type="noteAnchor">‡</ref>
<note xml:id="a10" type="footnote">text of annotation> <l>‡The return of fawning profeʃ*ʃ*ions to return of wealth, as</l>
<l>well as their departure from poverty, is too well known to every</l>
<l>body, who knows any thing of life; but the picture here drawn,</l>
<l>of ʃ*uch infamous time-ʃ*erving, may have ʃ*ingular good effects</l>
<l>upon unpractiʃ*ed youth, if properly inculcated and attended to;</l>
<l>Timon, in this ʃ*cene, retorts upon his ungrateful countrymen,</l>
<l>with a proper degree of firm manly reʃ*entment.</l>
<fw type="catch">Tim.</fw>
<pb facs="timonofathens_1773_144.jpg"/>
<fw>144</fw> <fw type="header">TIMON OF ATHEN.</fw>
<sp who="timon"><speaker>Timon</speaker><l>You witch me in it,</l>
<l>ʃurprize me to the very brink of tears ;</l>
<l>Lend me a fool's heart, and a woman's eyes,</l>
<l>and I'll beweep theʃ*e comforts, worthy ʃ*enators.</l>
<sp who="1 sen"><speaker>1. Senator</speaker><l>Therefore ʃ*o pleaʃ*e thee to return with us,</l>
<l>And of our Athens, thine and ours, to take</l>
<l>THe captainʃ*hip : thou ʃ*halt be met with thanks,</l>
<l>Allow'd with abʃ*olute power, and thy good name</l>
<l>Live with authority : ʃ*oon we ʃ*hall drive back</l>
<l>Of Alcibiades th' approaches wild,</l>
<l>Who, like a boar too ʃ*avage, doth root up</l>
<l>His country's peace.</l>
<sp who="2 sen"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">2. Senator</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">And ʃ*hakes his threatning ʃ*word</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">Againʃ*t the walls of Athens.</del></l>
<sp who="2 sen"><speaker>2. Senator <del rend="strikethrough">1. ʃenator</del> </speaker><l>Therefore, Timon-----</l>
<sp who="timon"><speaker>Timon</speaker><l>Well, ʃir, I will; therefore I will, ʃir;</l>
<l>thus --------- </l>
<l>If Alcibiades kill my countymen,</l>
<l>Let Alcibiades know this of Timon,</l>
<l>That Timon cares not. If he ʃ*ack fair Athens, </l>
<l>ANd take our goodly aged men by' beards,</l>
<l>Giving our holy virgins to the ʃ*tain</l>
<l>Of contumelious, beaʃ*tly, mad-brain'd war;</l>
<l>Then let him know, --and tell him, Timon ʃ*peaks it;</l>
<l>In pity of our aged, and our youth</l>
<l>I cannot chuʃ*e but tell him, that I care not.</l>
<l>And let him tak't at worʃ*t ; for their knives care not,</l>
<l>while you have throats to ansʃ*wer. For myself,</l>
<l>There’s not a whittle in th’ unruly camp,</l>
<l>But I do prize it at my love, before</l>
<l>The reverend’ʃ*t throat in Athens. ʃo I leave you</l>
<l>To the proteC*tion of the proʃ*p’rous gods,</l>
<l>As thieves to keepers. </l>
<sp who="flavius"><speaker>Flavius</speaker><l>ʃtay not, all's in vain.</l>
<sp who="timon"><speaker>Timon</speaker><l>Why, I was writing of my epitaph,</l>
<l>It will be ʃ*een, to-morrow. My long ʃ*ickneʃ*s</l>
<l>Of health and living now begins to mend,</l>
<l>And nothing brings me all things. Go, live ʃ*till ;</l>
<l>Be Alcibiades your plague; you his ; </l>
<l>And laʃ*t ʃ*o, long enough! </l>
<fw type="catch">1. ʃen.</fw>
<pb facs="timonofathens_1773_145.jpg"/>
<fw type="header">TIMON OF ATHENʃ. 145</fw>
<sp who="1 sen"><speaker>1. Senator</speaker><l>We ʃ*peak in vain.</l>
<sp who="timon"><speaker>Timon</speaker><l>But yet I love my country, and am not</l>
<l>One that rejoices in the common wreck,</l>
<l>As common † bruite doth put it.</l>
<sp who="1 sen"><speaker>1. Senator</speaker><l>That's well ʃ*poke</l>
<sp who="timon"><speaker>Timon</speaker><l>Commend me to my loving countrymen.</l>
<sp who="1 sen"><speaker>1. Senator</speaker><l>Theʃ*e words become your lips, <del rend="strikethrough"> as they paʃ*s</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">thro' them.</del></l>
<sp who="2 sen"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">2. Senator</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">ANd enter in our ears, like great triumphers,</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">In their applauding gates.</del></l>
<sp who="timon"><speaker>Timon</speaker><l>Commend me to them,</l>
<l>And tell them, that to eaʃ*e them of their griefs,</l>
<l>Their fears of hoʃ*tile ʃ*trokes, their aches, 🥕loʃ*ʃ*es, ^and</l>
<l>Their pangs of love, with other incident throes.</l>
<l>That nature’s fragile § veʃ*ʃ*el doth ʃ*uʃ*tain,</l>
<l>In life’s uncertain voyage, I will do</l>
<l>ʃome kindneʃ*s to them, teach them to prevent</l>
<l>Wild Alcibiades’s wrath.</l>
<sp who="2 sen"><speaker>2. Senator</speaker><l>I like this well, he will return again.</l>
<sp who="timon"><speaker>Timon</speaker><l>I have a tree, which grows here in my cloʃ*e</l>
<l>That mine own uʃ*e invites me to cut down, </l>
<l>And ʃ*hortly muʃ*t I fell it. Tell my friends,</l>
<l>Tell Athen , in the ʃ*equence [asterisk symbol] of degree,</l>
<l>From high to low throughout, that whoʃ*o pleaʃ*e</l>
<l>To ʃ*top affliction, let him take his haʃ*te ; </l>
<l>Come hither, ere my tree hath felt the axe,</l>
<l>And hang himʃ*elf-----I pray you, do my greeting.</l>
<sp who="flavius"><speaker>Flavius</speaker><l>Vex him no further, thus you ʃ*till ʃ*hall find him.</l>
<sp who="timon"><speaker>Timon</speaker><l>Come not to me again, but ʃ*ay to Athens,</l>
<l>Timon hath made his everlaʃ*ting manʃ*ion,</l>
<l>Upon the beached verge of the ʃ*alt flood ;</l>
<l>Which, once a-day, with his emboʃ*ʃ*ed froth,</l>
<l>The turbulent ʃ*urge ʃ*hall cover: thither come,</l>
<l>And let my grave-ʃ*tone be your oracle.</l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">Lips, let ʃ*our words go by, and language end :</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">What is amiʃ*s, plague and infection mend!</del></l>
<ref target="a12" type="noteAnchor"> †</ref>
<note xml:id="a11" type="footnote"> † <l>Bruite, report. </l>
‡ <l>Fragile, for brittle--this ʃ*peech we deem very beautiful ; </l>
<l>the aʃ*ʃ*imilation it contains, is moʃ*t happily fancied.</l>
∗ <l>ʃequence, for gradation. </l>
<fw type="catch">Graves</fw> <l>Graves</l>
<!-- *************************** -->
<pb facs="timonofathens_1773_146.jpg"/>
<fw>146</fw> <fw type="header">TIMON OF ATHENS.</fw>
<l>Graves only be men’s works, and death their gain !</l>
<l>ʃun, hide thy beams ! Timon hath done his reign.</l>
<stage type="exit">[Exit Timon. †</stage>
<sp who="1 sen"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">1. Senator</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">His diʃ*contents are unremoveably coupled</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">To his nature.</del></l>
<sp who="2 sen"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">2. Senator</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Our hope in him is dead; let us return</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">And ʃ*train what other means is left unto us,</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">In our dear [double cross symbol] peril. </del></l>
<sp who="1 sen"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">1. Senator</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">It require ʃ*wift foot. </del></l><l>[Exuent.
<l>ʃ C E N E, before the walls of athens. §</l>
<l>Trumpets ʃ*ound. Enter Alcibiades with his powers.</l>
<sp who="alcibiades"><speaker>Alcibiades</speaker><l>ʃound to this coward and laʃ*civious town,</l>
<l>[ʃound a parley. The ʃ*enators appear upon the walls.</l>
<l>’Till now you have gone on, and fill’d the time</l>
<l>With all licentious meaʃ*ure, making your wills</l>
<l>The ʃ*cope of juʃ*tice. ’Till now myʃ*elf, and ʃ*uch</l>
<l>As ʃ*lept within the ʃ*hadow of your power,</l>
<l>Have wander’d with our traverʃ*t arms, and breath’d</l>
<l>Our ʃ*ufferance vainly. Now the time is fluʃ*h,</l>
<l>When crouching marrow in the bearer ʃ*trong</l>
<l>Cries, of itʃ*elf, no more: now breathleʃ*s wrong</l>
<l>ʃhall ʃ*it and pant in your great chairs of eaʃ*e,</l>
<l>And purʃ*y inʃ*olence ʃ*hall break his wind,</l>
<l>With fear and horrid flight. </l>
<sp who="1 sen"><speaker>1. Senator</speaker><l></l>
<l>When the firʃ*t griefs were but a mere conceit,</l>
<l>Ere thou hadʃ*t power, or we had cauʃ*e to fear ;</l>
<l>We ʃ*ent to thee, to give thy rages balm,</l>
<l>To wipe out our ingratitude, with loves</l>
<l>Above their quantity.</l>
<ref target="a13" type="noteAnchor"> †</ref>
<note xml:id="a13" type="footnote">text of annotation> <l> † This languid departure of the principal character, muʃ*t</l>
<l>leave an audience unʃ*atisfied, and all that follows is ʃ*o detached</l>
<l>from the main plot, except Timon’s epitaph, that cutting every</l>
<l>line out would rather ʃ*erve, than maim, the piece; it is merely</l>
<l>patching up a concluʃ*ion with ingredients totally void of critical </l>
<l> ‡ Dear, for dread.</l>
<l>[double s symbol] There is a ʃ*hort ʃ*cene of the original, before this, properly rejected.</l>
<fw type="catch">2. ʃenator</fw>
<pb facs="timonofathens_1773_146-001.jpg"/>
<!-- Handwritten note on blank page after printed page 146 -->
<stage type="business">(x2. Would not a battering ram brought in have a good effect?)</stage>
<pb facs="timonofathens_1773_147-001.jpg"/>
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<stage> 1. Sen.</stage>
<pb facs="timonofathens_1773_147.jpg"/>
<fw type="header">TIMON OF ATHENS.</fw> <fw>147</fw>
<sp who="2 sen"><speaker>2. Senator</speaker><l>ʃo did we woo</l>
<l>Transformed Timon to our city’s love,</l>
<l>By humble meʃ*ʃ*age, and by promis’d ‘mends: </l>
<l>We were not all unkind, nor all deʃ*erve</l>
<l>The common ʃ*troke of war. </l>
<sp who="1 sen"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">1. Senator</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough"></del>Theʃ*e walls of ours</l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">Were not ereC*ted by their hands, from whom</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">You have receiv’d your griefs : nor are they ʃ*uch,</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">That theʃ*e great tow’rs, trophies, and ʃ*chools ʃ*hould</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">fall,</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">For private faults in them.</del></l>
<sp who="2 sen"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">1.</del></speaker><l>2. Senator</l>
<l>ʃen. March on, oh noble lord,</l>
<l>Into our city with thy banners ʃ*pread ;</l>
<l>By decimation and a tithed death,</l>
<l>If thy revenges hunger for that food</l>
<l>Which nature loaths, take thou the deʃ*tin’d tenth :</l>
<l>And by the hazard of the ʃ*potted die,</l>
<l>Let die the ʃ*potted.</l>
<sp who="1 sen"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">1. Senator</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Then, dear countryman, </del></l>
<l>Bring in thy ranks, but leave without thy rage;</l>
<l>ʃpare thy Athenian cradle, and theʃ*e kin,</l>
<l>Which in the bluʃ*ter of thy wrath muʃ*t fall,</l>
<l>With thoʃ*e that have offended ; like a ʃ*hepherd,</l>
<l>Approach the fold, and cull th’ infeC*ted forth ;</l>
<l>But kill not altogether,</l>
<sp who="2 sen"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">2. Senator</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">What thou wilt,</del></l>
<l>Thou rather ʃ*halt enforce it with thy ʃ*mile,</l>
<l>Than hew to’t with thy ʃ*word.</l>
<sp who="2 sen"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">1.</del>2. Senator</speaker><l>ʃet but thy foot</l>
<l>Againʃ*t our rampir’d gates, and they ʃ*hall ope :</l>
<l>ʃo thou wilt send thy gentle heart before,</l>
<l>To ʃ*ay thou’lt enter friendly.</l>
<sp who="1 sen"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">2.</del>1. Senator</speaker><l>Throw thy glove,</l>
<l>Or any token of thine honour elʃ*e,</l>
<l>That thou wilt uʃ*e the wars as thy redreʃ*s,</l>
<l>And not as our confuʃ*ion: all thy powers </l>
<l>ʃhall make their harbour in our town, till we</l>
<l>Have seal’d thy full deʃ*ire.</l>
<sp who="alcibiades"><speaker>Alcibiades</speaker><l>Then there's my glove ;</l>
<l>Deʃ*cend, and open your uncharged ports ;</l>
<fw type="catch">Thoʃ*e</fw>
<pb facs="timonofathens_1773_148.jpg"/>
<fw>148</fw> <fw>TIMON OF ATHENS.</fw>
<l>Thoʃ*e enemies of Timon’s, and mine own,</l>
<l>Whom you yourʃ*elves ʃ*hall ʃ*et out for reproof,</l>
<l>Fall, and no more; and to atone your fears,</l>
<l>With my more noble meaning, not a man</l>
<l>ʃhall paʃ*s his quarter, or offend the ʃ*tream</l>
<l>Of regular juʃ*tice, in your city’s bounds ;</l>
<l>But ʃ*hall be remedied by publick laws,</l>
<l>At heavieʃ*t anʃ*wer.</l>
<sp who="both"><speaker>Both</speaker><l>‘Tis moʃ*t nobly ʃ*poken.
<sp who="alcibiades"><speaker>Alcibiades</speaker><l>Deʃ*cend, and keep your words.</l>
<stage type="entrance">Enter a ʃ*oldier‸</stage>
<sp who="soldier"><speaker>ʃoldier</speaker><l>My noble general, Timon is dead ; </l>
<l>Entomb’d upon the very hem o’th’ ʃ*ea ; </l>
<l>And on the grave-ʃ*tone this inʃ*culpture, which</l>
<l>With wax I brought away ;</l>
<l>[Alcibiades reads the epitaph.]</l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough"> Here lies a wretched coarʃ*e, of wretched ʃ*oul bereft:</del></l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">ʃeek not my name: a plague conʃ*ume you caitiffs left!</del></l>
<l>Here lye I Timon, who all living men did hate,</l>
<l>Paʃ*s by, and curʃ*e thy fill, but ʃ*tay not here thy gaite.</l>
<l>Theʃ*e well expreʃ*s in thee thy latter ʃ*pirits :</l>
<l>Tho’ thou abhorr’dʃ*t in us our human griefs,</l>
<l>ʃcorn’dʃ*t our brains’ flow, and thoʃ*e our droplets,</l>
<l>From niggard nature fall ; yet rich conceit</l>
<l>Taught thee to make vaʃ*t Neptune weep, for aye,</l>
<l>On thy low grave -- On : faults forgiven. -- Dead</l>
<l>Is noble Timon, of whoʃ*e memory</l>
<l>Hereafter more---Bring me into your city,</l>
<l>And I will uʃ*e the olive with my ʃ*word ; </l>
<l>Make war breed peace ; make peace ʃ*tint war ; make</l>
<l>Preʃ*cribe to other.</l>
<l>Let our drums ʃ*trike.-------</l>
<l><del rend="strikethrough">[Excuent.</del> Drums beat a march. </l>
<l>Curtain Falls.</l>
<l>The laʃ*t act of this play has neither much to praiʃ*e, nor much</l>
<l>to condemn; of the concluʃ*ion, we may ʃ*peak in ʃhakespeare’s</l>
<l>own words, that it is moʃ*t lame and impotent.</l>
<pb facs="timonofathens_1773_148-001.jpg"/>
<!-- Handwritten dialogue on blank page right of printed page 148 -->
<stage type="business"> ^- The gates open</stage>
<stage type="business"> -Senators 2c come forth, and kneeling deliver the keys of the town to Alcibiades</stage>
<stage type="business"> Flourish of Trumpets</stage>
<sp who="Alcibiades"><speaker>Alcibiades</speaker>
<l>yet all's not done</l>
<l>Vengeance must work. Where is that loathsome crew,</l>
<l>Whose black ingratitude commands the heart of Athen' noblest son</l></sp>
<sp who="1st Senator"><speaker>1st Senator</speaker>
<l>They wait your doom.</l>
<l>Guard them hither.</l></sp>
<stage type="entrance">Lucius, Lucullus, Sempronius and others of Timon's former friends brought in bound</stage>
<sp who="Alcibiades"><speaker>Alcibiades</speaker>
<l>Now love dissembling villains</l>
<l>Ye look'd more cheerly, when I found you guests</l>
<l>At Timon's feast- While on his wealth ye throve,</l>
<l>And his full coffers like his heart, stand open</l>
<l>To your fine use.</l></sp>
<pb facs="timonofathens_1773_148-002.jpg"/>
<!-- Handwritten dialogue on the blank page two after printed page 148 -->
<sp who="Sempronius"><speaker>Sempronius</speaker>
<l>These are your doings, ye vindictive gods.</l>
<l>I see you wise against ingratitude,</l>
<l>And push us from the earth; I have deserv'd it.</l></sp>
<sp who="Lucius"><speaker>Lucius</speaker>
<l>What law can judge the heart? - What is my fault?</l></sp>
<sp who="Alcibiades"><speaker>Alcibiades</speaker>
<l>What Fault! -- Oh heartless slaves ye did deny</l>
<l>Lord Timon certain vile and sorry drachmas</l>
<l>In his distreʃ; now Timon's star prevails,</l>
<l>And justice wrings your treasures from your gripe.</l></sp>
<sp who="Lucius"><speaker>Lucius</speaker>
<l>What all my wealth, my pictures, statues, coin</l>
<l>Plate, jewels, gems ----</l></sp>
<sp who="Lucullus"><speaker>Lucullus</speaker>
<l>Yet spare, Oh mighty chief,</l>
<l>All your need craves rot. I've a mine of gold</l>
<l>A magazine to sack or save a city.</l></sp>
<sp who="Alcibiades"><speaker>Alcibiades</speaker>
<l>And it shall buy your banishment, instead</l>
<l>Of public shameful death. -To that Lord Timon</l>
<l>Whose will must seal your sentence, yield consent</l>
<l>To so much mercy.</l></sp>
<sp who="Lucullus"><speaker>Lucullus</speaker>
<l>Mercy from him! - Would I were Timon's dog</l>
<l>Rather than what I am. Egregious dotard!</l></sp>
<sp who="Lucius"><speaker>Lucius</speaker>
<l>I have no heart to speak - all swept away</l>
<l>My hangings, couches, vestments wrought with gold--</l>
<pb facs="timonofathens_1773_148-003.jpg"/>
<!-- Handwritten dialogue on the blank page three after printed page 148 -->
<sp who="Lucius"><speaker>Lucius</speaker>
<l>Oh what a luckless piece of work is man!</l></sp>
<sp who="Alcibiades"><speaker>Alcibiades</speaker>
<l>Bring them along</l>
<l>To the lone wood, where wretched Timon haunts, </l>
<l>The exile of mankind.</l></sp>
<stage type="entrance">
Enter Soldier 2c as before
<note>See back p. 148</note>