Timon Of Athens FINAL VERSION (4-27-18)

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            <title>Timon of Athens, A Tragedy by Shakespeare</title>
            <!-- Timon of Athens-->
            <author>William Shakespeare</author>
            <author>Thomas Middleton</author>
            <editor>Mr. Hopkins</editor>
            <edition>Printed for John Bell in 1773</edition>
                <!-- This edition was printed for performance at the Theatre Royal at Drury Lane in 1773. There are handwritten additions which date to 1816, for a later performance at Drury Lane, London. -->

                <resp>TEI edition encoded by</resp>
                <name>Courtney Herber</name>
                <name>Danny Nguyen</name>
                <name>Benjamin Reed</name>
            <publisher>John Bell, near Exeter-Exchange, in the Strand; and C. Etherington, at York</publisher>
        <sourceDesc><p>Physical volume held at University of Nebraska-Lincoln's Special Collections and Archives</p></sourceDesc>


        <pb facs="http://tapasproject.org/sites/default/files/1524271267/support_files/timonofathens_1773_title.JPG"/>
                    <titlePart type="main">Timon of ATHENS,</titlePart>
                    <titlePart><hi rend="italic">A TRAGEDY, by <persName ref="#pers_Shakespeare">SHAKESPEARE</persName>,</hi></titlePart>
                    <titlePart>AS PERFORMED AT THE </titlePart>
                    <titlePart>THEATER-ROYAL, Drury Lane,</titlePart>
                    <titlePart>Regulated from the PROMPT-BOOK,</titlePart>
                    <titlePart><hi rend="italic">With PERMISSION of the MANGERS,</hi></titlePart>
                <byline>By Mr. HOPKINS, Prompter.</byline>
                    <figDesc>Printers Ornament</figDesc>
                <docImprint>Printed for <name>JOHN BELL</name>, near <placeName ref="Exter-Exchange">Exeter-Exchange</placeName>, in the <placeName ref="the Strand">Strand;</placeName> and C. ETHERINGTON, at <placeName ref="York">York</placeName>. 
                    <date>MDCCLXXIII [1773].</date>
        <pb facs="http://tapasproject.org/sites/default/files/1524271299/support_files/timonofathens_1773_079.JPG"/>
        <div type="Introduction">
            <p><hi rend="italic">This piece can never be intere&#643;ting on the &#643;tage; notwith-
                &#643;tanding many pa&#643;&#643;ages which reli&#643;h highly of its great
                author; one excellent piece of in&#643;truction it undoubtedly
                affords, the mi&#643;erable effects of prodigal benevolence,
                &#643;cattered among &#643;ervile intere&#643;ted followers; the pic-
                ture of</hi> Timon <hi rend="italic">him&#643;elf is highly fini&#643;hed; and </hi>Ape-
                mantus <hi rend="italic">is a well conceived, well drawn contra&#643;t; but
                mo&#643;t of the other characters are in&#643;ipid or trifling, many
                of the &#643;cenes flimzy, and the cata&#643;rophe not &#643;o &#643;triking,
                as it might be; we give the piece to peru&#643;al, greatly and
                properly reduced from the original.</hi></p>
            <p><hi rend="italic">We have &#643;een three alterations of this play; the la&#643;t,</hi>
                Mr. Cumberland’s, <hi rend="italic">is much the be&#643;t, but we think</hi>
                Shake&#643;peare, <hi rend="italic">properly pared, better than any of them;
                though, if the merit of this dramatic genius had re&#643;ted
                upon</hi> Timon <hi rend="italic">for fame, it mu&#643;t have fallen very &#643;hort
                of what it is; yet as the moral, &#643;howing how mi&#643;ap-
                plied bounty may become a de&#643;tructive vice, mu&#643;t be
                con&#643;idered as a very u&#643;eful le&#643;&#643;on, we could with this
                piece to be oftner in public view; but lighter matters
                than in&#643;tru&#1013;tion, &#643;eem to be too much the prevalent ta&#643;te.</hi></p>
            <fw>H2</fw> <fw type="catch"><hi rend="italic">DRA-</hi></fw>

        <pb facs="http://tapasproject.org/sites/default/files/1524271308/support_files/timonofathens_1773_080.JPG"/>
<!-- This is the printed cast list of the prompt book -->
        <div type="Dramatis_Personae">
         <head><hi rend="italic">DRAMATIS PERSON&#198;</hi></head>
        <castItem><role><del rend="strikethrough">Lucilius,</del></role></castItem>
        <castItem><role><del rend="strikethrough">Cupid</del></role></castItem>
         <!-- Joined together by "and." -->
            <head rend="braced"><hi rend="italic">Mi&#643;tre&#643;&#643;es</hi> to Alcibiades.</head>
         <castItem><role><del rend="strikethrough">Mercer</del></role></castItem>
         <p>SCENE, Athens; <hi rend="italic">and the woods not far from it.</hi></p>
         <note><l>It is &#643;o long &#643;ince this play has been acted in its origi-</l>
             <l>nal &#643;tate, that it was thought needle&#643;s to colle&#1013;t per-</l>
             <l>formers names.</l></note>
        <pb facs="http://tapasproject.org/sites/default/files/1524271322/support_files/timonofathens_1773_080-001.JPG"/>
        <!-- This is the handwritten cast list- immediately following the printed DRAMATIS PERSONAE -->
                <actor><del rend="strikethrough">Knight</del></actor>
                <actor><del rend="strikethrough">Harley</del></actor>
                <actor>T. Penley</actor>
                <actor><del rend="strikethrough">Bengough</del></actor>
                <actor><del rend="strikethrough">T. Penley</del></actor>
                <actor><del rend="strikethrough">Kent</del></actor>
                <actor>Y. Smith</actor>
                <actor><del rend="strikethrough">Coveney</del></actor>
                <role>1st Senator</role>
                <role>2d Senator</role>
                <actor>J. Smith</actor>
                <actor><del rend="strikethrough">Ekanth</del></actor>
                <role>Old Athenian</role>
                <role>Messenger from Ventidius</role>
                <role>1st Thief</role>
                <role>2d Thief</role>
                <role>Servant to Lucullus</role>
        <pb facs="http://tapasproject.org/sites/default/files/1524496468/support_files/timonofathens_1773_080-002.JPG"/>
                <role><del rend="strikethrough">Timandra</del></role>
                <actor><del rend="strikethrough">Mi&#643; Cooke</del></actor>
                <role><del rend="strikethrough">Phrynia</del></role>
                <actor><del rend="strikethrough">Mi&#643; Ivers</del></actor>
            <stage type="entrance"> ^- Enter Jeweller and Merchant and other Suitors loping over.</stage>
            <stage type="exit"> ^^ - Exuent Jeweller and Merchant.</stage>
                 <pb facs="http://tapasproject.org/sites/default/files/1524497139/support_files/timonofathens_1773_081.JPG"/>
                 <div1 type="act" n="1">
                 <head>ACT I</head>
                     <stage type="setting">SCENE, a ball in Timon’s hou&#643;e</stage>
            <stage type="entrance">Enter Poet, Painter, <del rend="strikethrough">Jeweller, Merchant, and Mercer</del> at &#643;everal doors.*
            <sp who="Poet"><speaker>Poet</speaker><l>GOOD day Sir.</l></sp>
            <sp who="Painter"><speaker>Painter</speaker><l> I am glad y’ are well.</l></sp>
            <sp who="Poet"><speaker>Poet</speaker><l>I have not &#643;een you long; how goes the</l>
            <sp who="Painter"><speaker>Painter</speaker><l>It wears, Sir, as it goes.</l></sp>
            <sp who="Poet"><speaker>Poet</speaker><l>Ay, that’s well known.</l>
                <l>But what particular rarity? what &#643;o &#643;trange,</l>
                <l>Which manifold r cord not matches? &#643;ee,</l>
                <l>(Magick of bounty!) all the&#643;e &#643;pirits thy power^</l>
                <l>Hath conjur’d to attend.  I know the merchant.</l></sp>
            <sp who="Painter"><speaker>Painter</speaker><l>I know them both; th’ other’s a jeweller.</l></sp>
            <sp who="Merchant"><speaker>Merchant</speaker><l>O ‘tis a worthy lord!</l></sp>
            <sp who="Jeweller"><speaker>Jeweller</speaker><l>I have a jewel here.</l></sp>
            <sp who="Merchant"><speaker>Merchant</speaker><l>O, pray, let’s &#643;ee’t:</l>
                <l>For the lord Timon, Sir?</l></sp>
            <sp who="Jeweller"><speaker>Jeweller</speaker><l>If he will touch the e&#643;timate: but for that--^^</l></sp>
                                           <fw>H3 </fw>                          <fw type="catch"> Poet</fw>
            <note xml:id="a01" type="footnote">* The opening &#643;cene of this play is a good preparative for the
            &#643;ubject coming before us; and is expre&#643;ed much in chara&#1013;ter.</note>
         <pb facs="http://tapasproject.org/sites/default/files/1524497152/support_files/timonofathens_1773_082.JPG"/>
            <fw>82</fw><fw type="header">TIMON OF ATHENS.</fw>
            <sp who="Poet"><speaker>Poet</speaker><l>When we for recompence have prais’d the</l>
                <l>It &#643;tains the gory in that happy ver&#643;e</l>
                <l>Which aptly &#643;ings the good.</l></sp>
            <sp who="Mercer"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Mercer</del></speaker>
                <l><del rend="strikethrough">‘Tis a good form.</del></l></sp>
            <stage type="business">[Looking on the jewel.</stage>
                     <sp who="Jeweller"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Jeweller</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">And rich; here is a water, look ye.</del></l></sp>
            <sp who="Painter"><speaker>Painter</speaker><l>You’re rapt, Sir, in &#643;ome work; &#643;ome de-</l>
                <l>To the great lord ?</l></sp>
            <sp who="Poet"><speaker>Poet</speaker><l>A thing &#643;lipt idly from me.</l>
                <l>Our poe&#643;ie is as a gum, which i&#643;&#643;ues</l>
                <l>From whence ‘tis nouri&#643;hed.  The fire i th’ flint</l>
                <l>Shews not, ‘till it be &#643;truck :</l>
                <l>What have you there ?</l></sp>
            <sp who="Painter"><speaker>Painter</speaker>
                <l>A picture, Sir:--when comes your book</l>
                <l>forth ?</l></sp>
            <sp who="Poet"><speaker>Poet</speaker><l>Upon the heels of my pre&#643;entment, Sir.</l>
                <l>Let’s &#643;ee your piece,</l></sp>
            <sp who="Painter"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Painter</del></speaker>
                <l><del rend="strikethrough">‘Tis a good piece.</del></l></sp>
                     <sp who="Poet"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Poet</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">So ‘tis.</del></l></sp>
            <sp who="Poet"><speaker>Poet (Handwritten)</speaker><l>This comes off well and excellent.</l></sp>
            <sp who="Painter"><speaker>Painter</speaker><l>Indiff’rent.</l></sp>
            <sp who="Poet"><speaker>Poet</speaker><l>Admirable! How this grace</l>
                <l>Speaks his own &#643;tanding ? what a mental power</l>
                <l>This eye &#643;hoots forth ? how big imagination</l>
                <l>Moves in this lip ? to the dumbne&#643;s of the ge&#643;ture</l>
                <l>One might interpret.</l></sp>
            <sp who="Painter"><speaker>Painter</speaker><l>It is a pretty mocking of the life:</l>
                <l><del rend="strikethrough">Here is a touch----is’t good ?</del></l></sp>
            <sp who="Poet"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Poet</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough"> I’ll &#643;ay of it</del></l>
                <l><del rend="strikethrough">It tutors nature ; artificial &#643;trife</del></l>
                <l><del rend="strikethrough">Lives in tho&#643;e touches, livelier than life.*</del></l></sp>
            <stage type="entrance">Enter certain &#643;enators.</stage>
            <sp who="Painter"><speaker>Painter</speaker><l>How this lord is followed !</l></sp>
            <sp who="Poet"><speaker>Poet</speaker><l>The &#643;enators of Athens ! <del rend="strikethrough"> happy man !</del></l></sp>
            <sp who="Painter"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Painter</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Look, more!</del></l></sp>
                     <!-- Complete ACT I is not presented due to time constraints of project. Wanted to spend most time on Act V given amount of cuts made. -->
                                                                                             <fw type="catch">Poet.</fw>
                     <note xml:id="a02" type="footnote">* <l>Making men of genius flatter one another in company, is</l>
                         <l>natural enough, however they may vent cen&#643;ure when apart--</l>
                         <l>it is too often the ca&#643;e.</l></note>
  <pb facs="http://tapasproject.org/sites/default/files/1524497178/support_files/timonofathens_1773_136.JPG"/>
                                                <fw>136</fw> <fw type="header">TIMON OF ATHENS.</fw>

                 <!-- Complete ACT IV is not presented due to time constraints of project. Wanted to spend most time on Act V given amount of cuts made. -->
        <div1 type="act" n="4">
           <sp who="Timon"><speaker>Timon</speaker><l>Here’s gold.  Go, &#643;uck the &#643;ubtle blood o’th’ grape,</l>     
                <l>’Till the high fever &#643;eethe your blood to froth,</l>
                <l>And &#643;o ‘&#643;cape hanging.  Tru&#643;t not the phy&#643;ician,</l> 
                <l>His antidotes are poi&#643;on, and he &#643;lays</l> 
                <l>More than you rob.  Take wealth, and live together.</l> 
                <l>Do villainy , do, &#643;ince you profe&#643;s to do’t,</l> 
                <l>Like workmen ;  I’ll example you with thievery.</l> 
                <l>The &#643;un’s a thief, and with his great attra&#1013;tion</l> 
                <l>Robs the va&#643;t &#643;ea.  The moon’s an arrant thief</l> 
                <l>And her pale fire &#643;he &#643;natches from the &#643;un.</l> 
                <l>The &#643;ea’s a thief, who&#643;e liquid &#643;urge re&#643;olves</l> 
                <l>The mounds into &#643;alt tears. ^</l> 
                <l>Love not your&#643;elves, away ;</l> 
                <l>Rob one another, there’s more gold ; cut throats</l> 
                <l>All that you meet are thieves: to Athens go,</l> 
                <l>Break open &#643;hops, for nothing can you &#643;teal,</l> 
                <l>But thieves do lo&#643; it: &#643;teal not le&#643;s for what</l> 
                <l>I give, and gold confound you how&#643;oever! <del rend="strikethrough">Amen.</del></l></sp>
             <stage type="exit">[Exit.</stage>
                <note><l>The fourth act rather ri&#643;es upon us, but Timon has &#643;o much</l>
                         <l>to &#643;ay, that the actor, who does him ju&#643;tice, mu&#643; have very</l>
                         <l>permanent powers.</l></note>
                 <!-- Complete ACT IV is not presented due to time constraints of project. Wanted to spend most time on Act V given amount of cuts made. -->
                                                      <l>End of the Fourth ACT</l> </div1>
       <div1 type="act" n="5">
          <head>ACT V</head>
            <stage type="setting">SCENE, the woods, and Timon's cave.</stage>
            <stage type="entrance">Enter Flavius</stage>                                            
            <sp who="Flavius"><speaker>FLAVIUS</speaker><l>OH, you gods!</l>
              <l>Is yon de&#643;pis’d and ruinous man, my lord?</l>
              <l>Full of decay and failing ? oh, monument</l>
              <l>And wonder of good deeds, evilly be&#643;tow’d!</l>
              <l>What change of honour de&#643;p’rate want has made?</l>
                            <fw type="catch"><del rend="strikethrough">What</del></fw>
       <pb facs="http://tapasproject.org/sites/default/files/1524497189/support_files/timonofathens_1773_136-001.jpg"/>
                <!-- This page is handwritten, and is to the immediate right of printed page 136.-->  
                <l>^ each thing's a thief. No laws, your curb and whip, in their rough caves</l>
                    <l>Have uncheck'd theft.</l>
                <stage type="setting">Timon seated in the entrance of his cave.</stage>
<pb facs="http://tapasproject.org/sites/default/files/1524497214/support_files/timonofathens_1773_137.JPG"/>
                                                    <fw type="header">TIMON OF ATHENS.</fw> <fw>137</fw>
              <l><del rend="strikethrough">What viler thing upon the earth, than friends</del></l>
              <l><del rend="strikethrough">Who can bring noble&#643;t minds to ba&#643;e&#643;t ends? &#8225;</del></l>
              <l>H’as caught me in his eye, I will pre&#643;ent</l>
              <l>My hone&#643;t grief to him ; and, as my lord,</l>
              <l>Still &#643;erve him with my life.  My deare&#643;t ma&#643;ter!</l></sp>
            <stage type="entrance">Timon comes forward from his cave. &#167; </stage>
            <sp who="Timon"><speaker>Timon</speaker><l>Away! What art thou?</l></sp>
            <sp who="Flavius"><speaker>Flavius</speaker><l>Have you forgot me, Sir?</l></sp>
            <sp who="Timon"><speaker>Timon</speaker><l>Why do&#643;t thou a&#643;k that ? I have forgot all</l>
              <l>Then, if thou grante&#643;t that thou art a man,</l>
              <l>I have forgot thee.</l></sp>
            <sp who="Flavius"><speaker>Flavius</speaker><l>An hone&#643;t &#643;ervant----</l></sp>
            <sp who="Timon"><speaker>Timon</speaker><l>Then I know thee not:</l>
              <l>I ne’er had hone&#643;t men about me, all</l>
              <l>I kept were knaves, to &#643;erve in meat to villains.</l></sp>
            <sp who="Flavius"><speaker>Flavius</speaker><l>The gods are witne&#643;s,</l>
              <l>Ne’er did poor &#643;teward wear a truer grief,</l>
              <l>For his undone lord, than mine eyes for you.</l></sp>
            <sp who="Timon"><speaker>Timon</speaker><l>For his undone lord, than mine eyes for you.</l>
              <l> I love thee,</l>
              <l>Becau&#643;e thou art a woman, and di&#643;claim’&#643;t</l>
              <l>Flinty mankind; who&#643;e eyes do never give,</l>
              <l>But or through lu&#643;t, or laughter. <del rend="strikethrough"> Pity’s &#643;leeping;</del></l>
              <l><del rend="strikethrough">Strange times, that cry with laughing, not with</del></l>
              <l> <del rend="strikethrough">weeping!</del></l></sp>
            <sp who="Flavius"><speaker>Flavius</speaker><l>I beg of you to know me, good my lord,</l>
              <l>T’ accept my grief, and, whil&#643;t this poor wealth la&#643;ts,</l>
              <l>To entertain me as your &#643;teward &#643;till.</l></sp>
            <sp who="Timon"><speaker>Timon</speaker><l>Had I a &#643;teward</l>
              <l>So true, &#643;o ju&#643;t, and now &#643;o comfortable ?</l>
                                                    <fw>Vol. V</fw>              <fw>N</fw> <fw type="catch">It</fw>
                            <note xml:id="a03" type="footnote"><del rend="strikethrough">&#8225;The following lines &#643;should be &#643;poken.</del>
                                <l><del rend="strikethrough">How rarely does it meet with this time’s gui&#643;e,</del></l>
                                <l><del rend="strikethrough">When man was wi&#643;ht to love his enemies !</del></l>
                                <l><del rend="strikethrough">Grant I may ever love, and rather woo</del></l>
                                <l><del rend="strikethrough">Tho&#643;e that would mi&#643;chief me, than tho&#643; that do!</del></l></note>
                            <note xml:id="a04" type="footnote"><l>&#167; The author has begun his fifth act, with an affe&#1013;ting inter-</l>
                                <l>view between Timon and his faithful &#643;teward; but we wi&#643;h the</l>
                                <l>former did not overflow with &#643;uch an exce&#643;s of mi&#643;anthropic re-</l>
                                <l>&#643;entment, of which he has, with great &#643;amene&#643;s and prolixity,</l>
                                <l>been before too liberal.</l></note>

<pb facs="http://tapasproject.org/sites/default/files/1524497223/support_files/timonofathens_1773_138.JPG"/>
                                            <fw>138</fw> <fw type="header">TIMON OF ATHENS.</fw>
               <l>It almo&#643;t turns my dangerous nature wild----</l>
               <l>Let me behold thy face: &#643;urely, this man</l>
               <l>Was born of woman.</l>
               <l>Forgive my gen’ral and exceptle&#643;s ra&#643;hne&#643;s,</l>
               <l>Perpetual, &#643;ober gods ! I do proclaim</l>
               <l>One hone&#643;t man : mi&#643;take me not--but one:</l>
               <l>No more, I pray; and he’s a &#643;teward.</l>
               <l>How fain would I have hated all mankind,</l>
               <l>And thou redeem’&#643;t thy&#643;elf: but all, &#643;ave thee,*</l>
               <l>I fell with cur&#643;es.</l>
               <l>Methinks, thou art more hone&#643;t now, than wife;</l>
               <l>For, by oppre&#643;&#643;ing and betraying me,</l>
               <l>Thou might’&#643;t have &#643;ooner got another’s &#643;ervice:</l>
               <l>For many &#643;o arrive at &#643;econd ma&#643;ters,</l>
               <l>Upon their fir&#643;t lord’s neck.  But tell me true,</l>
               <l>Is not thy kindne&#643;s, &#643;ubtle, covetous,</l>
               <l>An u&#643;uring kinde&#643;s, as rich men deal gifts,</l>
               <l>Expe&#1013;ting in return twenty for one ?</l></sp>
             <sp who="Flavius"><speaker>Flavius</speaker><l>No, my mo&#643;t worthy ma&#643;ter, (in who&#643;e brea&#643;t</l>
               <l>Doubt and &#643;u&#643;pe&#1013;t, &#8224; alas, are plac’d too late,)</l>
               <l>You &#643;hould have fear’d fal&#643;e times, when you did</l>
               <l>That which I &#643;hew, heav’n knows, is merely love,</l>
               <l><del rend="strikethrough">Duty, and zeal, to your unmatched mind,</del></l>
               <l><del rend="strikethrough">Care of your food, and living, and, believe it,</del></l>
               <l>For any benefit that points to me,</l>
               <l>Either in hope, or pre&#643;ent, I’d exchange</l>
               <l>For this one wi&#643;h, that you had power and wealth</l>
               <l>To requite me by making rich your&#643;elf.</l></sp>
             <sp who="Timon"><speaker>Timon</speaker><l>Look thee, ‘tis &#643;o; thou &#643;ingly hone&#643;t man,</l>
               <l>Here, take; the gods out of my mi&#643;ery,</l>
               <l>Have &#643;ent thee trea&#643;ure.  Go, live rich and happy :</l>
               <l>But thus condition’d; thou &#643;halt build for men :</l>
               <l>Hate all, cur&#643;e all , &#643;hew charity to none ;</l>
               <l>But let the fami&#643;h’d fle&#643;h &#643;lide from the bone,</l>
               <l>Ere thou relieve the beggar.  Give to dogs,</l>
                                                                                    <fw type="catch">What</fw>
                            <note xml:id="a05" type="footnote">* <l>This his interval of tender feeling for his faithful &#643;teward,</l>
                                <l>&#643;oftens the frenzied rigidity of Timon, agreeably.</l></note>
                            <note xml:id="a06" type="footnote">&#8224;Su&#643;pect, for &#643;u&#643;picion.</note>
     <pb facs="http://tapasproject.org/sites/default/files/1524497249/support_files/timonofathens_1773_139-001.JPG"/>
                 <!-- Handwritten stage direction on blank page prior to printed page 139 -->
                 <stage type="exit">Exit Timon.</stage>
     <pb facs="http://tapasproject.org/sites/default/files/1524497231/support_files/timonofathens_1773_139.JPG"/>
                                        <fw>139</fw> <fw type="header">TIMON OF ATHENS.</fw>
               <l>What thou deny’&#643;t to men. Let pri&#643;ons &#643;wallow ‘em,</l>
               <l>Debts wither ‘em ; <del rend="strikethrough">be men like bla&#643;ted woods,</del></l>
               <l><del rend="strikethrough">And may di&#643;ea&#643;es lick up their fal&#643;e bloods !</del></l>
               <l>And &#643;o farewel, and thrive.</l></sp>
             <sp who="Flavius"><speaker>Flavius</speaker><l>O, let me &#643;tay, and comfort you, my ma&#643;ter.</l></sp>
             <sp who="Timon"><speaker>Timon</speaker><l>If thou hat’&#643;t cur&#643;es,</l>
               <l>Stay not, but fly, whil&#643;t thou art ble&#643;t and free;</l>
               <l>Ne’er &#643;ee thou man, and let me ne’er &#643;ee thee.</l></sp><stage type="exit"><del rend="strikethrough">[Exeunt, &#643;everally.</del></stage>
             <stage type="entrance">Enter Poet and Painter.</stage>
             <sp who="Painter"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Painter</del></speaker>
               <l><del rend="strikethrough">As I took note of the place, it can’t be far,</del></l>
               <l><del rend="strikethrough">where he abides.</del></l></sp>
             <sp who="Poet"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Poet</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">What’s to be thought of him ? does the ru-</del></l>
               <l><del rend="strikethrough">mour hold for true, that he’s &#643;o full of gold ?</del></l></sp>
             <sp who="Painter"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Painter</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Certain.  Alcibiades reports it : Phyrnia and</del></l>
               <l><del rend="strikethrough">Timandra had gold of him : he likewi&#643;e enrich’d</del></l>
               <l><del rend="strikethrough">poor &#643;tragling &#643;oldiers with great quantity.</del></l>
               <l><del rend="strikethrough">&#643;aid, he gave his &#643;teward a mighty &#643;um.</del></l></sp>
             <sp who="Poet"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Poet</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Then this breaking of his, has been but a trial</del></l>
               <l><del rend="strikethrough">of his friends ?</del></l></sp>
             <sp who="Painter"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Painter</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Nothing el&#643;e ; you &#643;hall &#643;ee him a palm in</del></l>
               <l><del rend="strikethrough">Athens, again, and flouri&#643;h with the highe&#643;t.</del></l></sp>
             <sp who="Poet"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Poet</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">What have you now to pre&#643;ent unto him ?</del></l></sp>
             <sp who="Painter"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Painter</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Nothing at this time, but my vi&#643;itation : only</del></l>
               <l><del rend="strikethrough">I will promi&#643;e him an excellent piece.</del></l></sp>
             <sp who="Poet"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Poet</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">I mu&#643;t &#643;erve him &#643;, too; tell him of an in-</del></l>
               <l><del rend="strikethrough">tent that’s coming towards him.</del></l></sp>
             <sp who="Painter"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Painter</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough"> &#8225; Good as the be&#643;t : promi&#643;ing is the very</del></l>
               <l><del rend="strikethrough">air o’th’ time; it opens the eyes of expectation.  Per-</del></l>
               <l><del rend="strikethrough">formance is ever the duller for his act, and, but in</del></l>
               <l><del rend="strikethrough">the plainer and &#643;impler kind of people, the deed is</del></l>
               <l><del rend="strikethrough">quite out of u&#643;e. &#167;</del></l></sp>
                                                                            <fw>N2</fw>                              <fw type="catch">Re-</fw>
                         <note xml:id="a07" type="footnote">&#8225;Promi&#643;es and performance are here di&#643;tingui&#643;hed in a &#643;en&#643;i-
                             ble &#643;atirical  manner.</note>
                         <note xml:id="a08" type="footnote">&#167;<l>It is a great pity to omit the following pa&#643;&#643;age.</l>
                             <l>To promi&#643;e, is mo&#643;t courtly, and fa&#643;hionable; performance is a</l>
                             <l>kind of will or te&#643;tament, which argues a great &#643;ickne&#643;s in his judg-</l>
                             <l>ment that makes it.</l></note>
           <pb facs="http://tapasproject.org/sites/default/files/1524497257/support_files/timonofathens_1773_140.JPG"/>
          <fw>140</fw> <fw type="header">TIMON OF ATHENS.</fw>
                <stage type="entrance"><del rend="strikethrough">Re-enter Timon from his cave, un&#643;een.</del></stage>
                <sp who="Timon"><speaker><del rend="strikethough">Timon</del></speaker>
                <l> <del rend="strikethrough">Excellent workman ! though can&#643;t not paint a</del></l>
                    <l><del rend="strikethrough">man, &#643;o bad as thy&#643;elf.</del></l></sp>
                <sp who="poet"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Poet</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">I am thinking, what I &#643;hall &#643;ay I have pro-</del></l>
                    <l><del rend="strikethrough">vided for him: it mu&#643;t be a per&#643;onating of himself:</del></l>
                    <l><del rend="strikethrough">a &#643;atyr again&#643;t the &#643;oftne&#643;s of pro&#643;perity, with a di&#643;-</del></l>
                    <l><del rend="strikethrough">covery of the infinite flatteries that follow youth and</del></l>             
                    <l><del rend="strikethrough">opulency.</del></l></sp>
                <sp who="Timon"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Timon</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Mu&#643;t thou needs &#643;tand for a villain, in thine</del></l>
                    <l><del rend="strikethrough">own work? Wilt thou whip thine own faults, in other</del></l>
                    <l><del rend="strikethrough">men? do &#643;o, I have gold for thee.</del></l> 
                <sp who="poet"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Poet</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Nay, let's &#643;eek him.</del></l>
                <sp who="Timon"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Timon</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">I'll meet you at the turn----------</del></l>              
                    <l><del rend="strikethrough">What a god's gold, that he is the wor&#643;hipped</del></l>
                    <l><del rend="strikethrough">In ba&#643;er temples than where &#643;wine do feed !</del></l>
                    <l><del rend="strikethrough">'Tis thou that rigg'&#643;t the bark, and plow'&#643;t the wave,</del></l>
                    <l><del rend="strikethrough">&#643;ettle&#643;t admired rev'rence in a &#643;lave;</del></l>
                    <l><del rend="strikethrough">To thee the wor&#643;hip, and thy &#643;aints, for aye,</del></l>
                    <l><del rend="strikethrough">Be crown'd with plagues, that thee alone obey!</del></l>
                    <l><del rend="strikethrough">'Tis fit I meet them.</del></l>
                <sp who="poet"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Poet</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Hail! worthy Timon.</del></l>
                <sp who="painter"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Painter</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Our late noble ma&#643;ter.</del></l>
                <sp who="Timon"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Timon</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Have I once liv'd to &#643;ee two hone&#643;t men?</del></l>  
                <sp who="poet"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Poet</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">&#643;ir, having often of your bounty ta&#643;ted,</del></l>
                    <l><del rend="strikethrough">Hearing you were retir'd, your friends fall'n off,*</del></l>
                    <l><del rend="strikethrough">He, and my&#643;elf,</del></l>                
                    <l><del rend="strikethrough">Have travell'd in the great &#643;hower of your gifts,</del></l>
                    <l><del rend="strikethrough">and &#643;weetly felt it.</del></l>
                <sp who="Timon"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Timon</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Ay, you're hone&#643;t men.</del></l>   
                <note xml:id="a09" type="footnote">  <l><del rend="strikethrough">* The&#643;e lines almo&#643;t certainly de&#643;erve pre&#643;ervation.</del></l>

                <l><del rend="strikethrough">Who&#643;e thankle&#643;s natures,  ( oh abhorred &#643;pirits ! )</del></l>
                <l><del rend="strikethrough">Not all the whips of heav’n are large enough--------------</del></l>
                <l><del rend="strikethrough">What! to you!</del></l>
                <l><del rend="strikethrough">Who&#643;e &#643;tar-like noblene&#643;s gave life and influence,</del></l>
                <l><del rend="strikethrough">To their whole being ! I am rapt, and cannot</del></l>
                <l><del rend="strikethrough">Cover the mon&#643;trous bulk of this ingratitude</del></l>
                <l><del rend="strikethrough">With any &#643;ize of words.</del></l>
                    <sp who="Timon"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Timon</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Let it go naked, men may &#643;ee't the better:</del></l>
                <l><del rend="strikethrough">You that are hone&#643;t, by being what you are,</del></l>
                <l><del rend="strikethrough">Make them be&#643;t &#643;een and known.</del></l>
    <!-- ********************** -->
           <pb facs="http://tapasproject.org/sites/default/files/1524497270/support_files/timonofathens_1773_141.JPG"/>
                <fw type="header">TIMON OF ATHENS.</fw> <fw>141</fw>
                    <sp who="Painter"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Painter</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">We’re hither come to offer you our &#643;ervice.</del></l>
                    <sp who="Timon"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Timon</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Mo&#643;t hone&#643;t men ! why, how &#643;hall i requite</del></l>
                        <l><del rend="strikethrough">you?</del></l>
                        <l><del rend="strikethrough">Can you eat roots, and drink cold water? no.</del></l>
                    <sp who="both"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Both</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">What we can do, we'll do, to do you &#643;ervice.</del></l>
                    <sp who="Timon"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Timon</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Y’re hone&#643;t men ; you’ve heard that I have</del></l>
                        <l><del rend="strikethrough">gold ;</del></l>
                        <l><del rend="strikethrough">I'm &#643;ure you have; &#643;peak truth, y're honest men.</del></l>
                    <sp who="painter"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Painter</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">&#643;o it is &#643;aid, my noble lord, but therefore</del></l>
                    <l><del rend="strikethrough">Came not my friend, nor I.</del></l>
                    <sp who="Timon"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Timon</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Good hone&#643;t man; thou draw'&#643;t a counterfeit,</del></l>
                        <l><del rend="strikethrough">Be&#643;t in all Athens ; thou'rt, indeed, the be&#643;t ; </del></l>
                        <l><del rend="strikethrough">Thou counterfeit'&#643;t, mo&#643;t lively.</del></l>
                    <sp who="painter"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Painter</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">&#643;o, &#643;o, my lord.</del></l>
                    <sp who="Timon"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Timon</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">E'en &#643;o, &#643;ir, as I &#643;ay--And for thy fiction,</del></l>
                        <l><del rend="strikethrough">Why, thy ver&#643;e &#643;wells with &#643;tuff &#643;o fine and &#643;mooth,</del></l>
                        <l><del rend="strikethrough">That thou art even natural in thine art.</del></l>
                        <l><del rend="strikethrough">But for all this, my hone&#643;t-natur'd friends,</del></l>
                        <l><del rend="strikethrough">I mu&#643;t needs &#643;ay, you have a little fault;</del></l>
                        <l><del rend="strikethrough">Marry, not mon&#643;trous in you ; neither wi&#643;h I,</del></l>
                        <l><del rend="strikethrough">You take much pains to mend.</del></l>                 
                    <sp who="both"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Both</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Be&#643;eech your honour</del></l>
                        <l><del rend="strikethrough">To make it known to us.</del></l>
                    <sp who="Timon"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Timon</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">You'll take it ill.</del></l>
                    <sp who="both"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Both</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Mo&#643;t thankfully, my lord.</del></l>
                    <sp who="Timon"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Timon</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Will, you indeed ?</del></l>
                    <sp who="both"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Both</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Doubt it not, worthy lord.</del></l>
                    <sp who="Timon"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Timon</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">There's ne'er a one of you but tru&#643;ts a knave,</del></l>
                        <l><del rend="strikethrough">That mightily deceives you</del></l>
                    <sp who="both"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Both</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Ay, and you hear him cogg &#8224;, &#643;ee him</del></l>
                        <l><del rend="strikethrough">di&#643;&#643;emble,</del></l>
                        <l><del rend="strikethrough">Know his gro&#643;s patchery, love him, and feed him ;</del></l>
                        <l><del rend="strikethrough">Keep in your bo&#643;om, yet, remain a&#643;&#643;ur'd,</del></l>
                        <l><del rend="strikethrough">That he's a made-up villain.</del></l>
                    <sp who="painter"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Painter</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">I know non &#643;uch, my lord.</del></l>
                    <sp who="poet"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Poet</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Nor I.</del></l>
                        &#8224;Cogg, for flatter</l>
                        <fw>N 3</fw> <fw type="catch">Tim.</fw>
           <pb facs="http://tapasproject.org/sites/default/files/1524497280/support_files/timonofathens_1773_142.JPG"/>

                <fw>142</fw> <fw type="header">TIMON OF ATHENS. </fw>
                        <sp who="Timon"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Timon</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Look you, I love you well, I'll give you gold,</del></l>
                            <l><del rend="strikethrough">Rid me the&#643;e villains, from your companies ;</del></l>
                            <l><del rend="strikethrough">Hang them, or &#643;tab them, drown them in a draught</del></l>
                            <l><del rend="strikethrough">Confound them by &#643;ome cour&#643;e, and come to me,</del></l>
                            <l><del rend="strikethrough">I'll give you gold enough.</del></l>
                        <sp who="both"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Both</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Name them, my lord, let's know them.</del></l>
                        <sp who="Timon"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">Timon</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">You that way, and you this ;--------but two</del></l>
                            <l><del rend="strikethrough">In company : </del></l>
                            <l><del rend="strikethrough">Each man apart, all &#643;ingle and alone,</del></l>
                            <l><del rend="strikethrough">Yet an arch villain keeps his company.</del></l>
                            <l><del rend="strikethrough">If where thou art, two villains &#643;hall not be,</del></l>
                            <l><del rend="strikethrough">[To the painter.</del></l>
                            <l><del rend="strikethrough">Come not near him-----If thou wouldn&#643;t not re&#643;ide</del></l>
                            <l><del rend="strikethrough">[To the poet.</del></l>
                            <l><del rend="strikethrough">But where one villain is, then him abandon.</del></l>
                            <l><del rend="strikethrough">Hence, pack, there's gold ; ye came for hold, ye</del></l>
                            <l><del rend="strikethrough">&#643;laves</del></l>
                            <l><del rend="strikethrough">You are an alchymi&#643;t, make godl of that :</del></l>
                            <l><del rend="strikethrough">OUt, ra&#643;cal dogs !  [Beating, and driving 'em out.</del></l>                                                   
                        <stage type="entrance"><del rend="strikethrough">Enter Flavius and two &#643;enators</del></stage>
                        <sp who="Flavius"><speaker>Flavius</speaker><l>It is in vain that you would &#643;peak with Timon: </l>
                            <l>For he is &#643;et &#643;o only to him&#643;elf,</l>
                            <l>That nothing but him&#643;elf, which looks like man,</l>
                            <l>Is friendly with him.</l>
                        <sp who="1 sen"><speaker>1. Sen</speaker><l> Bring us to his cave,</l>  
                            <l>It is our part and promi&#643;e to th' Athenians,</l>
                            <l>To &#643;peak with Timon.</l>
                        <sp who="2 sen"><speaker>2. Sen</speaker><l>At all times alike.</l>
                            <l>Men are not &#643;till the &#643;ame ; 'twas time and griefs</l>
                            <l>That fram'd him thus.  Time, with his fairer hand,</l>
                            <l>Offering the fortunes of his former days,</l>
                            <l>The former man may make him ; bring us to him,</l>
                            <l>And chance it as it may.</l>
                        <sp who="flavius"><speaker>Flavius</speaker><l>Here is his cave :</l>
                            <l>Peace and content be here, lord Timon! Timon!</l>
                            <l>Look out, an &#643;peak to friends, th' Athenians</l>
                                By </l>
                    <!-- ***************************** -->
           <pb facs="http://tapasproject.org/sites/default/files/1524497296/support_files/timonofathens_1773_142-001.jpg"/>
           <!-- Pasted material from different portion of play to the right of page 142. -->
                            <stage type="entrance">Enter two <del rend="strikethrough">other</del> &#643;enators, <del rend="strikethrough">with a Me&#643;&#643;enger.</del></stage>
                            <sp who="1 sen"><speaker>1. Sen</speaker><l>THOU ha&#643;t painfully di&#643;cover'd ; are his file</l>
                                <l>As full as thy report ?</l>                
                            <sp who="2 sen"><speaker>2. Sen</speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough"><!--handwritten-->Me&#643;. </del>I have &#643;poke the lea&#643;t.</l>
                                <l>Be&#643;ides, his expedition promi&#643;es</l>
                                <l>Pre&#643;ent approach.</l>
                            <sp who="1 sen"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">1. Sen</del></speaker><l>We &#643;tand much hazard, if <del rend="strikethrough">they </del> we bring not</l>     
                            <sp who="2 sen"><speaker>2. Sen</speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough"><!--handwritten-->Me&#643;. </del>I met a <del rend="strikethrough"
                                        >courier</del>Captain oncem ine ancient friend ;</l>
                               <l>Who, though in general part we were oppos'd, </l>
                               <l>Yet our old love made a particular force,</l>
                               <l>And made us &#643;peak like friends.  This mn was riding</l>
                                <l>From Alcibiades to Timon's Cave,</l>
                                <l>With letters of intreaty, which imported</l>
                                <l>His fellowship i'th' Cau&#643;e again&#643;t your City</l>
                                <l>In part for his &#643;ake mov'd.</l>                           
                            <!-- ************************** -->
           <pb facs="http://tapasproject.org/sites/default/files/1524497306/support_files/timonofathens_1773_143.JPG"/>
                <fw type="header">TIMON OF ATHENS.</fw> <fw>143</fw>
                                <l>By two of their mo&#643;t rev'rend &#643;enate, greet thee ;</l>
                                <l>&#643;peak to them, noble Timon.</l>
                                <stage type="entrance">Enter Timon out of his cave.</stage>
                                <sp who="Timon"><speaker>Timon</speaker><l>Thou fun, that comfort'&#643;t, burn!------</l>
                                  <l>&#643;peak and be hang'd ;</l>
                                    <l>For each true word a bli&#643;ter, and each fal&#643;e</l>
                                    <l>Be cauterizing to the root o'th' tongue,</l>
                                    <l>Con&#643;uming it with &#643;peaking</l>                                 
                                <sp who="1 sen"><speaker>1. Sen</speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Worthy Timon</del></l>
                                <sp who="2 sen"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">2. Sen</del></speaker><l>The &#643;enators of Athens greet thee, Timon.</l>
                                <sp who="Timon"><speaker>Timon</speaker><l>I thank them.  And would &#643;end them back</l>
                                    <l>The plague,</l>
                                <l>Could I but catch it for them.</l>
                                <sp who="1 sen"><speaker>1. Senator</speaker><l>Oh! forget</l>
                                    <l>What we are &#643;orry for our&#643;elves, in thee:</l>
                                    <l>The &#643;enators, with one con&#643;ent of love,</l>
                                    <l>Intreat thee back to Athens ; who have thought</l>
                                    <l>On &#643;pecial dignities, which vacant lie,</l>
                                    <l>For thy be&#643;t u&#643;e and wearing.</l>
                                <sp who="2 sen"><speaker>2. Senator</speaker><l>They confe&#643;s</l>
                                    <l>Tow'rd thee forgetfulne&#643;s, too general, gro&#643;s ;</l>
                                    <l>Which now the public body, (which doth &#643;eldom</l>
                                    <l>Play the recanter) feeling in it&#643;elf</l>
                                    <l>A lack of Timon's aid, hath &#643;en&#643;e withal</l>
                                    <l>Of its own fall, re&#643;training aid to Timon;</l>
                                    <l>And &#643;ends forth us to make their &#643;orrowed tender,</l>
                                    <l>Together with a recompence more fruitful,</l>
                                    <l>Than their offence can weigh down by the dram ;</l>
                                    <l><del rend="strikethrough">Ay, ev'n &#643;uch heaps and &#643;ums of love and wealth,</del></l>
                                    <l><del rend="strikethrough">As &#643;hall to thee blot out what wrongs were theirs ;</del></l>
                                    <l><del rend="strikethrough">And write in thee the figures of their love,</del></l>
                                    <l><del rend="strikethrough">Even to read them thine. </del>&#8225;</l> 
                                <note xml:id="a10" type="footnote"><l>&#8225;The return of fawning profe&#643;&#643;ions to return of wealth, as</l>
                                       <l>well as their departure from poverty, is too well known to every</l>
                                       <l>body, who knows any thing of life; but the picture here drawn,</l>
                                       <l>of &#643;uch infamous time-&#643;erving, may have &#643;ingular good effects</l>
                                       <l>upon unpracti&#643;ed youth, if properly inculcated and attended to;</l>
                                       <l>Timon, in this &#643;cene, retorts upon his ungrateful countrymen,</l>
                                       <l>with a proper degree of firm manly re&#643;entment.</l>
                                                                                                             <fw type="catch">Tim.</fw>
           <pb facs="http://tapasproject.org/sites/default/files/1524497317/support_files/timonofathens_1773_144.JPG"/>
                <fw type="header">144</fw> <fw>TIMON OF ATHENS.</fw>
                                <sp who="Timon"><speaker>Timon</speaker><l>You witch me in it,</l>
                                    <l>&#643;urprize me to the very brink of tears ;</l>
                                    <l>Lend me a fool's heart, and a woman's eyes,</l>
                                    <l>and I'll beweep the&#643;e comforts, worthy &#643;enators.</l>
                                <sp who="1 sen"><speaker>1. Senator</speaker><l>Therefore &#643;o plea&#643;e thee to return with us,</l>
                                    <l>And of our Athens, thine and ours, to take</l>
                                    <l>THe captain&#643;hip : thou &#643;halt be met with thanks,</l>
                                    <l>Allow'd with ab&#643;olute power, and thy good name</l>
                                    <l>Live with authority : &#643;oon we &#643;hall drive back</l>
                                    <l>Of Alcibiades th' approaches wild,</l>
                                    <l>Who, like a boar too &#643;avage, doth root up</l>
                                    <l>His country's peace.</l>
                                <sp who="2 sen"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">2. Senator</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">And &#643;hakes his threatning &#643;word</del></l>
                                    <l><del rend="strikethrough">Again&#643;t the walls of Athens.</del></l>
                                <sp who="2 sen"><speaker>2. Senator <del rend="strikethrough">1. &#643;enator</del> </speaker><l>Therefore, Timon-----</l>
                                <sp who="Timon"><speaker>Timon</speaker><l>Well, &#643;ir, I will; therefore I will, &#643;ir;</l>
                                    <l>thus --------- </l>
                                    <l>If Alcibiades kill my countymen,</l>
                                    <l>Let Alcibiades know this of Timon,</l>
                                    <l>That Timon cares not. If he &#643;ack fair Athens, </l>
                                    <l>ANd take our goodly aged men by' beards,</l> 
                                    <l>Giving our holy virgins to the &#643;tain</l>
                                    <l>Of contumelious, bea&#643;tly, mad-brain'd war;</l>
                                    <l>Then let him know, --and tell him, Timon &#643;peaks it;</l>
                                    <l>In pity of our aged, and our youth</l>
                                    <l>I cannot chu&#643;e but tell him, that I care not.</l>
                                    <l>And let him tak't at wor&#643;t ; for their knives care not,</l>
                                    <l>while you have throats to ans&#643;wer. For myself,</l>
                                    <l>There’s not a whittle in th’ unruly camp,</l>
                                    <l>But I do prize it at my love, before</l>
                                    <l>The reverend’&#643;t throat in Athens.  &#643;o I leave you</l> 
                                    <l>To the proteC*tion of the pro&#643;p’rous gods,</l>
                                    <l>As thieves to keepers. </l>                                    
                                <sp who="flavius"><speaker>Flavius</speaker><l>&#643;tay not, all's in vain.</l>
                                <sp who="Timon"><speaker>Timon</speaker><l>Why, I was writing of my epitaph,</l>
                                    <l>It will be &#643;een, to-morrow.  My long &#643;ickne&#643;s</l>
                                    <l>Of health and living now begins to mend,</l>
                                    <l>And nothing brings me all things.  Go, live &#643;till ;</l>
                                    <l>Be Alcibiades your plague; you his ; </l>
                                    <l>And la&#643;t &#643;o, long enough! </l>                                    
           <fw type="catch">1. &#643;en.</fw>
           <pb facs="http://tapasproject.org/sites/default/files/1524497329/support_files/timonofathens_1773_145.JPG"/>
                <fw type="header">TIMON OF ATHENS.</fw> <fw>145</fw>
                                <sp who="1 sen"><speaker>1. Senator</speaker><l>We &#643;peak in vain.</l>
                                <sp who="Timon"><speaker>Timon</speaker><l>But yet I love my country, and am not</l>
                                    <l>One that rejoices in the common wreck,</l>
                                    <l>As common &#8224; bruite doth put it.</l>
                                <sp who="1 sen"><speaker>1. Senator</speaker><l>That's well &#643;poke</l>                        
                                <sp who="Timon"><speaker>Timon</speaker><l>Commend me to my loving countrymen.</l>
                                <sp who="1 sen"><speaker>1. Senator</speaker><l>The&#643;e words become your lips, <del rend="strikethrough"> as they pa&#643;s</del></l>
                                    <l><del rend="strikethrough">thro' them.</del></l>
                                <sp who="2 sen"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">2. Senator</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">ANd enter in our ears, like great triumphers,</del></l>
                                    <l><del rend="strikethrough">In their applauding gates.</del></l>
                                <sp who="Timon"><speaker>Timon</speaker><l>Commend me to them,</l>
                                    <l>And tell them, that to ea&#643;e them of their griefs,</l>
                                    <l>Their fears of ho&#643;tile &#643;trokes, their aches, lo&#643;&#643;es,   ^and</l>
                                    <l>Their pangs of love, with other incident throes.</l>
                                    <l>That nature’s fragile &#167; ve&#643;&#643;el doth &#643;u&#643;tain,</l>
                                    <l>In life’s uncertain voyage, I will do</l>
                                    <l>&#643;ome kindne&#643;s to them, teach them to prevent</l>
                                    <l>Wild Alcibiades’s wrath.</l>
                                <sp who="2 sen"><speaker>2. Senator</speaker><l>I like this well, he will return again.</l>
                                <sp who="Timon"><speaker>Timon</speaker><l>I have a tree, which grows here in my clo&#643;e</l>
                                    <l>That mine own u&#643;e invites me to cut down, </l>
                                    <l>And &#643;hortly mu&#643;t I fell it.  Tell my friends,</l>
                                    <l>Tell Athen , in the &#643;equence [asterisk symbol] of degree,</l>
                                    <l>From high to low throughout, that who&#643;o plea&#643;e</l>
                                    <l>To &#643;top affliction, let him take his ha&#643;te ; </l> 
                                    <l>Come hither, ere my tree hath felt the axe,</l>
                                    <l>And hang him&#643;elf-----I pray you, do my greeting.</l>
                                <sp who="flavius"><speaker>Flavius</speaker><l>Vex him no further, thus you &#643;till &#643;hall find him.</l>
                                <sp who="Timon"><speaker>Timon</speaker><l>Come not to me again, but &#643;ay to Athens,</l>
                                  <l>Timon hath made his everla&#643;ting man&#643;ion,</l>   
                                  <l>Upon the beached verge of the &#643;alt flood ;</l>   
                                  <l>Which, once a-day, with his embo&#643;&#643;ed froth,</l>  
                                  <l>The turbulent &#643;urge &#643;hall cover: thither come,</l>  
                                  <l>And let my grave-&#643;tone be your oracle.</l>
                                    <l><del rend="strikethrough">Lips, let &#643;our words go by, and language end :</del></l>  
                                    <l><del rend="strikethrough">What is ami&#643;s, plague and infection mend!</del></l> 
                                <note xml:id="a11" type="footnote">  &#8224; <l>Bruite, report. </l>
                                   &#8225; <l>Fragile, for brittle--this &#643;peech we deem very beautiful ; </l>
                                   <l>the a&#643;&#643;imilation it contains, is mo&#643;t happily fancied.</l>
                                    &#8727; <l>&#643;equence, for gradation. </l>  
                     <!-- *************************** -->
           <pb facs="http://tapasproject.org/sites/default/files/1524497338/support_files/timonofathens_1773_146.jpg"/>
                <fw>146</fw> <fw type="header">TIMON OF ATHENS.</fw>
                                     <l>Graves only be men’s works, and death their gain !</l>
                                     <l>&#643;un, hide thy beams ! Timon hath done his reign.</l>
                                <stage type="exit"> [Exit Timon. &#8224;</stage>
                                <sp who="1 sen"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">1. Senator</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">His di&#643;contents are unremoveably coupled</del></l>
                                    <l><del rend="strikethrough">To his nature.</del></l>
                                <sp who="2 sen"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">2. Senator</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Our hope in him is dead; let us return</del></l>
                                    <l><del rend="strikethrough">And &#643;train what other means is left unto us,</del></l> 
                                    <l><del rend="strikethrough">In our dear [double cross symbol] peril. </del></l>                                   
                                <sp who="1 sen"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">1. Senator</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">It require &#643;wift foot. </del></l><l>[Exuent.
                                <l>&#643; C E N E, before the walls of athens. &#167;</l>
                                <l>Trumpets &#643;ound. Enter Alcibiades with his powers.</l>
                                <sp who="alcibiades"><speaker>Alcibiades</speaker><l>&#643;ound to this coward and la&#643;civious town,</l>
                                   <l>[&#643;ound a parley. The &#643;enators appear upon the walls.</l>  
                                   <l>’Till now you have gone on, and fill’d the time</l> 
                                   <l>With all licentious mea&#643;ure, making your wills</l> 
                                   <l>The &#643;cope of ju&#643;tice.  ’Till now my&#643;elf, and &#643;uch</l>  
                                   <l>As &#643;lept within the &#643;hadow of your power,</l> 
                                   <l>Have wander’d with our traver&#643;t arms, and breath’d</l> 
                                   <l>Our &#643;ufferance vainly.  Now the time is flu&#643;h,</l>  
                                   <l>When crouching marrow in the bearer &#643;trong</l>   
                                   <l>Cries, of it&#643;elf, no more: now breathle&#643;s wrong</l> 
                                   <l>&#643;hall &#643;it and pant in your great chairs of ea&#643;e,</l> 
                                   <l>And pur&#643;y in&#643;olence &#643;hall break his wind,</l> 
                                   <l>With fear and horrid flight. </l>                                    
                                <sp who="1 sen"><speaker>1. Senator</speaker><l></l>
                                  <l>When the fir&#643;t griefs were but a mere conceit,</l>   
                                  <l>Ere thou had&#643;t power, or we had cau&#643;e to fear ;</l>   
                                  <l>We &#643;ent to thee, to give thy rages balm,</l>   
                                  <l>To wipe out our ingratitude, with loves</l>  
                                  <l>Above their quantity.</l>                                      
                                <note xml:id="a13" type="footnote">text of annotation> <l> &#8224; This languid departure of the principal character, mu&#643;t</l>  
                                 <l>leave an audience un&#643;atisfied, and all that follows is &#643;o detached</l>    
                                 <l>from the main plot, except Timon’s epitaph, that cutting every</l>  
                                 <l>line out would rather &#643;erve, than maim, the piece; it is merely</l>   
                                 <l>patching up a conclu&#643;ion with ingredients totally void of critical </l>  
                                 <l>reli&#643;h.</l> </note>
                                <note xml:id="a14"> &#8225; Dear, for dread.</note>
                                <note xml:id="a15"> &#167; There is a &#643;hort &#643;cene of the original, before this, properly rejected.</note>
                                 <fw type="catch">&#643;enator</fw>
           <pb facs="http://tapasproject.org/sites/default/files/1524497348/support_files/timonofathens_1773_146-001.JPG"/>
           <!-- Handwritten note on blank page after printed page 146 -->
           <stage type="business">(x2. Would not a battering ram brought in have a good effect?)</stage>
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           <!-- Handwritten note on blank page to the left of printed page 147 -->
           <stage> 1. Sen.</stage>  
           <pb facs="http://tapasproject.org/sites/default/files/1524497356/support_files/timonofathens_1773_147.JPG"/>
           <fw type="header">TIMON OF ATHENS.</fw> <fw>147</fw>
           <sp who="2 sen"><speaker>2. Senator</speaker><l>&#643;o did we woo</l>
               <l>Transformed Timon to our city’s love,</l>  
               <l>By humble me&#643;&#643;age, and by promis’d ‘mends: </l>   
               <l>We were not all unkind, nor all de&#643;erve</l>  
               <l>The common &#643;troke of war. </l>                                    
           <sp who="1 sen"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">1. Senator</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough"></del>The&#643;e walls of ours</l>
               <l><del rend="strikethrough">Were not ereC*ted by their hands, from whom</del></l>   
               <l><del rend="strikethrough">You have receiv’d your griefs : nor are they &#643;uch,</del></l>
               <l><del rend="strikethrough">That the&#643;e great tow’rs, trophies, and &#643;chools &#643;hould</del></l>   
               <l><del rend="strikethrough">fall,</del></l>   
               <l><del rend="strikethrough">For private faults in them.</del></l>                                      
           <sp who="2 sen"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">1.</del></speaker><l>2. Senator</l>
               <l>&#643;en.  March on, oh noble lord,</l> 
               <l>Into our city with thy banners &#643;pread ;</l>    
               <l>By decimation and a tithed death,</l>  
               <l>If thy revenges hunger for that food</l> 
               <l>Which nature loaths, take thou the de&#643;tin’d tenth :</l>   
               <l>And by the hazard of the &#643;potted die,</l>  
               <l>Let die the &#643;potted.</l>                                    
           <sp who="1 sen"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">1. Senator</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">Then, dear countryman, </del></l>
               <l>Bring in thy ranks, but leave without thy rage;</l>  
               <l>&#643;pare thy Athenian cradle, and the&#643;e kin,</l>   
               <l>Which in the blu&#643;ter of thy wrath mu&#643;t fall,</l>   
               <l>With tho&#643;e that have offended ; like a &#643;hepherd,</l>    
               <l>Approach the fold, and cull th’ infeC*ted forth ;</l>    
               <l>But kill not altogether,</l>                      
           <sp who="2 sen"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">2. Senator</del></speaker><l><del rend="strikethrough">What thou wilt,</del></l>
               <l>Thou rather &#643;halt enforce it with thy &#643;mile,</l>
               <l>Than hew to’t with thy &#643;word.</l>
           <sp who="2 sen"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">1.</del>2. Senator</speaker><l>&#643;et but thy foot</l>
               <l>Again&#643;t our rampir’d gates,  and they &#643;hall ope :</l> 
               <l>&#643;o thou wilt send thy gentle heart before,</l>   
               <l>To &#643;ay thou’lt enter friendly.</l>                                         
           <sp who="1 sen"><speaker><del rend="strikethrough">2.</del>1. Senator</speaker><l>Throw thy glove,</l>
               <l>Or any token of thine honour el&#643;e,</l> 
               <l>That thou wilt u&#643;e the wars as thy redre&#643;s,</l>   
               <l>And not as our confu&#643;ion: all thy powers </l>   
               <l>&#643;hall make their harbour in our town, till we</l>  
               <l>Have seal’d thy full de&#643;ire.</l>                                      
           <sp who="alcibiades"><speaker>Alcibiades</speaker><l>Then there's my glove ;</l>
               <l>De&#643;cend, and open your uncharged ports ;</l> 
           <fw type="catch">Tho&#643;e</fw>   
           <pb facs="http://tapasproject.org/sites/default/files/1524497384/support_files/timonofathens_1773_148.jpg"/>
                <fw>148</fw> <fw type="header">TIMON OF ATHENS.</fw>
                                <l>Tho&#643;e enemies of Timon’s, and mine own,</l>
                                <l>Whom you your&#643;elves &#643;hall &#643;et out for reproof,</l>
                                <l>Fall, and no more; and to atone your fears,</l>
                                <l>With my more noble meaning, not a man</l> 
                                <l>&#643;hall pa&#643;s his quarter, or offend the &#643;tream</l>
                                <l>Of regular ju&#643;tice, in your city’s bounds ;</l> 
                                <l>But &#643;hall be remedied by publick laws,</l> 
                                <l>At heavie&#643;t an&#643;wer.</l>
                                <sp who="both"><speaker>Both</speaker><l>‘Tis mo&#643;t nobly &#643;poken. 
                                <sp who="alcibiades"><speaker>Alcibiades</speaker><l>De&#643;cend, and keep your words.</l>
                                <stage type="entrance">Enter a &#643;oldier&#8248;</stage>
                                <sp who="soldier"><speaker>&#643;oldier</speaker><l>My noble general, Timon is dead ; </l>
                                 <l>Entomb’d upon the very hem o’th’ &#643;ea ; </l>   
                                 <l>And on the grave-&#643;tone this in&#643;culpture, which</l>    
                                 <l>With wax I brought away ;</l>                                      
                                <l>[Alcibiades reads the epitaph.]</l>
                                <l><del rend="strikethrough"> Here lies a wretched coar&#643;e, of wretched &#643;oul bereft:</del></l>
                                <l><del rend="strikethrough">&#643;eek not my name: a plague con&#643;ume you caitiffs left!</del></l>    
                                <l>Here lye I Timon, who all living men did hate,</l> 
                                <l>Pa&#643;s by, and cur&#643;e thy fill, but &#643;tay not here thy gaite.</l>
                                <l>The&#643;e well expre&#643;s in thee thy latter &#643;pirits :</l> 
                                <l>Tho’ thou abhorr’d&#643;t in us our human griefs,</l>
                                <l>&#643;corn’d&#643;t our brains’ flow, and tho&#643;e our droplets,</l>
                                <l>From niggard nature fall ; yet rich conceit</l>
                                <l>Taught thee to make va&#643;t Neptune weep, for aye,</l>
                                <l>On thy low grave -- On : faults forgiven. -- Dead</l>
                                <l>Is noble Timon, of who&#643;e memory</l> 
                                <l>Hereafter more---Bring me into your city,</l>
                                <l>And I will u&#643;e the olive with my &#643;word ; </l>
                                <l>Make war breed peace ; make peace &#643;tint war ; make</l> 
                                <l>Pre&#643;cribe to other.</l>
                                <l>Let our drums &#643;trike.-------</l>
                                <l><del rend="strikethrough">[Excuent.</del> Drums beat a march. </l> 
                                <l>Curtain Falls.</l>
                               <l>The la&#643;t act of this play has neither much to prai&#643;e, nor much</l> 
                               <l>to condemn; of the conclu&#643;ion, we may &#643;peak in &#643;hakespeare’s</l>  
                               <l>own words, that it is mo&#643;t lame and impotent.</l>
           <pb facs="http://tapasproject.org/sites/default/files/1524497399/support_files/timonofathens_1773_148-001.JPG"/>
           <!-- Handwritten dialogue on blank page right of printed page 148 -->
           <stage type="business"> ^- The gates open</stage>
           <stage type="business"> -Senators 2c come forth, and kneeling deliver the keys of the town to Alcibiades</stage>
           <stage type="business"> Flourish of Trumpets</stage>
           <sp who="Alcibiades"><speaker>Alcibiades</speaker>
               <l>yet all's not done</l>
               <l>Vengeance must work. Where is that loathsome crew,</l>
               <l>Whose black ingratitude commands the heart of Athen' noblest son</l></sp>
           <sp who="1st Senator"><speaker>1st Senator</speaker>
               <l>They wait your doom.</l>
               <l>Guard them hither.</l></sp>
           <stage type="entrance">Lucius, Lucullus, Sempronius and others of Timon's former friends brought in bound</stage>
           <sp who="Alcibiades"><speaker>Alcibiades</speaker>
               <l>Now love dissembling villains</l>
               <l>Ye look'd more cheerly, when I found you guests</l>
               <l>At Timon's feast- While on his wealth ye throve,</l>
               <l>And his full coffers like his heart, stand open</l>
               <l>To your fine use.</l></sp>
           <pb facs="http://tapasproject.org/sites/default/files/1524497409/support_files/timonofathens_1773_148-002.JPG"/>
           <!-- Handwritten dialogue on the blank page two after printed page 148 -->
           <sp who="Sempronius"><speaker>Sempronius</speaker>
               <l>These are your doings, ye vindictive gods.</l>
               <l>I see you wise against ingratitude,</l>
               <l>And push us from the earth; I have deserv'd it.</l></sp>
           <sp who="Lucius"><speaker>Lucius</speaker>
               <l>What law can judge the heart? - What is my fault?</l></sp>
           <sp who="Alcibiades"><speaker>Alcibiades</speaker>
               <l>What Fault! -- Oh heartless slaves ye did deny</l>
               <l>Lord Timon certain vile and sorry drachmas</l>
               <l>In his distre&#643;; now Timon's star prevails,</l>
               <l>And justice wrings your treasures from your gripe.</l></sp>
           <sp who="Lucius"><speaker>Lucius</speaker>
               <l>What all my wealth, my pictures, statues, coin</l>
               <l>Plate, jewels, gems ----</l></sp>
           <sp who="Lucullus"><speaker>Lucullus</speaker>
               <l>Yet spare, Oh mighty chief,</l>
               <l>All your need craves rot. I've a mine of gold</l>
               <l>A magazine to sack or save a city.</l></sp>
           <sp who="Alcibiades"><speaker>Alcibiades</speaker>
               <l>And it shall buy your banishment, instead</l>
               <l>Of public shameful death. -To that Lord Timon</l>
               <l>Whose will must seal your sentence, yield consent</l>
               <l>To so much mercy.</l></sp>
           <sp who="Lucullus"><speaker>Lucullus</speaker>
               <l>Mercy from him! - Would I were Timon's dog</l>
               <l>Rather than what I am. Egregious dotard!</l></sp>
           <sp who="Lucius"><speaker>Lucius</speaker>
               <l>I have no heart to speak - all swept away</l>
               <l>My hangings, couches, vestments wrought with gold--</l>
           <pb facs="http://tapasproject.org/sites/default/files/1524497418/support_files/timonofathens_1773_148-003.JPG"/>
           <!-- Handwritten dialogue on the blank page three after printed page 148 -->
           <sp who="Lucius"><speaker>Lucius</speaker>
               <l>Oh what a luckless piece of work is man!</l></sp>
           <sp who="Alcibiades"><speaker>Alcibiades</speaker>
               <l>Bring them along</l>
               <l>To the lone wood, where wretched Timon haunts, </l>
               <l>The exile of mankind.</l></sp>
           <stage type="entrance">
               Enter Soldier 2c as before</stage>
           <note>See back p. 148</note>
Timon of Athens, A Tragedy by Shakespeare William Shakespeare Thomas Middleton Mr. Hopkins Printed for John Bell in 1773 TEI edition encoded by Courtney Herber Danny Nguyen Benjamin Reed John Bell, near Exeter-Exchange, in the Strand; and C. Etherington, at York London MDCCLXXIII

Physical volume held at University of Nebraska-Lincoln's Special Collections and Archives

view page image(s) Timon of ATHENS, A TRAGEDY, by SHAKESPEARE, AS PERFORMED AT THE THEATER-ROYAL, Drury Lane, Regulated from the PROMPT-BOOK, With PERMISSION of the MANGERS, By Mr. HOPKINS, Prompter.
Printers Ornament
Printed for JOHN BELL, near Exeter-Exchange, in the Strand; and C. ETHERINGTON, at York. MDCCLXXIII [1773].
view page image(s)

This piece can never be intereʃting on the ʃtage; notwith- ʃtanding many paʃʃages which reliʃh highly of its great author; one excellent piece of inʃtruction it undoubtedly affords, the miʃerable effects of prodigal benevolence, ʃcattered among ʃervile intereʃted followers; the pic- ture of Timon himʃelf is highly finiʃhed; and Ape- mantus is a well conceived, well drawn contraʃt; but moʃt of the other characters are inʃipid or trifling, many of the ʃcenes flimzy, and the cataʃrophe not ʃo ʃtriking, as it might be; we give the piece to peruʃal, greatly and properly reduced from the original.

We have ʃeen three alterations of this play; the laʃt, Mr. Cumberland’s, is much the beʃt, but we think Shakeʃpeare, properly pared, better than any of them; though, if the merit of this dramatic genius had reʃted upon Timon for fame, it muʃt have fallen very ʃhort of what it is; yet as the moral, ʃhowing how miʃap- plied bounty may become a deʃtructive vice, muʃt be conʃidered as a very uʃeful leʃʃon, we could with this piece to be oftner in public view; but lighter matters than inʃtruϵtion, ʃeem to be too much the prevalent taʃte.

view page image(s)
DRAMATIS PERSONÆ Timon, Lucius, Lucullus, Apemantus, Sempronius, Alcibiades, Flavius, Flaminus, Lucilius, Servilius, Caphis, Varro, Philo, Cupid Maʃkers. Miʃtreʃʃes to Alcibiades. Phrynia Timandra, Thieves Senators Poet Painter Mercer Merchant ʃervants attendants

SCENE, Athens; and the woods not far from it.

01 It is ʃo long ʃince this play has been acted in its origi- nal ʃtate, that it was thought needleʃs to colleϵt per- formers names.
view page image(s) Timon Kean Lucius Knight Harley Lucullus Harley T. Penley Apemantus Murden Sempronius Bengough T. Penley Barand Alcibiades Wallack Flavius Holland Flaminius Barand Servilius Kent Coveney Caphis Y. Smith Varro Coveney Yhanth Philo 1st Senator Powell 2d Senator Yathe Poet Hughes Painter Minton Jeweller J. Smith Merchant Ekanth Marshall Old Athenian Caw Messenger from Ventidius Miller 1st Thief Cooke 2d Thief Soldier Servant to Lucullus view page image(s) Timandra Miʃ Cooke Phrynia Miʃ Ivers ^- Enter Jeweller and Merchant and other Suitors loping over. ^^ - Exuent Jeweller and Merchant.
view page image(s)
ACT I SCENE, a ball in Timon’s houʃe Enter Poet, Painter, Jeweller, Merchant, and Mercer at ʃeveral doors.* Poet GOOD day Sir. Painter I am glad y’ are well. Poet I have not ʃeen you long; how goes the world? Painter It wears, Sir, as it goes. Poet Ay, that’s well known. But what particular rarity? what ʃo ʃtrange, Which manifold r cord not matches? ʃee, (Magick of bounty!) all theʃe ʃpirits thy power^ Hath conjur’d to attend. I know the merchant. Painter I know them both; th’ other’s a jeweller. Merchant O ‘tis a worthy lord! Jeweller I have a jewel here. Merchant O, pray, let’s ʃee’t: For the lord Timon, Sir? Jeweller If he will touch the eʃtimate: but for that--^^ H3 Poet 02 * The opening ʃcene of this play is a good preparative for the ʃubject coming before us; and is expreʃed much in charaϵter. view page image(s) 82 TIMON OF ATHENS. Poet When we for recompence have prais’d the vile. It ʃtains the gory in that happy verʃe Which aptly ʃings the good. Mercer ‘Tis a good form. [Looking on the jewel. Jeweller And rich; here is a water, look ye. Painter You’re rapt, Sir, in ʃome work; ʃome de- dication To the great lord ? Poet A thing ʃlipt idly from me. Our poeʃie is as a gum, which iʃʃues From whence ‘tis nouriʃhed. The fire i th’ flint Shews not, ‘till it be ʃtruck : What have you there ? Painter A picture, Sir:--when comes your book forth ? Poet Upon the heels of my preʃentment, Sir. Let’s ʃee your piece, Painter ‘Tis a good piece. Poet So ‘tis. Poet (Handwritten) This comes off well and excellent. Painter Indiff’rent. Poet Admirable! How this grace Speaks his own ʃtanding ? what a mental power This eye ʃhoots forth ? how big imagination Moves in this lip ? to the dumbneʃs of the geʃture One might interpret. Painter It is a pretty mocking of the life: Here is a touch----is’t good ? Poet I’ll ʃay of it It tutors nature ; artificial ʃtrife Lives in thoʃe touches, livelier than life.* Enter certain ʃenators. Painter How this lord is followed ! Poet The ʃenators of Athens ! happy man ! Painter Look, more! Poet. 03 * Making men of genius flatter one another in company, is natural enough, however they may vent cenʃure when apart-- it is too often the caʃe.
view page image(s) 136 TIMON OF ATHENS.
Timon Here’s gold. Go, ʃuck the ʃubtle blood o’th’ grape, ’Till the high fever ʃeethe your blood to froth, And ʃo ‘ʃcape hanging. Truʃt not the phyʃician, His antidotes are poiʃon, and he ʃlays More than you rob. Take wealth, and live together. Do villainy , do, ʃince you profeʃs to do’t, Like workmen ; I’ll example you with thievery. The ʃun’s a thief, and with his great attraϵtion Robs the vaʃt ʃea. The moon’s an arrant thief And her pale fire ʃhe ʃnatches from the ʃun. The ʃea’s a thief, whoʃe liquid ʃurge reʃolves The mounds into ʃalt tears. ^ Love not yourʃelves, away ; Rob one another, there’s more gold ; cut throats All that you meet are thieves: to Athens go, Break open ʃhops, for nothing can you ʃteal, But thieves do loʃ it: ʃteal not leʃs for what I give, and gold confound you howʃoever! Amen. [Exit. 04 The fourth act rather riʃes upon us, but Timon has ʃo much to ʃay, that the actor, who does him juʃtice, muʃ have very permanent powers. End of the Fourth ACT
ACT V SCENE, the woods, and Timon's cave. Enter Flavius FLAVIUS OH, you gods! Is yon deʃpis’d and ruinous man, my lord? Full of decay and failing ? oh, monument And wonder of good deeds, evilly beʃtow’d! What change of honour deʃp’rate want has made? What view page image(s) ^ each thing's a thief. No laws, your curb and whip, in their rough caves Have uncheck'd theft. Timon seated in the entrance of his cave. view page image(s) TIMON OF ATHENS. 137 What viler thing upon the earth, than friends Who can bring nobleʃt minds to baʃeʃt ends? ‡ H’as caught me in his eye, I will preʃent My honeʃt grief to him ; and, as my lord, Still ʃerve him with my life. My deareʃt maʃter! Timon comes forward from his cave. § Timon Away! What art thou? Flavius Have you forgot me, Sir? Timon Why doʃt thou aʃk that ? I have forgot all men. Then, if thou granteʃt that thou art a man, I have forgot thee. Flavius An honeʃt ʃervant---- Timon Then I know thee not: I ne’er had honeʃt men about me, all I kept were knaves, to ʃerve in meat to villains. Flavius The gods are witneʃs, Ne’er did poor ʃteward wear a truer grief, For his undone lord, than mine eyes for you. Timon For his undone lord, than mine eyes for you. I love thee, Becauʃe thou art a woman, and diʃclaim’ʃt Flinty mankind; whoʃe eyes do never give, But or through luʃt, or laughter. Pity’s ʃleeping; Strange times, that cry with laughing, not with weeping! Flavius I beg of you to know me, good my lord, T’ accept my grief, and, whilʃt this poor wealth laʃts, To entertain me as your ʃteward ʃtill. Timon Had I a ʃteward So true, ʃo juʃt, and now ʃo comfortable ? Vol. V N It 05 ‡The following lines ʃshould be ʃpoken. How rarely does it meet with this time’s guiʃe, When man was wiʃht to love his enemies ! Grant I may ever love, and rather woo Thoʃe that would miʃchief me, than thoʃ that do! 06 § The author has begun his fifth act, with an affeϵting inter- view between Timon and his faithful ʃteward; but we wiʃh the former did not overflow with ʃuch an exceʃs of miʃanthropic re- ʃentment, of which he has, with great ʃameneʃs and prolixity, been before too liberal. view page image(s) 138 TIMON OF ATHENS. It almoʃt turns my dangerous nature wild---- Let me behold thy face: ʃurely, this man Was born of woman. Forgive my gen’ral and exceptleʃs raʃhneʃs, Perpetual, ʃober gods ! I do proclaim One honeʃt man : miʃtake me not--but one: No more, I pray; and he’s a ʃteward. How fain would I have hated all mankind, And thou redeem’ʃt thyʃelf: but all, ʃave thee,* I fell with curʃes. Methinks, thou art more honeʃt now, than wife; For, by oppreʃʃing and betraying me, Thou might’ʃt have ʃooner got another’s ʃervice: For many ʃo arrive at ʃecond maʃters, Upon their firʃt lord’s neck. But tell me true, Is not thy kindneʃs, ʃubtle, covetous, An uʃuring kindeʃs, as rich men deal gifts, Expeϵting in return twenty for one ? Flavius No, my moʃt worthy maʃter, (in whoʃe breaʃt Doubt and ʃuʃpeϵt, † alas, are plac’d too late,) You ʃhould have fear’d falʃe times, when you did feaʃt; That which I ʃhew, heav’n knows, is merely love, Duty, and zeal, to your unmatched mind, Care of your food, and living, and, believe it, For any benefit that points to me, Either in hope, or preʃent, I’d exchange For this one wiʃh, that you had power and wealth To requite me by making rich yourʃelf. Timon Look thee, ‘tis ʃo; thou ʃingly honeʃt man, Here, take; the gods out of my miʃery, Have ʃent thee treaʃure. Go, live rich and happy : But thus condition’d; thou ʃhalt build for men : Hate all, curʃe all , ʃhew charity to none ; But let the famiʃh’d fleʃh ʃlide from the bone, Ere thou relieve the beggar. Give to dogs, What 07 * This his interval of tender feeling for his faithful ʃteward, ʃoftens the frenzied rigidity of Timon, agreeably. 08 †Suʃpect, for ʃuʃpicion. view page image(s) Exit Timon. view page image(s) 139 TIMON OF ATHENS. What thou deny’ʃt to men. Let priʃons ʃwallow ‘em, Debts wither ‘em ; be men like blaʃted woods, And may diʃeaʃes lick up their falʃe bloods ! And ʃo farewel, and thrive. Flavius O, let me ʃtay, and comfort you, my maʃter. Timon If thou hat’ʃt curʃes, Stay not, but fly, whilʃt thou art bleʃt and free; Ne’er ʃee thou man, and let me ne’er ʃee thee. [Exeunt, ʃeverally. Enter Poet and Painter. Painter As I took note of the place, it can’t be far, where he abides. Poet What’s to be thought of him ? does the ru- mour hold for true, that he’s ʃo full of gold ? Painter Certain. Alcibiades reports it : Phyrnia and Timandra had gold of him : he likewiʃe enrich’d poor ʃtragling ʃoldiers with great quantity. ʃaid, he gave his ʃteward a mighty ʃum. Poet Then this breaking of his, has been but a trial of his friends ? Painter Nothing elʃe ; you ʃhall ʃee him a palm in Athens, again, and flouriʃh with the higheʃt. Poet What have you now to preʃent unto him ? Painter Nothing at this time, but my viʃitation : only I will promiʃe him an excellent piece. Poet I muʃt ʃerve him ʃ, too; tell him of an in- tent that’s coming towards him. Painter ‡ Good as the beʃt : promiʃing is the very air o’th’ time; it opens the eyes of expectation. Per- formance is ever the duller for his act, and, but in the plainer and ʃimpler kind of people, the deed is quite out of uʃe. § N2 Re- 09 ‡Promiʃes and performance are here diʃtinguiʃhed in a ʃenʃi- ble ʃatirical manner. 10 §It is a great pity to omit the following paʃʃage. To promiʃe, is moʃt courtly, and faʃhionable; performance is a kind of will or teʃtament, which argues a great ʃickneʃs in his judg- ment that makes it. view page image(s) 140 TIMON OF ATHENS. Re-enter Timon from his cave, unʃeen. Timon Excellent workman ! though canʃt not paint a man, ʃo bad as thyʃelf. Poet I am thinking, what I ʃhall ʃay I have pro- vided for him: it muʃt be a perʃonating of himself: a ʃatyr againʃt the ʃoftneʃs of proʃperity, with a diʃ- covery of the infinite flatteries that follow youth and opulency. Timon Muʃt thou needs ʃtand for a villain, in thine own work? Wilt thou whip thine own faults, in other men? do ʃo, I have gold for thee. Poet Nay, let's ʃeek him. Timon I'll meet you at the turn---------- What a god's gold, that he is the worʃhipped In baʃer temples than where ʃwine do feed ! 'Tis thou that rigg'ʃt the bark, and plow'ʃt the wave, ʃettleʃt admired rev'rence in a ʃlave; To thee the worʃhip, and thy ʃaints, for aye, Be crown'd with plagues, that thee alone obey! 'Tis fit I meet them. Poet Hail! worthy Timon. Painter Our late noble maʃter. Timon Have I once liv'd to ʃee two honeʃt men? Poet ʃir, having often of your bounty taʃted, Hearing you were retir'd, your friends fall'n off,* He, and myʃelf, Have travell'd in the great ʃhower of your gifts, and ʃweetly felt it. Timon Ay, you're honeʃt men. 11 * Theʃe lines almoʃt certainly deʃerve preʃervation. Whoʃe thankleʃs natures, ( oh abhorred ʃpirits ! ) Not all the whips of heav’n are large enough-------------- What! to you! Whoʃe ʃtar-like nobleneʃs gave life and influence, To their whole being ! I am rapt, and cannot Cover the monʃtrous bulk of this ingratitude With any ʃize of words. Timon Let it go naked, men may ʃee't the better: You that are honeʃt, by being what you are, Make them beʃt ʃeen and known. view page image(s) TIMON OF ATHENS. 141 Painter We’re hither come to offer you our ʃervice. Timon Moʃt honeʃt men ! why, how ʃhall i requite you? Can you eat roots, and drink cold water? no. Both What we can do, we'll do, to do you ʃervice. Timon Y’re honeʃt men ; you’ve heard that I have gold ; I'm ʃure you have; ʃpeak truth, y're honest men. Painter ʃo it is ʃaid, my noble lord, but therefore Came not my friend, nor I. Timon Good honeʃt man; thou draw'ʃt a counterfeit, Beʃt in all Athens ; thou'rt, indeed, the beʃt ; Thou counterfeit'ʃt, moʃt lively. Painter ʃo, ʃo, my lord. Timon E'en ʃo, ʃir, as I ʃay--And for thy fiction, Why, thy verʃe ʃwells with ʃtuff ʃo fine and ʃmooth, That thou art even natural in thine art. But for all this, my honeʃt-natur'd friends, I muʃt needs ʃay, you have a little fault; Marry, not monʃtrous in you ; neither wiʃh I, You take much pains to mend. Both Beʃeech your honour To make it known to us. Timon You'll take it ill. Both Moʃt thankfully, my lord. Timon Will, you indeed ? Both Doubt it not, worthy lord. Timon There's ne'er a one of you but truʃts a knave, That mightily deceives you Both Ay, and you hear him cogg †, ʃee him diʃʃemble, Know his groʃs patchery, love him, and feed him ; Keep in your boʃom, yet, remain aʃʃur'd, That he's a made-up villain. Painter I know non ʃuch, my lord. Poet Nor I. †Cogg, for flatter N 3 Tim. view page image(s) 142 TIMON OF ATHENS. Timon Look you, I love you well, I'll give you gold, Rid me theʃe villains, from your companies ; Hang them, or ʃtab them, drown them in a draught Confound them by ʃome courʃe, and come to me, I'll give you gold enough. Both Name them, my lord, let's know them. Timon You that way, and you this ;--------but two In company : Each man apart, all ʃingle and alone, Yet an arch villain keeps his company. If where thou art, two villains ʃhall not be, [To the painter. Come not near him-----If thou wouldnʃt not reʃide [To the poet. But where one villain is, then him abandon. Hence, pack, there's gold ; ye came for hold, ye ʃlaves You are an alchymiʃt, make godl of that : OUt, raʃcal dogs ! [Beating, and driving 'em out. Enter Flavius and two ʃenators Flavius It is in vain that you would ʃpeak with Timon: For he is ʃet ʃo only to himʃelf, That nothing but himʃelf, which looks like man, Is friendly with him. 1. Sen Bring us to his cave, It is our part and promiʃe to th' Athenians, To ʃpeak with Timon. 2. Sen At all times alike. Men are not ʃtill the ʃame ; 'twas time and griefs That fram'd him thus. Time, with his fairer hand, Offering the fortunes of his former days, The former man may make him ; bring us to him, And chance it as it may. Flavius Here is his cave : Peace and content be here, lord Timon! Timon! Look out, an ʃpeak to friends, th' Athenians By view page image(s) Enter two other ʃenators, with a Meʃʃenger. 1. Sen THOU haʃt painfully diʃcover'd ; are his file As full as thy report ? 2. Sen Meʃ. I have ʃpoke the leaʃt. Beʃides, his expedition promiʃes Preʃent approach. 1. Sen We ʃtand much hazard, if they we bring not Timon. 2. Sen Meʃ. I met a courierCaptain oncem ine ancient friend ; Who, though in general part we were oppos'd, Yet our old love made a particular force, And made us ʃpeak like friends. This mn was riding From Alcibiades to Timon's Cave, With letters of intreaty, which imported His fellowship i'th' Cauʃe againʃt your City In part for his ʃake mov'd. view page image(s) TIMON OF ATHENS. 143 By two of their moʃt rev'rend ʃenate, greet thee ; ʃpeak to them, noble Timon. Enter Timon out of his cave. Timon Thou fun, that comfort'ʃt, burn!------ ʃpeak and be hang'd ; For each true word a bliʃter, and each falʃe Be cauterizing to the root o'th' tongue, Conʃuming it with ʃpeaking 1. Sen Worthy Timon 2. Sen The ʃenators of Athens greet thee, Timon. Timon I thank them. And would ʃend them back The plague, Could I but catch it for them. 1. Senator Oh! forget What we are ʃorry for ourʃelves, in thee: The ʃenators, with one conʃent of love, Intreat thee back to Athens ; who have thought On ʃpecial dignities, which vacant lie, For thy beʃt uʃe and wearing. 2. Senator They confeʃs Tow'rd thee forgetfulneʃs, too general, groʃs ; Which now the public body, (which doth ʃeldom Play the recanter) feeling in itʃelf A lack of Timon's aid, hath ʃenʃe withal Of its own fall, reʃtraining aid to Timon; And ʃends forth us to make their ʃorrowed tender, Together with a recompence more fruitful, Than their offence can weigh down by the dram ; Ay, ev'n ʃuch heaps and ʃums of love and wealth, As ʃhall to thee blot out what wrongs were theirs ; And write in thee the figures of their love, Even to read them thine. 12 ‡The return of fawning profeʃʃions to return of wealth, as well as their departure from poverty, is too well known to every body, who knows any thing of life; but the picture here drawn, of ʃuch infamous time-ʃerving, may have ʃingular good effects upon unpractiʃed youth, if properly inculcated and attended to; Timon, in this ʃcene, retorts upon his ungrateful countrymen, with a proper degree of firm manly reʃentment. Tim. view page image(s) 144 TIMON OF ATHENS. Timon You witch me in it, ʃurprize me to the very brink of tears ; Lend me a fool's heart, and a woman's eyes, and I'll beweep theʃe comforts, worthy ʃenators. 1. Senator Therefore ʃo pleaʃe thee to return with us, And of our Athens, thine and ours, to take THe captainʃhip : thou ʃhalt be met with thanks, Allow'd with abʃolute power, and thy good name Live with authority : ʃoon we ʃhall drive back Of Alcibiades th' approaches wild, Who, like a boar too ʃavage, doth root up His country's peace. 2. Senator And ʃhakes his threatning ʃword Againʃt the walls of Athens. 2. Senator 1. ʃenator Therefore, Timon----- Timon Well, ʃir, I will; therefore I will, ʃir; thus --------- If Alcibiades kill my countymen, Let Alcibiades know this of Timon, That Timon cares not. If he ʃack fair Athens, ANd take our goodly aged men by' beards, Giving our holy virgins to the ʃtain Of contumelious, beaʃtly, mad-brain'd war; Then let him know, --and tell him, Timon ʃpeaks it; In pity of our aged, and our youth I cannot chuʃe but tell him, that I care not. And let him tak't at worʃt ; for their knives care not, while you have throats to ansʃwer. For myself, There’s not a whittle in th’ unruly camp, But I do prize it at my love, before The reverend’ʃt throat in Athens. ʃo I leave you To the proteC*tion of the proʃp’rous gods, As thieves to keepers. Flavius ʃtay not, all's in vain. Timon Why, I was writing of my epitaph, It will be ʃeen, to-morrow. My long ʃickneʃs Of health and living now begins to mend, And nothing brings me all things. Go, live ʃtill ; Be Alcibiades your plague; you his ; And laʃt ʃo, long enough! 1. ʃen. view page image(s) TIMON OF ATHENS. 145 1. Senator We ʃpeak in vain. Timon But yet I love my country, and am not One that rejoices in the common wreck, As common † bruite doth put it. 1. Senator That's well ʃpoke Timon Commend me to my loving countrymen. 1. Senator Theʃe words become your lips, as they paʃs thro' them. 2. Senator ANd enter in our ears, like great triumphers, In their applauding gates. Timon Commend me to them, And tell them, that to eaʃe them of their griefs, Their fears of hoʃtile ʃtrokes, their aches, loʃʃes, ^and Their pangs of love, with other incident throes. That nature’s fragile § veʃʃel doth ʃuʃtain, In life’s uncertain voyage, I will do ʃome kindneʃs to them, teach them to prevent Wild Alcibiades’s wrath. 2. Senator I like this well, he will return again. Timon I have a tree, which grows here in my cloʃe That mine own uʃe invites me to cut down, And ʃhortly muʃt I fell it. Tell my friends, Tell Athen , in the ʃequence [asterisk symbol] of degree, From high to low throughout, that whoʃo pleaʃe To ʃtop affliction, let him take his haʃte ; Come hither, ere my tree hath felt the axe, And hang himʃelf-----I pray you, do my greeting. Flavius Vex him no further, thus you ʃtill ʃhall find him. Timon Come not to me again, but ʃay to Athens, Timon hath made his everlaʃting manʃion, Upon the beached verge of the ʃalt flood ; Which, once a-day, with his emboʃʃed froth, The turbulent ʃurge ʃhall cover: thither come, And let my grave-ʃtone be your oracle. Lips, let ʃour words go by, and language end : What is amiʃs, plague and infection mend! 13 Bruite, report. Fragile, for brittle--this ʃpeech we deem very beautiful ; the aʃʃimilation it contains, is moʃt happily fancied.ʃequence, for gradation. Graves view page image(s) 146 TIMON OF ATHENS. Graves only be men’s works, and death their gain ! ʃun, hide thy beams ! Timon hath done his reign. [Exit Timon. † 1. Senator His diʃcontents are unremoveably coupled To his nature. 2. Senator Our hope in him is dead; let us return And ʃtrain what other means is left unto us, In our dear [double cross symbol] peril. 1. Senator It require ʃwift foot. [Exuent. ʃ C E N E, before the walls of athens. § Trumpets ʃound. Enter Alcibiades with his powers. Alcibiades ʃound to this coward and laʃcivious town, [ʃound a parley. The ʃenators appear upon the walls. ’Till now you have gone on, and fill’d the time With all licentious meaʃure, making your wills The ʃcope of juʃtice. ’Till now myʃelf, and ʃuch As ʃlept within the ʃhadow of your power, Have wander’d with our traverʃt arms, and breath’d Our ʃufferance vainly. Now the time is fluʃh, When crouching marrow in the bearer ʃtrong Cries, of itʃelf, no more: now breathleʃs wrong ʃhall ʃit and pant in your great chairs of eaʃe, And purʃy inʃolence ʃhall break his wind, With fear and horrid flight. 1. Senator When the firʃt griefs were but a mere conceit, Ere thou hadʃt power, or we had cauʃe to fear ; We ʃent to thee, to give thy rages balm, To wipe out our ingratitude, with loves Above their quantity. 14 text of annotation> † This languid departure of the principal character, muʃt leave an audience unʃatisfied, and all that follows is ʃo detached from the main plot, except Timon’s epitaph, that cutting every line out would rather ʃerve, than maim, the piece; it is merely patching up a concluʃion with ingredients totally void of critical reliʃh. 15 ‡ Dear, for dread. 16 § There is a ʃhort ʃcene of the original, before this, properly rejected. ʃenator view page image(s) (x2. Would not a battering ram brought in have a good effect?) view page image(s) 1. Sen. view page image(s) TIMON OF ATHENS. 147 2. Senator ʃo did we woo Transformed Timon to our city’s love, By humble meʃʃage, and by promis’d ‘mends: We were not all unkind, nor all deʃerve The common ʃtroke of war. 1. Senator Theʃe walls of ours Were not ereC*ted by their hands, from whom You have receiv’d your griefs : nor are they ʃuch, That theʃe great tow’rs, trophies, and ʃchools ʃhould fall, For private faults in them. 1. 2. Senator ʃen. March on, oh noble lord, Into our city with thy banners ʃpread ; By decimation and a tithed death, If thy revenges hunger for that food Which nature loaths, take thou the deʃtin’d tenth : And by the hazard of the ʃpotted die, Let die the ʃpotted. 1. Senator Then, dear countryman, Bring in thy ranks, but leave without thy rage; ʃpare thy Athenian cradle, and theʃe kin, Which in the bluʃter of thy wrath muʃt fall, With thoʃe that have offended ; like a ʃhepherd, Approach the fold, and cull th’ infeC*ted forth ; But kill not altogether, 2. Senator What thou wilt, Thou rather ʃhalt enforce it with thy ʃmile, Than hew to’t with thy ʃword. 1.2. Senator ʃet but thy foot Againʃt our rampir’d gates, and they ʃhall ope : ʃo thou wilt send thy gentle heart before, To ʃay thou’lt enter friendly. 2.1. Senator Throw thy glove, Or any token of thine honour elʃe, That thou wilt uʃe the wars as thy redreʃs, And not as our confuʃion: all thy powers ʃhall make their harbour in our town, till we Have seal’d thy full deʃire. Alcibiades Then there's my glove ; Deʃcend, and open your uncharged ports ; Thoʃe view page image(s) 148 TIMON OF ATHENS. Thoʃe enemies of Timon’s, and mine own, Whom you yourʃelves ʃhall ʃet out for reproof, Fall, and no more; and to atone your fears, With my more noble meaning, not a man ʃhall paʃs his quarter, or offend the ʃtream Of regular juʃtice, in your city’s bounds ; But ʃhall be remedied by publick laws, At heavieʃt anʃwer. Both ‘Tis moʃt nobly ʃpoken. Alcibiades Deʃcend, and keep your words. Enter a ʃoldier‸ ʃoldier My noble general, Timon is dead ; Entomb’d upon the very hem o’th’ ʃea ; And on the grave-ʃtone this inʃculpture, which With wax I brought away ; [Alcibiades reads the epitaph.] Here lies a wretched coarʃe, of wretched ʃoul bereft: ʃeek not my name: a plague conʃume you caitiffs left! Here lye I Timon, who all living men did hate, Paʃs by, and curʃe thy fill, but ʃtay not here thy gaite. Theʃe well expreʃs in thee thy latter ʃpirits : Tho’ thou abhorr’dʃt in us our human griefs, ʃcorn’dʃt our brains’ flow, and thoʃe our droplets, which From niggard nature fall ; yet rich conceit Taught thee to make vaʃt Neptune weep, for aye, On thy low grave -- On : faults forgiven. -- Dead Is noble Timon, of whoʃe memory Hereafter more---Bring me into your city, And I will uʃe the olive with my ʃword ; Make war breed peace ; make peace ʃtint war ; make each Preʃcribe to other. Let our drums ʃtrike.------- [Excuent. Drums beat a march. Curtain Falls. The laʃt act of this play has neither much to praiʃe, nor much to condemn; of the concluʃion, we may ʃpeak in ʃhakespeare’s own words, that it is moʃt lame and impotent. view page image(s) ^- The gates open -Senators 2c come forth, and kneeling deliver the keys of the town to Alcibiades Flourish of Trumpets Alcibiades yet all's not done Vengeance must work. Where is that loathsome crew, Whose black ingratitude commands the heart of Athen' noblest son 1st Senator They wait your doom. Guard them hither. Lucius, Lucullus, Sempronius and others of Timon's former friends brought in bound Alcibiades Now love dissembling villains Ye look'd more cheerly, when I found you guests At Timon's feast- While on his wealth ye throve, And his full coffers like his heart, stand open To your fine use. view page image(s) Sempronius These are your doings, ye vindictive gods. I see you wise against ingratitude, And push us from the earth; I have deserv'd it. Lucius What law can judge the heart? - What is my fault? Alcibiades What Fault! -- Oh heartless slaves ye did deny Lord Timon certain vile and sorry drachmas In his distreʃ; now Timon's star prevails, And justice wrings your treasures from your gripe. Lucius What all my wealth, my pictures, statues, coin Plate, jewels, gems ---- Lucullus Yet spare, Oh mighty chief, All your need craves rot. I've a mine of gold A magazine to sack or save a city. Alcibiades And it shall buy your banishment, instead Of public shameful death. -To that Lord Timon Whose will must seal your sentence, yield consent To so much mercy. Lucullus Mercy from him! - Would I were Timon's dog Rather than what I am. Egregious dotard! Lucius I have no heart to speak - all swept away My hangings, couches, vestments wrought with gold-- view page image(s) Lucius Oh what a luckless piece of work is man! Alcibiades Bring them along To the lone wood, where wretched Timon haunts, The exile of mankind. Enter Soldier 2c as before 17 See back p. 148



Timon of Athens, A Tragedy by Shakespeare William Shakespeare Thomas Middleton Mr. Hopkins Printed for John Bell in 1773 TEI edition encoded by Courtney Herber Danny Nguyen Benjamin Reed John Bell, near Exeter-Exchange, in the Strand; and C. Etherington, at York London MDCCLXXIII

Physical volume held at University of Nebraska-Lincoln's Special Collections and Archives

Printers Ornament
Printed for JOHN BELL, near Exeter-Exchange, in the Strand; and C. ETHERINGTON, at York. MDCCLXXIII [1773].

This piece can never be intereʃting on the ʃtage; notwith- ʃtanding many paʃʃages which reliʃh highly of its great author; one excellent piece of inʃtruction it undoubtedly affords, the miʃerable effects of prodigal benevolence, ʃcattered among ʃervile intereʃted followers; the pic- ture of Timon himʃelf is highly finiʃhed; and Ape- mantus is a well conceived, well drawn contraʃt; but moʃt of the other characters are inʃipid or trifling, many of the ʃcenes flimzy, and the cataʃrophe not ʃo ʃtriking, as it might be; we give the piece to peruʃal, greatly and properly reduced from the original.

We have ʃeen three alterations of this play; the laʃt, Mr. Cumberland’s, is much the beʃt, but we think Shakeʃpeare, properly pared, better than any of them; though, if the merit of this dramatic genius had reʃted upon Timon for fame, it muʃt have fallen very ʃhort of what it is; yet as the moral, ʃhowing how miʃap- plied bounty may become a deʃtructive vice, muʃt be conʃidered as a very uʃeful leʃʃon, we could with this piece to be oftner in public view; but lighter matters than inʃtruϵtion, ʃeem to be too much the prevalent taʃte.

DRAMATIS PERSONÆ Timon, Lucius, Lucullus, Apemantus, Sempronius, Alcibiades, Flavius, Flaminus, Lucilius, Servilius, Caphis, Varro, Philo, Cupid Maʃkers. Miʃtreʃʃes to Alcibiades. Phrynia Timandra, Thieves Senators Poet Painter Mercer Merchant ʃervants attendants

SCENE, Athens; and the woods not far from it.

It is ʃo long ʃince this play has been acted in its origi- nal ʃtate, that it was thought needleʃs to colleϵt per- formers names.
Timon Kean Lucius Knight Harley Lucullus Harley T. Penley Apemantus Murden Sempronius Bengough T. Penley Barand Alcibiades Wallack Flavius Holland Flaminius Barand Servilius Kent Coveney Caphis Y. Smith Varro Coveney Yhanth Philo 1st Senator Powell 2d Senator Yathe Poet Hughes Painter Minton Jeweller J. Smith Merchant Ekanth Marshall Old Athenian Caw Messenger from Ventidius Miller 1st Thief Cooke 2d Thief Soldier Servant to Lucullus Timandra Miʃ Cooke Phrynia Miʃ Ivers ^- Enter Jeweller and Merchant and other Suitors loping over. ^^ - Exuent Jeweller and Merchant.
ACT I SCENE, a ball in Timon’s houʃe Enter Poet, Painter, Jeweller, Merchant, and Mercer at ʃeveral doors.* Poet GOOD day Sir. Painter I am glad y’ are well. Poet I have not ʃeen you long; how goes the world? Painter It wears, Sir, as it goes. Poet Ay, that’s well known. But what particular rarity? what ʃo ʃtrange, Which manifold r cord not matches? ʃee, (Magick of bounty!) all theʃe ʃpirits thy power^ Hath conjur’d to attend. I know the merchant. Painter I know them both; th’ other’s a jeweller. Merchant O ‘tis a worthy lord! Jeweller I have a jewel here. Merchant O, pray, let’s ʃee’t: For the lord Timon, Sir? Jeweller If he will touch the eʃtimate: but for that--^^ H3 Poet * The opening ʃcene of this play is a good preparative for the ʃubject coming before us; and is expreʃed much in charaϵter. 82 TIMON OF ATHENS. Poet When we for recompence have prais’d the vile. It ʃtains the gory in that happy verʃe Which aptly ʃings the good. Mercer ‘Tis a good form. [Looking on the jewel. Jeweller And rich; here is a water, look ye. Painter You’re rapt, Sir, in ʃome work; ʃome de- dication To the great lord ? Poet A thing ʃlipt idly from me. Our poeʃie is as a gum, which iʃʃues From whence ‘tis nouriʃhed. The fire i th’ flint Shews not, ‘till it be ʃtruck : What have you there ? Painter A picture, Sir:--when comes your book forth ? Poet Upon the heels of my preʃentment, Sir. Let’s ʃee your piece, Painter ‘Tis a good piece. Poet So ‘tis. Poet (Handwritten) This comes off well and excellent. Painter Indiff’rent. Poet Admirable! How this grace Speaks his own ʃtanding ? what a mental power This eye ʃhoots forth ? how big imagination Moves in this lip ? to the dumbneʃs of the geʃture One might interpret. Painter It is a pretty mocking of the life: Here is a touch----is’t good ? Poet I’ll ʃay of it It tutors nature ; artificial ʃtrife Lives in thoʃe touches, livelier than life.* Enter certain ʃenators. Painter How this lord is followed ! Poet The ʃenators of Athens ! happy man ! Painter Look, more! Poet. * Making men of genius flatter one another in company, is natural enough, however they may vent cenʃure when apart-- it is too often the caʃe. 136 TIMON OF ATHENS. Timon Here’s gold. Go, ʃuck the ʃubtle blood o’th’ grape, ’Till the high fever ʃeethe your blood to froth, And ʃo ‘ʃcape hanging. Truʃt not the phyʃician, His antidotes are poiʃon, and he ʃlays More than you rob. Take wealth, and live together. Do villainy , do, ʃince you profeʃs to do’t, Like workmen ; I’ll example you with thievery. The ʃun’s a thief, and with his great attraϵtion Robs the vaʃt ʃea. The moon’s an arrant thief And her pale fire ʃhe ʃnatches from the ʃun. The ʃea’s a thief, whoʃe liquid ʃurge reʃolves The mounds into ʃalt tears. ^ Love not yourʃelves, away ; Rob one another, there’s more gold ; cut throats All that you meet are thieves: to Athens go, Break open ʃhops, for nothing can you ʃteal, But thieves do loʃ it: ʃteal not leʃs for what I give, and gold confound you howʃoever! Amen. [Exit. The fourth act rather riʃes upon us, but Timon has ʃo much to ʃay, that the actor, who does him juʃtice, muʃ have very permanent powers. End of the Fourth ACT ACT V SCENE, the woods, and Timon's cave. Enter Flavius FLAVIUS OH, you gods! Is yon deʃpis’d and ruinous man, my lord? Full of decay and failing ? oh, monument And wonder of good deeds, evilly beʃtow’d! What change of honour deʃp’rate want has made? What ^ each thing's a thief. No laws, your curb and whip, in their rough caves Have uncheck'd theft. Timon seated in the entrance of his cave. TIMON OF ATHENS. 137 What viler thing upon the earth, than friends Who can bring nobleʃt minds to baʃeʃt ends? ‡ H’as caught me in his eye, I will preʃent My honeʃt grief to him ; and, as my lord, Still ʃerve him with my life. My deareʃt maʃter! Timon comes forward from his cave. § Timon Away! What art thou? Flavius Have you forgot me, Sir? Timon Why doʃt thou aʃk that ? I have forgot all men. Then, if thou granteʃt that thou art a man, I have forgot thee. Flavius An honeʃt ʃervant---- Timon Then I know thee not: I ne’er had honeʃt men about me, all I kept were knaves, to ʃerve in meat to villains. Flavius The gods are witneʃs, Ne’er did poor ʃteward wear a truer grief, For his undone lord, than mine eyes for you. Timon For his undone lord, than mine eyes for you. I love thee, Becauʃe thou art a woman, and diʃclaim’ʃt Flinty mankind; whoʃe eyes do never give, But or through luʃt, or laughter. Pity’s ʃleeping; Strange times, that cry with laughing, not with weeping! Flavius I beg of you to know me, good my lord, T’ accept my grief, and, whilʃt this poor wealth laʃts, To entertain me as your ʃteward ʃtill. Timon Had I a ʃteward So true, ʃo juʃt, and now ʃo comfortable ? Vol. V N It ‡The following lines ʃshould be ʃpoken. How rarely does it meet with this time’s guiʃe, When man was wiʃht to love his enemies ! Grant I may ever love, and rather woo Thoʃe that would miʃchief me, than thoʃ that do! § The author has begun his fifth act, with an affeϵting inter- view between Timon and his faithful ʃteward; but we wiʃh the former did not overflow with ʃuch an exceʃs of miʃanthropic re- ʃentment, of which he has, with great ʃameneʃs and prolixity, been before too liberal. 138 TIMON OF ATHENS. It almoʃt turns my dangerous nature wild---- Let me behold thy face: ʃurely, this man Was born of woman. Forgive my gen’ral and exceptleʃs raʃhneʃs, Perpetual, ʃober gods ! I do proclaim One honeʃt man : miʃtake me not--but one: No more, I pray; and he’s a ʃteward. How fain would I have hated all mankind, And thou redeem’ʃt thyʃelf: but all, ʃave thee,* I fell with curʃes. Methinks, thou art more honeʃt now, than wife; For, by oppreʃʃing and betraying me, Thou might’ʃt have ʃooner got another’s ʃervice: For many ʃo arrive at ʃecond maʃters, Upon their firʃt lord’s neck. But tell me true, Is not thy kindneʃs, ʃubtle, covetous, An uʃuring kindeʃs, as rich men deal gifts, Expeϵting in return twenty for one ? Flavius No, my moʃt worthy maʃter, (in whoʃe breaʃt Doubt and ʃuʃpeϵt, † alas, are plac’d too late,) You ʃhould have fear’d falʃe times, when you did feaʃt; That which I ʃhew, heav’n knows, is merely love, Duty, and zeal, to your unmatched mind, Care of your food, and living, and, believe it, For any benefit that points to me, Either in hope, or preʃent, I’d exchange For this one wiʃh, that you had power and wealth To requite me by making rich yourʃelf. Timon Look thee, ‘tis ʃo; thou ʃingly honeʃt man, Here, take; the gods out of my miʃery, Have ʃent thee treaʃure. Go, live rich and happy : But thus condition’d; thou ʃhalt build for men : Hate all, curʃe all , ʃhew charity to none ; But let the famiʃh’d fleʃh ʃlide from the bone, Ere thou relieve the beggar. Give to dogs, What * This his interval of tender feeling for his faithful ʃteward, ʃoftens the frenzied rigidity of Timon, agreeably. †Suʃpect, for ʃuʃpicion. Exit Timon. 139 TIMON OF ATHENS. What thou deny’ʃt to men. Let priʃons ʃwallow ‘em, Debts wither ‘em ; be men like blaʃted woods, And may diʃeaʃes lick up their falʃe bloods ! And ʃo farewel, and thrive. Flavius O, let me ʃtay, and comfort you, my maʃter. Timon If thou hat’ʃt curʃes, Stay not, but fly, whilʃt thou art bleʃt and free; Ne’er ʃee thou man, and let me ne’er ʃee thee. [Exeunt, ʃeverally. Enter Poet and Painter. Painter As I took note of the place, it can’t be far, where he abides. Poet What’s to be thought of him ? does the ru- mour hold for true, that he’s ʃo full of gold ? Painter Certain. Alcibiades reports it : Phyrnia and Timandra had gold of him : he likewiʃe enrich’d poor ʃtragling ʃoldiers with great quantity. ʃaid, he gave his ʃteward a mighty ʃum. Poet Then this breaking of his, has been but a trial of his friends ? Painter Nothing elʃe ; you ʃhall ʃee him a palm in Athens, again, and flouriʃh with the higheʃt. Poet What have you now to preʃent unto him ? Painter Nothing at this time, but my viʃitation : only I will promiʃe him an excellent piece. Poet I muʃt ʃerve him ʃ, too; tell him of an in- tent that’s coming towards him. Painter ‡ Good as the beʃt : promiʃing is the very air o’th’ time; it opens the eyes of expectation. Per- formance is ever the duller for his act, and, but in the plainer and ʃimpler kind of people, the deed is quite out of uʃe. § N2 Re- ‡Promiʃes and performance are here diʃtinguiʃhed in a ʃenʃi- ble ʃatirical manner. §It is a great pity to omit the following paʃʃage. To promiʃe, is moʃt courtly, and faʃhionable; performance is a kind of will or teʃtament, which argues a great ʃickneʃs in his judg- ment that makes it. 140 TIMON OF ATHENS. Re-enter Timon from his cave, unʃeen. Timon Excellent workman ! though canʃt not paint a man, ʃo bad as thyʃelf. Poet I am thinking, what I ʃhall ʃay I have pro- vided for him: it muʃt be a perʃonating of himself: a ʃatyr againʃt the ʃoftneʃs of proʃperity, with a diʃ- covery of the infinite flatteries that follow youth and opulency. Timon Muʃt thou needs ʃtand for a villain, in thine own work? Wilt thou whip thine own faults, in other men? do ʃo, I have gold for thee. Poet Nay, let's ʃeek him. Timon I'll meet you at the turn---------- What a god's gold, that he is the worʃhipped In baʃer temples than where ʃwine do feed ! 'Tis thou that rigg'ʃt the bark, and plow'ʃt the wave, ʃettleʃt admired rev'rence in a ʃlave; To thee the worʃhip, and thy ʃaints, for aye, Be crown'd with plagues, that thee alone obey! 'Tis fit I meet them. Poet Hail! worthy Timon. Painter Our late noble maʃter. Timon Have I once liv'd to ʃee two honeʃt men? Poet ʃir, having often of your bounty taʃted, Hearing you were retir'd, your friends fall'n off,* He, and myʃelf, Have travell'd in the great ʃhower of your gifts, and ʃweetly felt it. Timon Ay, you're honeʃt men. * Theʃe lines almoʃt certainly deʃerve preʃervation. Whoʃe thankleʃs natures, ( oh abhorred ʃpirits ! ) Not all the whips of heav’n are large enough-------------- What! to you! Whoʃe ʃtar-like nobleneʃs gave life and influence, To their whole being ! I am rapt, and cannot Cover the monʃtrous bulk of this ingratitude With any ʃize of words. Timon Let it go naked, men may ʃee't the better: You that are honeʃt, by being what you are, Make them beʃt ʃeen and known. TIMON OF ATHENS. 141 Painter We’re hither come to offer you our ʃervice. Timon Moʃt honeʃt men ! why, how ʃhall i requite you? Can you eat roots, and drink cold water? no. Both What we can do, we'll do, to do you ʃervice. Timon Y’re honeʃt men ; you’ve heard that I have gold ; I'm ʃure you have; ʃpeak truth, y're honest men. Painter ʃo it is ʃaid, my noble lord, but therefore Came not my friend, nor I. Timon Good honeʃt man; thou draw'ʃt a counterfeit, Beʃt in all Athens ; thou'rt, indeed, the beʃt ; Thou counterfeit'ʃt, moʃt lively. Painter ʃo, ʃo, my lord. Timon E'en ʃo, ʃir, as I ʃay--And for thy fiction, Why, thy verʃe ʃwells with ʃtuff ʃo fine and ʃmooth, That thou art even natural in thine art. But for all this, my honeʃt-natur'd friends, I muʃt needs ʃay, you have a little fault; Marry, not monʃtrous in you ; neither wiʃh I, You take much pains to mend. Both Beʃeech your honour To make it known to us. Timon You'll take it ill. Both Moʃt thankfully, my lord. Timon Will, you indeed ? Both Doubt it not, worthy lord. Timon There's ne'er a one of you but truʃts a knave, That mightily deceives you Both Ay, and you hear him cogg †, ʃee him diʃʃemble, Know his groʃs patchery, love him, and feed him ; Keep in your boʃom, yet, remain aʃʃur'd, That he's a made-up villain. Painter I know non ʃuch, my lord. Poet Nor I. †Cogg, for flatter N 3 Tim. 142 TIMON OF ATHENS. Timon Look you, I love you well, I'll give you gold, Rid me theʃe villains, from your companies ; Hang them, or ʃtab them, drown them in a draught Confound them by ʃome courʃe, and come to me, I'll give you gold enough. Both Name them, my lord, let's know them. Timon You that way, and you this ;--------but two In company : Each man apart, all ʃingle and alone, Yet an arch villain keeps his company. If where thou art, two villains ʃhall not be, [To the painter. Come not near him-----If thou wouldnʃt not reʃide [To the poet. But where one villain is, then him abandon. Hence, pack, there's gold ; ye came for hold, ye ʃlaves You are an alchymiʃt, make godl of that : OUt, raʃcal dogs ! [Beating, and driving 'em out. Enter Flavius and two ʃenators Flavius It is in vain that you would ʃpeak with Timon: For he is ʃet ʃo only to himʃelf, That nothing but himʃelf, which looks like man, Is friendly with him. 1. Sen Bring us to his cave, It is our part and promiʃe to th' Athenians, To ʃpeak with Timon. 2. Sen At all times alike. Men are not ʃtill the ʃame ; 'twas time and griefs That fram'd him thus. Time, with his fairer hand, Offering the fortunes of his former days, The former man may make him ; bring us to him, And chance it as it may. Flavius Here is his cave : Peace and content be here, lord Timon! Timon! Look out, an ʃpeak to friends, th' Athenians By Enter two other ʃenators, with a Meʃʃenger. 1. Sen THOU haʃt painfully diʃcover'd ; are his file As full as thy report ? 2. Sen Meʃ. I have ʃpoke the leaʃt. Beʃides, his expedition promiʃes Preʃent approach. 1. Sen We ʃtand much hazard, if they we bring not Timon. 2. Sen Meʃ. I met a courierCaptain oncem ine ancient friend ; Who, though in general part we were oppos'd, Yet our old love made a particular force, And made us ʃpeak like friends. This mn was riding From Alcibiades to Timon's Cave, With letters of intreaty, which imported His fellowship i'th' Cauʃe againʃt your City In part for his ʃake mov'd. TIMON OF ATHENS. 143 By two of their moʃt rev'rend ʃenate, greet thee ; ʃpeak to them, noble Timon. Enter Timon out of his cave. Timon Thou fun, that comfort'ʃt, burn!------ ʃpeak and be hang'd ; For each true word a bliʃter, and each falʃe Be cauterizing to the root o'th' tongue, Conʃuming it with ʃpeaking 1. Sen Worthy Timon 2. Sen The ʃenators of Athens greet thee, Timon. Timon I thank them. And would ʃend them back The plague, Could I but catch it for them. 1. Senator Oh! forget What we are ʃorry for ourʃelves, in thee: The ʃenators, with one conʃent of love, Intreat thee back to Athens ; who have thought On ʃpecial dignities, which vacant lie, For thy beʃt uʃe and wearing. 2. Senator They confeʃs Tow'rd thee forgetfulneʃs, too general, groʃs ; Which now the public body, (which doth ʃeldom Play the recanter) feeling in itʃelf A lack of Timon's aid, hath ʃenʃe withal Of its own fall, reʃtraining aid to Timon; And ʃends forth us to make their ʃorrowed tender, Together with a recompence more fruitful, Than their offence can weigh down by the dram ; Ay, ev'n ʃuch heaps and ʃums of love and wealth, As ʃhall to thee blot out what wrongs were theirs ; And write in thee the figures of their love, Even to read them thine. ‡The return of fawning profeʃʃions to return of wealth, as well as their departure from poverty, is too well known to every body, who knows any thing of life; but the picture here drawn, of ʃuch infamous time-ʃerving, may have ʃingular good effects upon unpractiʃed youth, if properly inculcated and attended to; Timon, in this ʃcene, retorts upon his ungrateful countrymen, with a proper degree of firm manly reʃentment. Tim. 144 TIMON OF ATHENS. Timon You witch me in it, ʃurprize me to the very brink of tears ; Lend me a fool's heart, and a woman's eyes, and I'll beweep theʃe comforts, worthy ʃenators. 1. Senator Therefore ʃo pleaʃe thee to return with us, And of our Athens, thine and ours, to take THe captainʃhip : thou ʃhalt be met with thanks, Allow'd with abʃolute power, and thy good name Live with authority : ʃoon we ʃhall drive back Of Alcibiades th' approaches wild, Who, like a boar too ʃavage, doth root up His country's peace. 2. Senator And ʃhakes his threatning ʃword Againʃt the walls of Athens. 2. Senator 1. ʃenator Therefore, Timon----- Timon Well, ʃir, I will; therefore I will, ʃir; thus --------- If Alcibiades kill my countymen, Let Alcibiades know this of Timon, That Timon cares not. If he ʃack fair Athens, ANd take our goodly aged men by' beards, Giving our holy virgins to the ʃtain Of contumelious, beaʃtly, mad-brain'd war; Then let him know, --and tell him, Timon ʃpeaks it; In pity of our aged, and our youth I cannot chuʃe but tell him, that I care not. And let him tak't at worʃt ; for their knives care not, while you have throats to ansʃwer. For myself, There’s not a whittle in th’ unruly camp, But I do prize it at my love, before The reverend’ʃt throat in Athens. ʃo I leave you To the proteC*tion of the proʃp’rous gods, As thieves to keepers. Flavius ʃtay not, all's in vain. Timon Why, I was writing of my epitaph, It will be ʃeen, to-morrow. My long ʃickneʃs Of health and living now begins to mend, And nothing brings me all things. Go, live ʃtill ; Be Alcibiades your plague; you his ; And laʃt ʃo, long enough! 1. ʃen. TIMON OF ATHENS. 145 1. Senator We ʃpeak in vain. Timon But yet I love my country, and am not One that rejoices in the common wreck, As common † bruite doth put it. 1. Senator That's well ʃpoke Timon Commend me to my loving countrymen. 1. Senator Theʃe words become your lips, as they paʃs thro' them. 2. Senator ANd enter in our ears, like great triumphers, In their applauding gates. Timon Commend me to them, And tell them, that to eaʃe them of their griefs, Their fears of hoʃtile ʃtrokes, their aches, loʃʃes, ^and Their pangs of love, with other incident throes. That nature’s fragile § veʃʃel doth ʃuʃtain, In life’s uncertain voyage, I will do ʃome kindneʃs to them, teach them to prevent Wild Alcibiades’s wrath. 2. Senator I like this well, he will return again. Timon I have a tree, which grows here in my cloʃe That mine own uʃe invites me to cut down, And ʃhortly muʃt I fell it. Tell my friends, Tell Athen , in the ʃequence [asterisk symbol] of degree, From high to low throughout, that whoʃo pleaʃe To ʃtop affliction, let him take his haʃte ; Come hither, ere my tree hath felt the axe, And hang himʃelf-----I pray you, do my greeting. Flavius Vex him no further, thus you ʃtill ʃhall find him. Timon Come not to me again, but ʃay to Athens, Timon hath made his everlaʃting manʃion, Upon the beached verge of the ʃalt flood ; Which, once a-day, with his emboʃʃed froth, The turbulent ʃurge ʃhall cover: thither come, And let my grave-ʃtone be your oracle. Lips, let ʃour words go by, and language end : What is amiʃs, plague and infection mend! Bruite, report. Fragile, for brittle--this ʃpeech we deem very beautiful ; the aʃʃimilation it contains, is moʃt happily fancied.ʃequence, for gradation. Graves 146 TIMON OF ATHENS. Graves only be men’s works, and death their gain ! ʃun, hide thy beams ! Timon hath done his reign. [Exit Timon. † 1. Senator His diʃcontents are unremoveably coupled To his nature. 2. Senator Our hope in him is dead; let us return And ʃtrain what other means is left unto us, In our dear [double cross symbol] peril. 1. Senator It require ʃwift foot. [Exuent. ʃ C E N E, before the walls of athens. § Trumpets ʃound. Enter Alcibiades with his powers. Alcibiades ʃound to this coward and laʃcivious town, [ʃound a parley. The ʃenators appear upon the walls. ’Till now you have gone on, and fill’d the time With all licentious meaʃure, making your wills The ʃcope of juʃtice. ’Till now myʃelf, and ʃuch As ʃlept within the ʃhadow of your power, Have wander’d with our traverʃt arms, and breath’d Our ʃufferance vainly. Now the time is fluʃh, When crouching marrow in the bearer ʃtrong Cries, of itʃelf, no more: now breathleʃs wrong ʃhall ʃit and pant in your great chairs of eaʃe, And purʃy inʃolence ʃhall break his wind, With fear and horrid flight. 1. Senator When the firʃt griefs were but a mere conceit, Ere thou hadʃt power, or we had cauʃe to fear ; We ʃent to thee, to give thy rages balm, To wipe out our ingratitude, with loves Above their quantity. text of annotation> † This languid departure of the principal character, muʃt leave an audience unʃatisfied, and all that follows is ʃo detached from the main plot, except Timon’s epitaph, that cutting every line out would rather ʃerve, than maim, the piece; it is merely patching up a concluʃion with ingredients totally void of critical reliʃh. ‡ Dear, for dread. § There is a ʃhort ʃcene of the original, before this, properly rejected. ʃenator (x2. Would not a battering ram brought in have a good effect?) 1. Sen. TIMON OF ATHENS. 147 2. Senator ʃo did we woo Transformed Timon to our city’s love, By humble meʃʃage, and by promis’d ‘mends: We were not all unkind, nor all deʃerve The common ʃtroke of war. 1. Senator Theʃe walls of ours Were not ereC*ted by their hands, from whom You have receiv’d your griefs : nor are they ʃuch, That theʃe great tow’rs, trophies, and ʃchools ʃhould fall, For private faults in them. 1. 2. Senator ʃen. March on, oh noble lord, Into our city with thy banners ʃpread ; By decimation and a tithed death, If thy revenges hunger for that food Which nature loaths, take thou the deʃtin’d tenth : And by the hazard of the ʃpotted die, Let die the ʃpotted. 1. Senator Then, dear countryman, Bring in thy ranks, but leave without thy rage; ʃpare thy Athenian cradle, and theʃe kin, Which in the bluʃter of thy wrath muʃt fall, With thoʃe that have offended ; like a ʃhepherd, Approach the fold, and cull th’ infeC*ted forth ; But kill not altogether, 2. Senator What thou wilt, Thou rather ʃhalt enforce it with thy ʃmile, Than hew to’t with thy ʃword. 1.2. Senator ʃet but thy foot Againʃt our rampir’d gates, and they ʃhall ope : ʃo thou wilt send thy gentle heart before, To ʃay thou’lt enter friendly. 2.1. Senator Throw thy glove, Or any token of thine honour elʃe, That thou wilt uʃe the wars as thy redreʃs, And not as our confuʃion: all thy powers ʃhall make their harbour in our town, till we Have seal’d thy full deʃire. Alcibiades Then there's my glove ; Deʃcend, and open your uncharged ports ; Thoʃe 148 TIMON OF ATHENS. Thoʃe enemies of Timon’s, and mine own, Whom you yourʃelves ʃhall ʃet out for reproof, Fall, and no more; and to atone your fears, With my more noble meaning, not a man ʃhall paʃs his quarter, or offend the ʃtream Of regular juʃtice, in your city’s bounds ; But ʃhall be remedied by publick laws, At heavieʃt anʃwer. Both ‘Tis moʃt nobly ʃpoken. Alcibiades Deʃcend, and keep your words. Enter a ʃoldier‸ ʃoldier My noble general, Timon is dead ; Entomb’d upon the very hem o’th’ ʃea ; And on the grave-ʃtone this inʃculpture, which With wax I brought away ; [Alcibiades reads the epitaph.] Here lies a wretched coarʃe, of wretched ʃoul bereft: ʃeek not my name: a plague conʃume you caitiffs left! Here lye I Timon, who all living men did hate, Paʃs by, and curʃe thy fill, but ʃtay not here thy gaite. Theʃe well expreʃs in thee thy latter ʃpirits : Tho’ thou abhorr’dʃt in us our human griefs, ʃcorn’dʃt our brains’ flow, and thoʃe our droplets, which From niggard nature fall ; yet rich conceit Taught thee to make vaʃt Neptune weep, for aye, On thy low grave -- On : faults forgiven. -- Dead Is noble Timon, of whoʃe memory Hereafter more---Bring me into your city, And I will uʃe the olive with my ʃword ; Make war breed peace ; make peace ʃtint war ; make each Preʃcribe to other. Let our drums ʃtrike.------- [Excuent. Drums beat a march. Curtain Falls. The laʃt act of this play has neither much to praiʃe, nor much to condemn; of the concluʃion, we may ʃpeak in ʃhakespeare’s own words, that it is moʃt lame and impotent. ^- The gates open -Senators 2c come forth, and kneeling deliver the keys of the town to Alcibiades Flourish of Trumpets Alcibiades yet all's not done Vengeance must work. Where is that loathsome crew, Whose black ingratitude commands the heart of Athen' noblest son 1st Senator They wait your doom. Guard them hither. Lucius, Lucullus, Sempronius and others of Timon's former friends brought in bound Alcibiades Now love dissembling villains Ye look'd more cheerly, when I found you guests At Timon's feast- While on his wealth ye throve, And his full coffers like his heart, stand open To your fine use. Sempronius These are your doings, ye vindictive gods. I see you wise against ingratitude, And push us from the earth; I have deserv'd it. Lucius What law can judge the heart? - What is my fault? Alcibiades What Fault! -- Oh heartless slaves ye did deny Lord Timon certain vile and sorry drachmas In his distreʃ; now Timon's star prevails, And justice wrings your treasures from your gripe. Lucius What all my wealth, my pictures, statues, coin Plate, jewels, gems ---- Lucullus Yet spare, Oh mighty chief, All your need craves rot. I've a mine of gold A magazine to sack or save a city. Alcibiades And it shall buy your banishment, instead Of public shameful death. -To that Lord Timon Whose will must seal your sentence, yield consent To so much mercy. Lucullus Mercy from him! - Would I were Timon's dog Rather than what I am. Egregious dotard! Lucius I have no heart to speak - all swept away My hangings, couches, vestments wrought with gold-- Lucius Oh what a luckless piece of work is man! Alcibiades Bring them along To the lone wood, where wretched Timon haunts, The exile of mankind. Enter Soldier 2c as before See back p. 148