Yet another Lovelace letter

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<TEI xmlns="">
            <title>Letter from Ada Lovelace to Charles Babbage, 10 July 1843</title>
            <p>Unpublished teaching transcription</p>
            <p>Information about the source</p>
      <pb n="1"/>
              <dateline><add hand="#unk"><date>1843</date></add> <add hand="#unk">362</add> <name>Ockham</name> Monday <add hand="#unk"><date when="1843-07-10">10 July</date></add>
              <add hand="#unk"><name>Bernoulli</name></add>
          <p>My dear <name>Babbage</name>, I am
            <lb/>working <emph>very</emph> hard for
            <lb/>you; like the Devil in
            <lb/>fact; (which perhaps I <emph>am</emph>).</p>
            <p>I <emph>think</emph> you will be
            <lb/>pleased. I have made
            <lb/>what appears to me some
            <lb/>very important extensions
            <lb/>&amp; improvements. Why I
            <lb/>now write is to beg you
            <pb n="2"/>
            will send down to the
            <lb/>Square before tomorrow
            <lb/>evening, Brooks's Formulae,
            <lb/>&amp;also the <title>Report of the
            <lb/>Royal Society</title> on your 
            <lb/>machine. I suppose you 
            <lb/>can get it easily, &amp; I
            <lb/>particularly want to see
            <lb/>it, <emph>before</emph> I see <emph>you</emph> on
            <lb/><choice><abbr>Wed<hi rend="superscript">dy</hi></abbr><expan>Wednesday</expan></choice> <choice><abbr>Mon<hi rend="superscript">g</hi></abbr><expan>Morning</expan></choice>.
          <p>It appears to me
            <lb/>that I am working up the
            <lb/>Notes with much success;
            <lb/>&amp; that even if the book
            <lb/>be delayed in it's
            <lb/>publication, <foreign rend="underline">faute de mieux</foreign>, a week or
            <pb n="3"/>
            <lb/>two, in consequence, it would
            <lb/>be worth <name>Wm Taylor's</name> while
            <lb/>to wait. I <emph>will</emph> have it
            <lb/><emph rend="red">well</emph> &amp; <emph rend="underline">fully</emph> done; or not
            <lb/>at all.
            <p>I want to put in 
            <lb/>something about <name>Bernoulli's</name>
            <lb/><title>Numbers</title><anchor xml:id="anchor1" n="1"/>, in one of my
            <lb/>Notes, as an example of
            <lb/>how an implicit function
            <lb/>may be worked out by 
		            </choice>, without having
            <lb/>been worked out by <del hand="#aal">a</del>
            <lb/>human head &amp; hands
            <lb/>first. Give me the necessary
            <lb/>data &amp; formulae.
            	<salute>Yours ever</salute>
            	<signed><name>A. A. L</name></signed>
			<note target="#anchor1" type="editorial">This book was important. See <ref target="https://wikipedia.org_Bernoulli">Wikipedia</ref>.</note>
Letter from Ada Lovelace to Charles Babbage, 10 July 1843

Unpublished teaching transcription

Information about the source

1843 362 Ockham Monday 10 July Bernoulli

My dear Babbage, I am working very hard for you; like the Devil in fact; (which perhaps I am).

I think you will be pleased. I have made what appears to me some very important extensions & improvements. Why I now write is to beg you will send down to the Square before tomorrow evening, Brooks's Formulae, &also the Report of the Royal Society on your machine. I suppose you can get it easily, & I particularly want to see it, before I see you on Weddy Wednesday Mong Morning .

It appears to me that I am working up the Notes with much success; & that even if the book be delayed in it's publication, faute de mieux, a week or two, in consequence, it would be worth Wm Taylor's while to wait. I will have it well & fully done; or not at all.

I want to put in something about Bernoulli's Numbers , in one of my Notes, as an example of how an implicit function may be worked out by the engine , without having been worked out by a human head & hands first. Give me the necessary data & formulae.

Yours ever A. A. L 1 This book was important. See Wikipedia.



Letter from Ada Lovelace to Charles Babbage, 10 July 1843

Unpublished teaching transcription

Information about the source

1843 362 Ockham Monday 10 July Bernoulli

My dear Babbage, I am working very hard for you; like the Devil in fact; (which perhaps I am).

I think you will be pleased. I have made what appears to me some very important extensions & improvements. Why I now write is to beg you will send down to the Square before tomorrow evening, Brooks's Formulae, &also the Report of the Royal Society on your machine. I suppose you can get it easily, & I particularly want to see it, before I see you on Weddy Wednesday Mong Morning .

It appears to me that I am working up the Notes with much success; & that even if the book be delayed in it's publication, faute de mieux, a week or two, in consequence, it would be worth Wm Taylor's while to wait. I will have it well & fully done; or not at all.

I want to put in something about Bernoulli's Numbers , in one of my Notes, as an example of how an implicit function may be worked out by the engine , without having been worked out by a human head & hands first. Give me the necessary data & formulae.

Yours ever A. A. L This book was important. See Wikipedia.