TEI Descriptive Header

Vertical Tabs

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-model href="http://www.tei-c.org/release/xml/tei/custom/schema/relaxng/tei_all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"?>
<?xml-model href="http://www.tei-c.org/release/xml/tei/custom/schema/relaxng/tei_all.rng" type="application/xml"
<TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
            <!-- Title Statement is mandatory -->
            <title><!-- Insert title of this digital text --></title>
            <author><!-- Insert name of author(s) of this digital text --></author>
            <editor><!-- Insert editor(s) of this digital text --></editor>
               <resp><!-- Statement of responsibility for transcription, proofing, etc. --></resp>
               <persName><!-- Name of person responsible for above role --></persName>
            <sponsor><!-- Insert name of sponsoring organization or institution --></sponsor>
            <funder><!-- Insert name of party responsible for funding this digital text --></funder>
            <principal><!-- Insert name of the principal researcher responsible for the creation of this digital text --></principal>
            <!-- optional for first release, mandatory for each later release -->
            <edition><!-- Description about the edition of this digital text, if applicable -->
               <title><!-- Edition title --></title>
               <date><!-- Date of edition --></date>
               <!-- Description of responsibilities specific to the current edition, if applicable -->
               <resp><!-- Responsibilities --></resp>
               <persName><!-- Name of person responsible for above role --></persName>
            <!-- Publication Statement is mandatory -->
            <publisher><!-- Identify the publisher or use <distributor> or <authority> --></publisher>
            <pubPlace><!-- Identify place of publication for this digital text --></pubPlace>
               <!-- Identify the address of the publishing body of this digital text -->
            <idno><!-- Identify the bibliographic ID for this digital text --></idno>
               <!-- Statement about the availability and terms of use of this digital text -->
               <licence><!-- May include a license (i.e. CC-BY-NC) --></licence>
            <date><!-- Identify date when this digital text was made available --></date>
            <p><!-- If the digital text is part of series, describe it in this element --></p>
            <!-- Source Description is mandatory -->
            <!-- This should contain one of the following elements: <p> | <bibl> | <biblStruct> | <biblFull> | or <listBibl> -->
               <!-- example of biblStruct -->
                  <author><!-- Name of the author of the source text --></author>
                  <editor><!--Name of the editor of the source text -->
                  <title><!-- Title of the source text --></title>
                     <pubPlace><!-- Identify place of publication of the source text --></pubPlace>
                     <publisher><!-- Identify the publisher of the source text --></publisher>
                     <date><!-- Identify date of publication of the source text --></date>
                  <extent><!-- Indicate the size of the source text --></extent>
         <!-- This is not mandatory -->
            <p><!-- Describe editorial practice for creation of this digital text --></p>
            <p><!-- Describe aims of project --></p>
         <tagsDecl><!-- Use to document <namespace> or <rendition> elements in the digital text --></tagsDecl>
            <change><date>2015-11-19T20:41:14Z</date><name>unknown author</name></change>
         <p>This is a template for a more descriptive TEI header, which includes:</p>
         <list>- (respStmt) responsibility for the creation of the digital text</list>
         <list>- (editionStmt) description about the edition of the digital text</list>
         <list>- (seriesStmt) description about the series, if applicable</list>
         <list>- (biblStruct) element containing a structured bibliographic citation</list>
         <list>- (encodingDesc) description of how the source was encoded</list>
         <list>- (revisionDesc) description of revisions made to the digital text</list>
         <p>To view the TEI header template, switch to the XML View Stylesheet from the dropdown

2015-11-19T20:41:14Z unknown author

This is a template for a more descriptive TEI header, which includes:

- (respStmt) responsibility for the creation of the digital text - (editionStmt) description about the edition of the digital text - (seriesStmt) description about the series, if applicable - (biblStruct) element containing a structured bibliographic citation - (encodingDesc) description of how the source was encoded - (revisionDesc) description of revisions made to the digital text

To view the TEI header template, switch to the XML View Stylesheet from the dropdown above.



2015-11-19T20:41:14Z unknown author

This is a template for a more descriptive TEI header, which includes:

- (respStmt) responsibility for the creation of the digital text - (editionStmt) description about the edition of the digital text - (seriesStmt) description about the series, if applicable - (biblStruct) element containing a structured bibliographic citation - (encodingDesc) description of how the source was encoded - (revisionDesc) description of revisions made to the digital text

To view the TEI header template, switch to the XML View Stylesheet from the dropdown above.